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A. Number:
The form of a word that indicates whether the word is _________________ or _______________.
1) _______________________: A word that refers to one person or thing.
2) _______________________: A word that refers to more than one person or thing.
B. Agreement of Subject and Verb
1) A verb should agree with its subject in ______________________.
Singular ___________________ take singular ______________________.
My brother lifts weights.
The shop is always filled.
Plural ___________________ take plural ______________________.
My brothers lift weights.
She owns and operates a pizza shop.
The shops are always filled.
They own and operate a pizza shop.
A verb phrase must also agree in number with its subjects. The number of the verb phrase is
determined by the form of its helping verb.
This song was performed by the band.
These songs were performed by the band
C. Intervening Phrases and Clauses
1) Phrases and Clauses: The number of the subject is not changed by a ______________________ or
____________________ following the subject (these include transitional expressions).
The book of short stories is by Edgar Allan Poe
The characters in the story represent abstract symbols.
Poe, who wrote many books and poems, was an influence on Stephen King.
The teacher, as well as her students, was fascinated with the exhibit.
English 10
D. Indefinite Pronouns
1) The following indefinite pronouns are ______________________.
Neither of the boxes contains books.
no one
Everyone at the school is wearing garnet.
One of the most beautiful places in the U.S. is the Rocky Mountains.
2) The following indefinite pronouns are ______________________.
Both of the stories were written by the student.
Few of the students have attended the camp.
Many of the words are derived from Latin.
Several of the juniors have received awards.
3) The following indefinite pronouns may be ____________________ or ____________________. They
are singular when they refer to singular words and plural when they refer to plural words.
Some of the artwork is beautiful.
None of the chairs were damaged.
Some of her paintings are beautiful.
Most of the food was eaten.
None of the furniture was damaged.
Most of the sandwiches were eaten.
E. Compound Subjects: Two or more ___________________ that have the same ___________________.
1) Subjects joined by _______________ usually take a plural verb.
Basil and Thyme are plants of the mint family.
The man and woman are getting married.
2) A compound subject that names a _______________ person or thing takes a __________________
The secretary and treasurer is Amy.
English 10
Spaghetti and meatballs is a great dinner.
3) Singular subjects joined by ___________ or __________ take a ____________________verb.
Neither Paul nor Mary wants to see the movie.
Has your mother or your father met your teacher?
4) When a singular subject and a plural subject are joined by __________ or _________, the verb agrees
with the subject nearer the verb.
Neither the players nor the coach was satisfied.
Neither the coach nor the players were satisfied.
F. Issues in Subject-Verb Agreement
1) The verb agrees with its subject, even when the verb ______________________ the subject.
Here is a slice of pizza.
Here are four slices of pizza.
Where is Kim?
Where are Kim and her
2) Collective ___________________ may be either singular or plural.
A collective noun takes a ____________________ verb when the noun refers to the group as a
The team practices everyday.
The tour group is on the bus.
A collective noun takes a _____________ verb when the noun refers to the parts or members of
the group.
The team practice their individual assignments.
The tour group are talking about what they want
to see.
English 10
3) An expression of an ___________________ may be singular or plural.
Singular when the amount is thought of as a ___________________.
Five thousand bricks is a heavy load.
Two days is the total amount of time we spent at
the resort.
Plural when the amount is thought of as many __________________.
Five thousand bricks are what we need.
Two days of the month are school holidays.
A fraction or percentage is _____________________ when it refers to a singular word and
______________________ when it refers to a plural word.
One fourth of the student body is employed.
One fourth of the students are employed
G. Additional Rules for Subject-Verb Agreement
1) Titles of creative works, countries and organizations take ________________________ verbs.
The United States calls its flag “Old Glory”.
The Denver Broncos is a football team.
2) The following nouns always take ______________________ verbs .
Measles is a contagious disease.
The news was disappointing.
3) The following nouns always take ___________________ verbs .
The scissors are in the drawer.
The trousers were in the closet.
4) A verb agrees with its ____________________ not its predicate nominative.
Sore muscles are one symptom of the flu.
English 10
One symptom of the flu is sore muscles.
5) Subjects preceded by ________________ or ________________ take singular verbs.
Every sophomore and junior is participating.
Many a person supports our cause.
6) _________________, not __________________ is used with singular subjects except I and you.
She doesn’t know the answer.
It doesn’t matter any more.
I don’t him very well.
H. Agreement of Pronoun and Antecedent
1) A pronoun agrees with its ________________________ in number and gender.
