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Karl Ernst von Baer and the craniological collection of the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences Ken Kalling and Erki Tammiksaar University of Tartu The Estonian University of Life Sciences Origins of craniology as a science • In 1775 Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752–1840) divided mankind into 5 varieties (races) • He believed humans to have a common ancestry • The latter idea was increasingly challenged in the 19th century • Further studies were needed (i.e. in craniology) Challenges for physical anthropology • Linguistics (the Indo-European theory) was raising questions on the coincidence of language borders with „racial“ ones • What has caused different human types • Quantitative methods in the field of physical anthropology (can ethnic, mental etc traits be measured?) Cephalic / cranial index by Anders Retzius (1796-1860) • K. E. v. Baer, prof. at the Univ. of Königsberg (181734), was a follower of Blumenbach, incl. in the matters of physical anthropology Blumenbach to von Baer August 29, 1827 Karl Ernst von Baer, 1792–1876, in 1834 • For Baer there existed: – Anthropography – comparative anatomy, physiology, pathology, race studies) – Anthroponomy – relations of humans with nature – Antropohistorie – human’s relations to other humans (history, archaeology, state- and legal studies) • Baer explained human dimorphism caused by geographic conditions (he was a monogenist) • 1834 Baer became an academician in St. Petersburg, Russia • Baer headed the ethnographic section of the Academy, also its anatomical cabinet • Baer instructed voyagers to collect skulls • Until 1857 Baer’s involvment in physical anthropolgy was modest Alexander Theodor von Middendorff, 1815–1894 By the middle of the century Baer had aknowledged numerous topics facing the science of physical anthropolgy • Language borders do not coincide with „racial“ ones • What are the main actors causing the emergence of different human types (is it environment, nutrition or culture?) • As most of human types seem to be mixtures – could there be found originaal types? • EXTINCTION OF NATIONS! Leiden Göttingen Basel In 1858-59 Baer visited anthropological collections in Europe (and declared them all insufficient for a good scholarship) Baer’s network, enableing him to achieve his goals in improving the skull collection, relied to a great deal on the Russian Baltic-German community A friend from student years, J. F. v. Roth, commanding Russian troops in Caucasus, sent skulls of fallen enemies Johann Friedrich von Roth (1793–1880) commanded in 1840–1860 Russian troops in Caucasian wars Baer’s collaborators in Siberia Julius Stubendorff (1811–1878), Civilian governor of Yakutsk Gustav Hasford, 1794–1874 Governor of West Siberia In 1858 Baer stole rhaetoromanic skulls from the bone-cellar of the church of Chur in Switzerland. He had to escape the town as the priest wanted to sue him for church robbery. St. Martin church in Chur (1889) • Some views of Baer concerning physical anthropology Baer’s skizzes of different skull types – Linguistic borders do not coincide with morphologic ones (arranged his collection on geographic principle) – Humans have changed during evolution, most populations are mixed – Mixed types are more talented than „pure“ ones (an idea clearly contradicting the then racist mainstream) – One shoudn’t use the belittleing term „race“ – Was a monogenist • In 1861 a gathering of German anthropologists in Göttingen – An unified system for skull-measuring was agreed – 1866 – the first periodical in the field – 1870 – German Antropological Society founded Conclusion • Karl Ernst von Baer did a lot for improving the collection of physical anthropology (collection of skulls) of the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences and making it one of the most important ones of this kind in the world • Physical anthropology, systematically developed by K. E. V. Baer, gained a lot of popularity in the second half of the 19th century • In comparison with his contemporaries Baer’s approaches within physical anthropology can be understood as relatively progressive (as seen from modern viewpoint) • In the first half of the 20th century racial theories already had a strong influence on political ideologies Source: http://megabook.ru/media/ In 1862 a Russian encyclopaedia for the first time introduced a keyword „anthropology“. Craniological collection headed by Baer was located at Kunstkamera The topic was explained by Baer himself