Primitivism, Transgression, and other Myths: The Philosophical Anthropology of Georges Bataille
... “primitive” and modern. At the beginning of his philosophical career, Bataille shifts from an interest in the cultural impurities of sacrificial or primitive behaviors to a more abstract philosophy of " the sacred" or " the primitive" as an element of all social life. As such Bataille has become an ...
... “primitive” and modern. At the beginning of his philosophical career, Bataille shifts from an interest in the cultural impurities of sacrificial or primitive behaviors to a more abstract philosophy of " the sacred" or " the primitive" as an element of all social life. As such Bataille has become an ...
... can become Amish, conversions by "seekers" rarely occur and the Amish are likely to react to inquiries from non-Amish persons with skepticism. A fairly typical Amish response to someone who wished to join the faith was, "Forget it, for most who try get more trouble than it's worth" (Hostetler 1993:3 ...
... can become Amish, conversions by "seekers" rarely occur and the Amish are likely to react to inquiries from non-Amish persons with skepticism. A fairly typical Amish response to someone who wished to join the faith was, "Forget it, for most who try get more trouble than it's worth" (Hostetler 1993:3 ...
Arapesh Warfare: Reo Fortune`s Veiled Critique of
... The fact that we can read in Sex and Temperament an analysis of Mead’s personal concerns is no accident. Both the organizing paradigm and the specific cultural characterizations presented in the book were motivated by a private theory of temperamental types that Mead began working out in discussions ...
... The fact that we can read in Sex and Temperament an analysis of Mead’s personal concerns is no accident. Both the organizing paradigm and the specific cultural characterizations presented in the book were motivated by a private theory of temperamental types that Mead began working out in discussions ...
Marked Catalog Copy - East Carolina University
... requirement. RP: BIOL course. Evolutionary theory, human evolution, and formation of human variability, adaptation and genetics, and our relationship with other primates. 2016. Biological Anthropology Laboratory (1) (FC:SC) Same as BIOL 2016 May not count toward foundations curriculum science requir ...
... requirement. RP: BIOL course. Evolutionary theory, human evolution, and formation of human variability, adaptation and genetics, and our relationship with other primates. 2016. Biological Anthropology Laboratory (1) (FC:SC) Same as BIOL 2016 May not count toward foundations curriculum science requir ...
... 3018. Cultures of South and Central America (3) (EY) (FC:SO) P: ANTH 1000 or 2010 or 2200 or consent of instructor. Indigenous populations of lower Central and South America. Social organization, ecology, adaptation, and cultural emphasis on particular groups and contemporary trends and issues. 302 ...
... 3018. Cultures of South and Central America (3) (EY) (FC:SO) P: ANTH 1000 or 2010 or 2200 or consent of instructor. Indigenous populations of lower Central and South America. Social organization, ecology, adaptation, and cultural emphasis on particular groups and contemporary trends and issues. 302 ...
Sylvanus Griswold Morley
... where he visited a number of major Mayan sites, including Chichén Itzá, and then proceeded to Oaxaca, where he visited the ruins at Mitla and Monte Albán. Present-day visitors to many of these sites travel along modern and well-marked highways, and it is sometimes difficult to appreciate the nature ...
... where he visited a number of major Mayan sites, including Chichén Itzá, and then proceeded to Oaxaca, where he visited the ruins at Mitla and Monte Albán. Present-day visitors to many of these sites travel along modern and well-marked highways, and it is sometimes difficult to appreciate the nature ...
PDF of this page - University of Illinois at Urbana
... offering engagingly written narratives of actual lives lived. The texts may be a combination of memoirs written by Africans (about their childhood experiences growing up in various regions of Africa) and by non-African scholars and other authors (including but not limited to anthropologists) who hav ...
... offering engagingly written narratives of actual lives lived. The texts may be a combination of memoirs written by Africans (about their childhood experiences growing up in various regions of Africa) and by non-African scholars and other authors (including but not limited to anthropologists) who hav ...
Marked Catalog Copy - East Carolina University
... 3116. Latin American Archaeology (3) (OY) P: ANTH 1000 or 2000; or consent of instructor. Archaeology of Latin America from initial human colonization (Late Pleistocene) until European contact, including impact of food production, and development of social complexity. 3117. Prehistory of the Middle ...