Tom Cruise made his first movie in 1980.
Ken has more books than he needs.
The joggers took their water bottles with them.
Jen lost her English book.
A snake swallows its prey.
2) Singular pronouns are used to refer to the following _______________________.
no one
One of the girls left her book on the bus.
If the antecedent gender cannot be determined, use both the masculine and feminine pronouns.
Anyone attending needs to bring his or her money.
Any qualified person may submit _____ application.
To determine antecedent gender, review the entire sentence.
Each of the boys has memorized his play book.
Any qualified person may submit his or her application.
All qualified persons may submit _________
A _____________ pronoun is used to refer to two or more singular antecedents joined by
Both Kerri and Ken wrote their essays about symbols.
English 10
Joe, Sue, and Bob called their parents.
A ______________ pronoun is used to refer to two or more singular antecedents joined by
____ or _____.
Neither John nor Ken wrote his essay.
Either Steph or Diana always finishes her homework in enhancement.
Either Josh or Gina will give her report.
English 10
Identify each of the words listed below as either plural or singular.
6. mouse
7. genius
8. civics
9. ability
10. says
16. some
17. donates
18. donation
19. mathematics
20. many
Selecting Verbs That Agree with Their Subjects
Choose the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject given.
people (walks, walk)
you (is, are)
cattle (runs, run)
we (talks, talk)
Joan (was, were)
6. house (stands, stand)
7. result (is, are)
8. they (believes, believe)
9. crews (sails, sail)
10. women (seems, seem)
Selecting Verbs That Agree with Their Subjects
Identify the subject of each of the following sentences. Then, choose the verb in parentheses that
agrees in number with the subject.
1. A heaping basket of turnip greens (was, were) sitting on the counter.
2. Displaying disregard for the rights and comforts of others (is, are) rude.
3. The community college course on collecting stamps (attracts, attract) many people.
4. The members of the Pak family (meets, meet) for a reunion every year.
5. The carpeting in the upstairs and downstairs rooms (is, are) getting worn.
6. The turquoise stones in this Navajo ring certainly (is, are) pretty.
7. One friend of my brothers (says, say) that I look like Beyonce.
8. The package of radio parts (was, were) smashed in the mail.
9. The cost of two new snow tires (was, were) more than I expected.
10. Kyle, not Lexi or Alaina, (has, have) borrowed the bicycle pump.
English 10
Selecting Verbs That Agree with Indefinite Pronouns
Choose the verb in parentheses that agrees in number with the indefinite pronoun.
1. One of those cups (is, are) broken.
2. Either of the bikes (is, are) ready to go.
3. A few of the girls (is, are) experienced riders.
4. Each of the mariachi bands (has, have) performed one number.
5. Some of the mice (was, were) eating the cheese.
6. Most of the milk (is, are) gone.
7. Neither of the cars (has, have) a radio.
8. None of the apple (was, were) ripe.
Writing Sentences with Verbs That Agree with Their Subjects.
Rewrite each of the following sentences according to the directions in parentheses. If necessary,
change the number of the verb to agree with the new subject.
1. Everyone easily understands the rules of this game. (change everyone to most people)
2. Neither of the actresses was nominated. (change neither to both)
3. Has each of your cousins had a turn? (change each to both)
4. Some of the trees were destroyed. (change trees to crop)
5. Have any of the apples been harvested? (change apples to wheat)
6. Nobody visits that haunted house. (change nobody to many of our neighbors)
7. Each is well trained. (change each to several)
8. One of the tires needs air. (change one to all)
9. All of the fruit was eaten. (change fruit to pears)
10. There is baked chicken for everybody. (change chicken to potatoes)
English 10
Identifying Subject-Verb Agreement in Sentences
The subjects and verbs in some of the following sentences do not agree. If a sentence is incorrect,
write the correct form of the verb. If the sentence is correct, write C.
1. Several of the crew was commended by the captain.
2. Neither of the coaches were happy with the decision.
3. Each of us are going to make a large poster for the upcoming election.
4. Some fo the frozen yogurt has started to melt.
5. Does both of those games require special gear?
6. Either of the assistants usually gets the mail.
7. None of the buildings were damaged by the hail.
8. None of the food has been frozen.
9. Neither of the book reports were finished on time.
10. Anyone who wants can help me make gefilte fish for the Passover feast.
Selecting Verbs That Agree with Their Subjects
For each of the following sentences, choose the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject.
