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PAP Animal Body Systems Test Review Key
1. List the levels of organization from largest to smallest. (Organ-Organism-Cell-Organ SystemTissue)
Organism-organ system-organ-tissue- cell
2. Put the following in the correct order for levels of organization from smallest to largest?
3. What body systems are involved when a person touches a hot stove? Which of the following
shows the correct order of the body system involved in the response? (Circle one)
4. Is the response above Conditioned, Learned, Reflex or Voluntary? (Circle one)
5. Looking at the reaction below, f enzyme 4 is denatured level of which substance will increase?
6. Looking at the reaction below, if enzyme 2 is denatured, the levels of which substance will
7. Observing the graph to the right. If digestion in the
stomach requires enzymes with a low pH. Which
digestive enzyme would be found in the stomach?
8. Explain the 2 different types of digestion.
a. Mechanical digestion involves physically breaking the food into smaller pieces and
moving food through the digestive tract
b. Chemical digestion involves breaking down the food into simpler nutrients that can be
used by the cells.
9. Taxoplasmosis is an infection producing brain lesions caused by the parasitic protozoan
Toxoplasma gondi. Mice with their gonads removed are more resistant to T. gondii and develop
very few lesions on their brain tissue. The graph shows the results of scientific study of normal
mice infected with T. gondii.
Circle the 2 systems that will most likely interact and cause the severity of infections to vary.
10. In plants the epidermal cells and guard cells protect the plant from injury and water loss, while
the stomata allows gas exchange. Which 2 systems are these similar to of the human body
Integumentary and Respiratory
11. If a person has a blood-calcium (Ca2+) level of 8 mg/100 mL of blood, which of the following
mechanisms does the body use to maintain blood-calcium homeostasis?
A. The kidneys take of up more Ca2+ and release
vitamin D.
B. The bones release Ca2+.
C. The intestines increase reabsorption of Ca2+.
D. All of the above
12. Why does the shape of an enzyme determine
the enzyme’s function?
Enzymes are specific to a substrate
13. What are the 2 main things that can denature an enzyme?
Temperature and pH
14. What are feedback loops used for? Maintain Homeostasis
In negative feedback systems, the response reverses a change in a controlled condition
In positive feedback systems, the response strengthens the change in a controlled condition.
State whether each of the following indicates negative or positive feedback:
N 15. An increase of carbon dioxide in the blood leads to a decrease in blood pH. The drop in
blood pH is detected by chemoreceptors in the aorta and carotid artery. These receptors send
nerve impulses to the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata in the brain, which then
stimulates increased breathing. Increased breathing helps remove carbon dioxide from the blood,
returning blood pH to normal levels.
N 16. If blood temperature rises too high, specialized neurons in the hypothalamus of
the brain sense the change. These neurons signal other nerve centers, which in turn send
signals to the blood vessels of the skin. As these blood vessels dilate, more blood flows
close to the body surface and excess heat radiates from the body.
P 17.
During childbirth, the fetus is pushed against the uterine opening, causing it to stretch.
Receptors that detect the stretching send signals to the brain. The brain sends both neural and
hormonal signals which increase both the contraction force and the contraction frequency in the
smooth muscles of the uterus. This continues until the baby is delivered through the birth canal.
N18.The walls of arteries stretch in the presence of high blood pressure. Baroreceptors
located in these walls also stretch and as a result, a signal is sent to the brain which in
turn slows down the body’s heart rate. This slows the flow of blood through the arteries
causing less pressure. As BP drops the baroreceptors become flaccid and a signal is sent
to speed up the heart rate.
19. How does enzymes speed up the chemical reactions? Enzymes decrease the amount of energy require to start
a reaction
20. When the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is too high, the excess carbon dioxide reacts with water and
produces carbonic acid. The carbonic acid causes the blood pH to become more acidic. When the blood pH
becomes too acidic, chemoreceptors in the brain instruct the body to react and maintain homeostasis in blood
pH. Which of these responses by the body would eliminate excess carbon dioxide and help maintain
homeostasis in blood pH?
Increasing the body temperature by shivering
Decreasing the heart rate
Increasing the glucose levels in the blood
Breathing more deeply and frequently
Use the diagram below to answer the following questions
21. What could cause low red-blood-cell count? Chronic Kidney disease
22. What causes and increased production of erythropoietin? Low oxygen content in blood
System Interactions
23. Directions: In the box to the right write the 2 systems that are involved
The blood carries nutrients to other parts of the body
Circulatory and digestive-
The liver removes amino groups from amino acids to
produce urea. The urea is removed from the body as
Digestive and Excretory
Nurses are exposed to many different types of
pathogenic and nonpathogenic microorganism. How
does the body protect itself from these pathogens?
Circulatory and immune
A rabbit is outrunning a coyote.
The respiratory system increases the breathing rate,
and circulatory system increases the blood pressure
to provide tissues with more oxygen.
A young bird will cover itself in its owl foul smelling
vomit for defense when it senses danger
Nervous and digestive
An ovum moves from the ovary into the uterine tube
where its migration toward the uterus is aided by
peristaltic contractions.
Reproductive and Muscular
Wastes are filtered from the blood and are excreted
from the body as urine
Excretory and Circulatory
Constant supply of oxygen to the body while
removing carbon dioxide waste products.
Respiratory and circulatory
Two body systems that are most useful in getting
nutrients from the food you eat to your brain.
Circulatory and digestive
24. Cross out the system that incorrectly describes the interaction of two biological systems for a specific purpose
in the human body.
25. Circle which of the following is considered an organ? (circle one)
a. Skeleton
b. Epithelial tissue
c. Urinary bladder
d. Squamous cell
26. What would greatly increase white blood cell production in the body? (Circle one)
a. Injury
b. Headache
c. Heat
d. Bacterial infection
27. Give the definition and give an example of how each one is involved in body system regulation (All are
Feedback loops)
A. Osmoregulation: The active regulation of the osmotic pressure of an organism's fluids to maintain
the homeostasis by feedback mechanism
B. Thermoregulation: Example of the response to this type of regulation is sweating and shivering.
C. Glucoregulation: The control of the glucose content in the body by the liver, and by insulin and
glucagon from the pancreas.
D. pH Regulation: This controls the speed of our body's biochemical reactions. It does this by
controlling the speed of enzyme activity as well as the speed that electricity moves through
our body. The scale of this is from 1 to 14.