... 3116. Latin American Archaeology (3) (OY) P: ANTH 1000 or 2000; or consent of instructor. Archaeology of Latin America from initial human colonization (Late Pleistocene) until European contact, including impact of food production, and development of social complexity. 3117. Prehistory of the Middle ...
Eric Wolf: The Crosser of Boundaries. - Irene Portis
... to the world of politics and economics; they are not its product or ‘superstructure’”(4). Religion is also a symbolic communication that effects politics and economics and may also generate vectors (4). While Wolf has much to say about the destabilizing power of capitalism, he rejects the concept of ...
... to the world of politics and economics; they are not its product or ‘superstructure’”(4). Religion is also a symbolic communication that effects politics and economics and may also generate vectors (4). While Wolf has much to say about the destabilizing power of capitalism, he rejects the concept of ...
Paul Shankman. The Trashing of Margaret Mead: Anatomy of an
... Following the review of his book in the New York Times, Freeman appeared on an episode of the Donahue show on March 18, 1983, during which Freeman discussed his views on the nature-nurture debate and during which fellow anthropologist of Western Samoan culture, Bradd Shore, critiqued Freeman’s book, ...
... Following the review of his book in the New York Times, Freeman appeared on an episode of the Donahue show on March 18, 1983, during which Freeman discussed his views on the nature-nurture debate and during which fellow anthropologist of Western Samoan culture, Bradd Shore, critiqued Freeman’s book, ...
Rethinking hybridity and mestizaje
... “Hybridization as creolization involves fusion, the creation of a new form, which can then be set against the old form, of which it is partly made up. Hybridization as ‘raceless chaos’1 by contrast, produces no stable new form but rather something closer to Bhabha’s restless, uneasy, interstitial hy ...
... “Hybridization as creolization involves fusion, the creation of a new form, which can then be set against the old form, of which it is partly made up. Hybridization as ‘raceless chaos’1 by contrast, produces no stable new form but rather something closer to Bhabha’s restless, uneasy, interstitial hy ...
Critical Approaches to Fieldwork : Contemporary and
... mythology about the nature of fieldwork. Fieldwork, as part of a professional practice performed by the scientists themselves, emerged in the later nineteenth century primarily among naturalists and geologists but also among archaeologists and, slightly later, ...
... mythology about the nature of fieldwork. Fieldwork, as part of a professional practice performed by the scientists themselves, emerged in the later nineteenth century primarily among naturalists and geologists but also among archaeologists and, slightly later, ...
Cultural Relativism
... My first aim is to produce an adequate formulation of cultural relativism. This is not so easy. Relativists state their view in various ways, and those statements are neither precise nor equivalent.6 Also, there are two ways in which a judgment might be relative to a culture. First, its truth (or fa ...
... My first aim is to produce an adequate formulation of cultural relativism. This is not so easy. Relativists state their view in various ways, and those statements are neither precise nor equivalent.6 Also, there are two ways in which a judgment might be relative to a culture. First, its truth (or fa ...
Claude Lévi-Strauss, Chiasmus and the Ethnographic Journey
... The Fox perform ‘adoption’ rituals whose aim is to ensure the departure of a dead person from the land of the living and his ‘adoption’ into the world of the dead. Such rituals often incorporate contests which oppose two camps, one which represents the living, the other the dead. However, unlike the ...
... The Fox perform ‘adoption’ rituals whose aim is to ensure the departure of a dead person from the land of the living and his ‘adoption’ into the world of the dead. Such rituals often incorporate contests which oppose two camps, one which represents the living, the other the dead. However, unlike the ...
William Curtis Farabee: Ethnographic explorer and museum
... The institutional context of the “museum period” helped to shape both anthropology and its concept of culture. I am using the phrase “cultural ontology” to refer to the ways that anthropology understood the nature and being of culture during this period. The cultural ontology of the “museum period” ...
... The institutional context of the “museum period” helped to shape both anthropology and its concept of culture. I am using the phrase “cultural ontology” to refer to the ways that anthropology understood the nature and being of culture during this period. The cultural ontology of the “museum period” ...
PDF of this page
... ANTH 059. D2:SU: Culture and Environment. 3 Credits. Integrated Social Science Program seminar exploring the importance of anthropological and cultural perspectives for critical understanding of global environmental issues. ANTH 085. D2:Food and Culture. 3 Credits. Examination of the cultivation, pr ...