1. (Has, Have) any of you ever wondered how meals are served to space-shuttle astronauts?
2. Each item for the day’s menu (come, comes) sealed in its own container.
3. To help reduce weight on the spacecraft, many of the foods (is, are) dehydrated.
4. At mealtime, someone in the crew (add, adds) water to the scrambled eggs, vegetables, and puddings.
5. All of the water mixed with these foods (is, are) a byproduct of the fuel cells that provide the
spacecraft’s electricity.
6. Of course, not one of the beverages (is, are) pourable because there is no gravity.
7. Uncovered liquid (bounce, bounces) into the air like a ball if its container is accidentally jolted.
8. Much of the food (is, are) covered in sauce so that surface tension will help to keep the food in dishes.
9. Amazingly, most of the foods (taste, tastes) delicious.
10. The menu for the astronauts even (includes, include) steaks and strawberries.
English 10
Selecting Verbs That Agree with Their Subjects
For each of the following sentences, choose the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject of
the sentence.
1. Neither my brother nor I (has, have) a car.
2. Marlon and she (is, are) the dance champions.
3. Our relatives and theirs (is, are) having a barbecue together.
4. Both Michael Chang and Zina Garrison-Jackson (plays, play) a good game of tennis.
5. Either the director or the actors (is, are) going to have to compromise.
6. Neither the grapes nor the cantaloupe (was, were) ripe enough to eat.
7. Both Hakeem Olajuwon and Michael Jordan (is, are) popular with fans.
8. Our class or theirs (is, are) going to sponsor the dance.
9. Either the faucet or the shower head (leaks, leak).
10. Either a transistor or a capacitor (has, have) burned out in this receiver.
Writing Sentences with Verbs That Agree with Their Subjects
Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions in parentheses, changing the number
of the verb if necessary.
1. Both of the records are in the Top Forty. (change both to neither)
2. The Boys Choir of Harlem has been rehearsing with the conductor. (change with the conductor to in small
3. Either my cousins or Adrienne is bringing the pizza. (reverse the order of the subjects)
4. Neither Carrie nor Jana is in the Pep Club. (change neither…nor to both…and)
5. Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Octavio Paz have won prizes in literature. (change and to or)
6. All of your papers were graded. (change all to each)
7. Some of the wood burns. (change wood to logs)
8. The delighted team was waving and grinning widely. (change waving and grinning widely to assembling to
accept their medals)
9. Everybody in the chorus is trying out for the play. (change everybody to no one)
10. Macaroni and cheese always tastes good. (change and to or)
English 10
Identifying Sentences with Subject-Verb Agreement
For each of the following sentences, if the verb agrees with the subject, write C. If the subject and
the verb do not agree, write the correct form of the verb. Be ready to explain your answer.
1. Soap and water is the best cleanser for my face.
2. There’s the boats I told you about.
3. Both my father and sister wants to see the Dodgers game on Saturday.
4. Either the twins or Jamie are playing a practical joke.
5. How was the swimming and sailing at the beach?
6. Each of these old photos show your Uncle Ahmad wearing a colorful, flowing dashiki.
7. Neither the windows nor the door is locked.
8. Contemporary rock-and-roll are rooted in the ancient rhythms of African music.
9. There’s always a number of football games on television on New Year’s Day.
10. Where’s my socks?
Using Don’t and Doesn’t Correctly in Sentences
Choose the correct form (don’t or doesn’t) for each of the following sentences.
1. The calf __________ look very strong.
2. It ___________ matter if the weather is bad.
3. She ____________ play racquetball.
4. ____________ these piñatas look colorful?
5. I _____________ mind helping out.
6. You ____________ have to watch the program.
7. Kelsey ____________ enjoy cleaning the house.
8. A few of the contests _____________ award cash prizes.
9. _____________ it arrive soon?
10. ____________ he tinker with cars?
English 10
Selecting Verbs That Agree with Their Subjects
Choose the correct form of the verb given in parentheses in each of the following sentences.
1. Sue, along with her family, (have, has) invited me to the Vietnamese National Day celebration in the
2. They (wasn’t, weren’t) interested in learning how to play the accordion.
3. Carlos, not Alex or Jack, (was, were) answering all the letters.
4. Many of them (has, have) already read the novel.
5. The Birds (was, were) one of Alfred Hitchcock’s great movies.
6. (Doesn’t, Don’t) Anthony intend to join the air force when he graduates?
