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Criteria/Dimension for Programs:
June 2013
Effective Scientific Leadership
Scientific Quality
Publication Record
 had a significant effect for patients and the public
 illustrate intra- and inter-programmatic or other multi-institutional collaborations
Clinical Trials
 # of activated interventional clinical trials
 Participation in accrual to, and leadership, of NCTN trials
 Appropriateness of overall accrual to trials
 Impact (advancing the field or changing medical practice)
Degree of success in advancing research through the translational continuum
via translational and clinical funding mechanisms from NCI (e.g., grants for SPOREs, Phase I/II
consortia, program projects, and NCTN) and other sources.
via collaborations with additional partners, such as other institutions or industry
Program Cohesion, Focus, and Direction
Intra-Programmatic Interactions - Degree of Interactions
Collaborative Research Projects
Joint Publications
Joint Seminar Series
Joint Colloquia
Joint Meetings
Peer-Reviewed and Funded Research Projects (extent of cancer focus)
(Cancer Focus) – at least 5 from a minimum of 3 separate independent Principal Investigators
Inter-Programmatic Interactions – Degree of Interactions
Collaborative Research Projects (multi-investigator grants)
Joint Publications
Joint Seminar Series
Joint Colloquia
Joint Retreats and Working Groups
Collaborative Activities with Investigators Outside of the Center or the Institution
Relevance of cancer research to the catchment area
June 2014
What is the overall scientific quality of the Program?
What is the extent of cancer focus in the peer-reviewed research base?
How successful is the Program in fostering productive transdisciplinary and/or translational research collaboration among its members, with members of other
programs, and with other external partners?
As appropriate to the type of Program, what is the evidence that research relevant to the catchment area1 is being addressed, e.g., problems affecting racial and
ethnic minorities, rural residents, women, children, elderly, persons of low socioeconomic status), cancer sites of high incidence/mortality, environmental
exposures, behavioral factors, or other issues (in addition to research questions of broad applicability)?
What is the value added by the Center to programmatic efforts in terms of shared resources and other services?
How appropriate and effective are the Program Leaders in relation to expertise, program management, and time commitment?
For clinical and translational Programs:
o How successful is the Program in activating interventional trials that make a difference, e.g., advance the field or change medical practice?
o How successful is the Program in moving research through the translational continuum, via translational and clinical funding mechanisms of the NCI or
collaborations with industry or other partners?
o Is the Program participating in accrual to, and leadership of, National Clinical Trial Network (NCTN) trials appropriate to its scientific agenda?
o How appropriate is overall accrual to trials (taking into consideration those with unique accrual targets, e.g., rare cancers, targeted therapies)?