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Environmental studies: OIL
Dead animals and plants
were buried by sand and
sand /sænd/ very small
grains of rock
mud /mʌd/ wet and sticky
The bodies were crushed
and heated by the rocks
and oil was formed.
crush /krʌʃ/ to break into
heat /hiːt/ being hot or
Drilling for oil can be very
drill /drɪl/ to make holes
The crude oil is taken by
tankers or by pipelines to
a refinery.
crude /kruːd/ in a natural
state; not yet treated
pipeline /ˈpaɪplaɪn/ a long
tube through which liquid
or gas flows
When oil is heated, the
lighter products, such as
petrol and kerosene rise.
During the heating of oil,
the heavier products, such
as tar, engine oil and
diesel oil stay at the
petrol /ˈpetrəl/ it is used
as a fuel for cars
kerosene /ˈkerəsiːn/ it is
used as a fuel for planes.
tar /tɑːr/ a black, sticky
substance used for making
A lot of products are made
from oil: synthetic fibres
(nylon), fertilizer,
medicines and household
products (detergents and
fibre /ˈfaɪbə/ thread-like
artificial material that can
be made into cloth.
fertilizer /ˈfɜːtɪlaɪzə/ a
natural or chemical
substance which helps
plants grow well.