7. Caroline, like most of her classmates, (wishes, wish) vacation could last forever.
8. There (is, are) some good programs on educational television.
9. Neither of those books by Naguib Mahfouz (is, are) on our reading list.
10. It (doesn’t, don’t) look good for our baseball team this season.
Selecting Verbs That Agree with Their Subjects
Choose the correct form of the verb given in parentheses in each of the following sentences.
1. (Doesn’t, Don’t) these quilled moccasins look as if they are beaded?
2. Quillwork, one of the traditional Plains Indians handicrafts, (is, are) an ancient and sophisticated art
3. The number of quills that grow on one porcupine (is, are) higher than you might think – about thirty
4. Five inches (is, are) the maximum length of these tubular spines.
5. Before being used in quillwork, every porcupine quill (is, are) dyed a bright color, softened in water,
and flattened in an unusual way.
6. The quillworker, usually a woman, (squeezes, squeeze) each quill flat by pulling it between her teeth.
7. Among the Sioux, worn teeth were considered a badge of great honor because items decorated with
colorful quillwork (was, were) so important in tribal life.
8. Working the quills into complex geometric patterns (require, requires) great skill and coordination.
English 10
9. In quill weaving, each of the ribbonlike quills (is, are) passed tightly over and under threads of fiber or
10. The finished quillwork (is, are) sewn onto clothing, saddlebags, or cradleboards as a decoration.
Making Verbs Agree with Their Subjects
If the verb and subject in a sentence agree, write C. If the verb and subject do not agree, supply the
correct form of the verb.
1. There are one strain of measles that lasts only three days.
2. Few objections, besides the one about chartering the bus, was raised.
3. Six Characters in Search of an Author is a modern play that raises many interesting questions about art
and reality.
4. Some of this land is far too hilly to farm.
5. In Maine, there’s many miles of rocky coastline.
6. Four minutes were his record time in that race.
7. Performing in front of a thousand people don’t seem to bother the cellist Yo-Yo Ma.
8. Two thirds of a cup of milk is needed for this recipe.
9. Every three years my family visit Sierra Leone, the land our ancestors came from.
10. Every student, teacher, and administrator are contributing to the fundraising drive.
Selecting Pronouns That Agree with Their Antecedents
For each blank in the following sentences, select a pronoun that will agree with its antecedent.
1. Each of the players had ____________ own odd superstition.
2. Someone on the boy’s swimming team has parked _____________ car in my space.
3. Neither of the sweaters had ____________ price tag removed.
4. Did everybody at the press conference change ___________ mind as soon as Mayor Bradley stated the
5. Many of the crew got ___________ first case of seasickness in the storm.
6. One of the houses had ___________ windows broken by the hail last night.
English 10
7. All of the art students buy ____________ own paper.
8. Anyone who needs a pencil should raise ______________ hand.
9. Either Sam or Mike will lend me _____________ fishing gear.
10. Each of the characters in Chinese calligraphy has ____________ beauty, mystery, and grace.
Making Pronouns Agree with Their Antecedents
If the pronoun and antecedent in a sentence agree, write C. If not agree, supply the correct
1. All of these students at the Royal School of Dance in College Park, Florida, are learning traditional
dances that come from her African heritage.
2. Some of the African and Caribbean dances have its roots in African folk tales.
3. At performances, the audience are often seen clapping its hands and swaying along with the music.
4. Before the last dance recital, I noticed either Carla or Shana practicing their steps.
5. Carla is one of those students who always know their steps ahead of time.
6. Angela and Courtney waved her arms gracefully during the first dance.
7. Every authentic costume adds their color and movement to the dramatic spectacle.
8. Everyone in the class brings their own personal style to the dances.
9. Many of the dancers and singers give a great deal of credit to the traditional sources or their art form.
10. Both their hip-hop dancing and their clothing style have its origins in ancient African culture.
Making Pronouns Agree with Their Antecedents
If the pronoun and antecedent in a sentence agree, write C. If not agree, supply the correct
1. One of the students left their pen behind.
2. Everybody in the club has paid his or her dues.
3. Neither of the girls brought their own lunch.
4. One of the men lost its key.
English 10
5. Each of the teams had their mascot at the game.
6. Neither Heidi nor Beth took her umbrella with her.
7. The guide and the ranger wrapped their rain ponchos in their saddle rolls.
8. Jessica is one person who has faith in herself.
9. All who want to volunteer should raise their hands.
10. If anybody likes a spectacle, he or she will love seeing a drum corps competition.
English 10