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Unit 4 Immunology and
Public Health
Unit 4 – Immunology and Public
1. The Immune
b)Specific cellular
2. Infectious
Diseases and
a)Transmission and
Immunisation and
Vaccination and
the evasion of
immune responses
2. Infectious Diseases & immunity
a) transmission and control of disease
By the end of this section you will be
able to …..
• Name 5 types of pathogen
• Name a disease caused by each type of
• Name 6 methods infectious diseases can
be transmitted from person to person
• Name 5 methods the transmission of
infectious diseases can be controlled
• Describe both the individual and
community responsibility of controlling
transmission of infectious diseases
Type of pathogen
Human diseases
caused by this type
of pathogen
• Pathogens are organisms that can harm
and cause infectious diseases.
• Examples of pathogens include:
– Bacteria
– Viruses
– Fungi
– Protozoa
– Multicellular Parasites
House MD parasite clip
Type of pathogen
Human diseases
caused by this type
of pathogen
Single celled organisms
without a nucleus
tuberculosis, diphtheria,
typhoid, cholera, tetanus,
dysentery and pneumonia
Non-living particles that
can only reproduce within
a living cell
Common cold, herpes,
measles, AIDS, chicken
pox, small pox
Simple organisms including Ringworm, athletes foot,
mushrooms and yeasts
that grow as single cells
or thread like filaments
Single celled organisms
with a nucleus
Malaria, giardiasis,
chagas disease, sleeping
sickness, leishmaniasis
Living organism, that can
live inside intestinal tract
or blood stream
Round worm infections,
tape worm infections
Think / pair / share
• What is meant by transmission?
• Choose one disease from each row in
your table and describe how it could
have been transmitted
• For each disease you picked, describe
possible methods of controlling the
transmission of the disease
Transmission of infectious
• The spread of microbes and infection
is also known as…
• Transmission by inhaled air
– Coughing
– Sneezing
– Breathing
• Transmission by food
– Eating undercooked food
• Transmission by water
– Drinking dirty or contaminated water
Transmission of infectious
• Transmission by vector organisms
– A bite from an infected animal
• Transmission by direct physical
– Touch
• Transmission by body fluids
– Sexual contact
– Blood transfusion
How can we control the
transmission of infectious
Inhaled Vector
Which 3 control methods would be
an individual's responsibility?
Which 3 control methods would be a
communities responsibility?
How can infectious diseases
be transmitted?
• The spread of microbes and infection is also
known as…
• Transmission can occur by:
Inhaled air
Vector organisms (carry and transmit a
pathogen into another organism)
– Direct physical contact
– Body fluids
How can we control the
transmission of infectious
• Quarantine
• Antisepsis
– The use of antiseptics to eliminate pathogens
• Individual responsibility
– good hygiene
– care in sexual health
– appropriate storage/handling of food
• Community responsibility
– quality water supply
– safe food webs
– appropriate waste disposal systems
• The control of vectors
Homework task – FACT FILE
• Pick a pathogen
• Pick a human disease caused by this
• Research how this disease is transmitted
• Research the best method(s) of controlling
the transmission of this disease
• Other useful info:
– Symptoms of disease
– treatments / cures
– life cycle of pathogen
NB – you cannot do the same disease as someone else in the class!
BBC Infested Living With
• NOT for the faint hearted!
Can you now ….
• Name 5 types of pathogen
• Name a disease caused by
each type of pathogen
• Name 6 methods infectious
diseases can be transmitted
from person to person
• Name 5 methods the
transmission of infectious
diseases can be controlled
• Describe both the
individual and community
responsibility of controlling
transmission of infectious
Quick Questions
1. What is a vector?
2. Give an example of a vector
3. Name a method an individual can
employ in order to control the
transmission of an infectious disease
2. Infectious Diseases & immunity
a) transmission and control of disease
By the end of this section you will be
able to …..
• describe the role of epidemiologists
• state what is meant by sporadic,
endemic, epidemic and pandemic
• describe possible control measures that
can be used to prevent transmission of
infectious diseases
What is Epidemiology?
• Epidemiology is the study of patterns of
health, illness and associated factors at
the population level.
• Epidemiologists study the outbreak and
pattern of infectious diseases to
determine the factors that affect the
spread of infectious disease.
BBC News report
• Watch the link to view the look-back on
the most recent health scare -Swine Flu
Newspaper headlines
Experts may be poised to declare
swine flu epidemic.
Search for vaccine speeds up as
swine flu is declared pandemic.
World Health Organization may
declare an end to endemic as
swine flu fizzles.
• Epidemic?
• Endemic?
• Pandemic?
• Sporadic?
The spread of infectious
disease are classified as…
• Epidemic
• Occasional occurrence
• Endemic
• Regular cases occurring
in area
• Pandemic
• Sporadic
• Unusually high number
of cases in area
• A global epidemic
Match them up!
Control measures
• Based on the results of their studies,
epidemiologists can suggest a number of
possible methods of control to prevent
further spread of infectious disease.
• Their recommendations may include:
– Preventing transmission
– Drug therapy
– Immunisation
– Or a combination of the above.
Tasks – 10 minutes
• Complete the PS activity about Swine
Flu in Scotland
Can you now ….
• describe the role of
• state what is meant
by sporadic, endemic,
epidemic and
• describe possible
control measures that
can be used to
prevent transmission
of infectious diseases
Quick Questions
1. For each statement below, classify them using the
correct term:
a) An average of 34 deaths in the space of 5 years sporadic
b) Continued diagnosis of infectious people in a city endemic
c) Unexpected number of people diagnosed with an
infectious disease in a local town epidemic
d) Continued diagnosis of infectious people in a country
2. Give the definition of the missing term that has not been
Pandemic-worldwide epidemic
You have now completed
Key Area 3 of Unit 4!