... ANTH 059. D2:SU: Culture and Environment. 3 Credits. Integrated Social Science Program seminar exploring the importance of anthropological and cultural perspectives for critical understanding of global environmental issues. ANTH 085. D2:Food and Culture. 3 Credits. Examination of the cultivation, pr ...
Schools and Programs - The University of Kansas
... ANTH 318. Prehistory of Kansas. 3 Hours S. A survey of the changing lifeways of Native Americans in Kansas from the time of the earliest inhabitants of at least 12,000 years ago to the period of Euro-American contact. Extensive use will be made of Museum of Anthropology collections. LEC. ANTH 320. L ...
... ANTH 318. Prehistory of Kansas. 3 Hours S. A survey of the changing lifeways of Native Americans in Kansas from the time of the earliest inhabitants of at least 12,000 years ago to the period of Euro-American contact. Extensive use will be made of Museum of Anthropology collections. LEC. ANTH 320. L ...
Studying Societies and Cultures: Marvin Harris`s Cultural
... symposia, except for those of Robert Carneiro and David Kennedy. These were invited afterwards and prepared only for this volume. Inasmuch as Harris’s work had a broad impact on all subfields of anthropology, we hope this book will be of interest to all anthropologists. Those contemporary anthropolo ...
... symposia, except for those of Robert Carneiro and David Kennedy. These were invited afterwards and prepared only for this volume. Inasmuch as Harris’s work had a broad impact on all subfields of anthropology, we hope this book will be of interest to all anthropologists. Those contemporary anthropolo ...
Ethnographic Techniques
... • Believed all aspects of culture were linked and intertwined, making it impossible to write about just one cultural feature without discussing how it relates to others • Argued that understanding the emic perspective, the native’s point of view, was the primary goal of ethnography ...
... • Believed all aspects of culture were linked and intertwined, making it impossible to write about just one cultural feature without discussing how it relates to others • Argued that understanding the emic perspective, the native’s point of view, was the primary goal of ethnography ...
PDF of this page - UVM Catalogue
... The mission of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Vermont is to produce influential research in anthropology integrated with an outstanding undergraduate liberal arts education. Drawing on the interdisciplinary four-field tradition, which includes archaeological, biological, cultura ...
... The mission of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Vermont is to produce influential research in anthropology integrated with an outstanding undergraduate liberal arts education. Drawing on the interdisciplinary four-field tradition, which includes archaeological, biological, cultura ...
... know, and the nature of causality (types of logic). For example, all humans form categories, and we can better grasp their worldview if we understand what types of categories they form and how they form ...
... know, and the nature of causality (types of logic). For example, all humans form categories, and we can better grasp their worldview if we understand what types of categories they form and how they form ...
... instituted a division of labour: Seligman said he left ‘the social stuff’ to Brenda. He focused particularly on pre-history, material culture, and biology. However, the main interest of their Vedda book today is perhaps the account they give of the difficulty of doing research. The Veddas have long ...
... instituted a division of labour: Seligman said he left ‘the social stuff’ to Brenda. He focused particularly on pre-history, material culture, and biology. However, the main interest of their Vedda book today is perhaps the account they give of the difficulty of doing research. The Veddas have long ...
svetlana slapšak
... In European food production, there is only one major line of growing and international marketing of cabbage – namely the Dutch production for the big Eastern European countries like Poland and Russia, where obviously, the local production is still insufficient for the huge number of consumers. Cabba ...
... In European food production, there is only one major line of growing and international marketing of cabbage – namely the Dutch production for the big Eastern European countries like Poland and Russia, where obviously, the local production is still insufficient for the huge number of consumers. Cabba ...
Undergraduate Studies in Anthropology Handbook
... a variety of capacities in government, industry, health care, consulting and more. In broad terms, anthropology is the study of human populations and cultures in evolutionary, historical, and comparative frameworks. Our department’s curriculum promotes understanding the variety both of past and pres ...
... a variety of capacities in government, industry, health care, consulting and more. In broad terms, anthropology is the study of human populations and cultures in evolutionary, historical, and comparative frameworks. Our department’s curriculum promotes understanding the variety both of past and pres ...
American anthropology

American anthropology has culture as its central and unifying concept. This most commonly refers to the universal human capacity to classify and encode human experiences symbolically, and to communicate symbolically encoded experiences socially. American anthropology is organized into four fields, each of which plays an important role in research on culture: biological anthropology linguistic anthropology cultural anthropology archaeologyResearch in these fields has influenced anthropologists working in other countries to different degrees.