Download dog food

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Because content isn’t an
abstract painting…
A short review by
Michelle Bashan
The Evolution
of Content
Functional Content
This dog food is healthy for your dog.
It will give them all the nutrients they need
Feed 1 cup, twice a day.
Accumulating Content
• 5 things to do with dog food
• Who should be eating dog food?
• How to serve dog food
SEO Content
My dog’s name is fluffy, he loves his dog food. I
have been buying him Goood food dog food for
6 months now. He won’t stop eating his dog
food. Every day Fluffy waits for me to give him
his dog food. Fluffy’s dog food has all the
vitamins he needs for a healthy coat….
Original Content
Fluffy’s Blog
Because life should be a walk in the park
Hello fellow canines,
How have you been? I’m happy to report that I am better than
My owner got me some GOOOOD FOOD and I have been
chasing cats and pooing in the park like pup – I highly
recommend you get yourself some…
Valuable Content
The greatest dog parks in the city
Dog training tips
Which dog suites your family
A dog or another child – the big choice
Dogs that get along with small children
Canine nutrition
The Evolution of Content
• Only what you need to know
• Content for the sake of content
SEO Content
• Corrupted content
• Writer-centric content
• Content that expands our knowledge
Content Expectations
How do we create content that is:
Provides value
Is accessible and easy to find
Is ranked high on Google
• Speaks our brand values and language
• Sells, creates leads and shows ROI
Content Marketing
Content Strategy
Content Marketing | Content Strategy
How the content you
produce supports your
marketing efforts –
The creation, publication,
and management of
useful content Create content platforms
Build relationships
Content Marketing | Content Strategy
Look Out
Think about your audiences
and what they need:
• 10 tips
• Best practices etc.
Create content that:
helps them
Look In
Think about yourself, what you
are capable of and what you
want to say:
• Your resources
• Your differentiators
Create platforms that:
will serve you
Content is not an abstract
In this very competitive world…
Where we are all inundated
with information…
No time…
Less patience….
How do we produce varied marketing
material that allows us to honestly say:
Our marketing material is
useful and effective!
Messaging Platform
A tool to help you
organize your corporate
Who are we talking to?
What do we tell them?
And where will it be seen?
Why do we need a
messaging platform?
In order to make your brand stand out over the ‘noise’,
your marketing messages must be:
So they are easy to grasp
To create consistency across
the organization / brand
To hold the readers attention
Who are we talking to
What do we tell them
and Where will it be seen
Who are we talking to?
Who are we talking to
What do we tell them
And where will it be seen
What do we tell them?
What do we tell them?
What we give
What you get
The Company
The Product
Who are we talking to
What do we tell them
And where will it be seen
Where will it be published?
Messaging Platform:
Who are we talking to
What do we tell them
Where will it be seen
Important to remember:
Not all the messages in the platform
need to appear in all of your content.
BUT, all of the messages found in your
content should be in the platform.
Tying together the
in’s and out’s
• Product: Dog food
• Desired message: We have 10 different vitamins in our dog
food = healthier choice
• Client: Dog owners
• Content format: Tips and advise blog
• Post name: Raising a healthy dog
• Post topics: Exercise, time outdoors, canine relationships,
human companionship, healthy food, plenty of vitamins….
Give value and weave in
your marketing messages
"The goal is not to be good at content
marketing, the goal is to be good at
business because of content marketing."
- Jay Baer, Best-Selling Author & Content Marketing Expert
Thank You
[email protected]