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Medical Terminology: Cardiovascular Disease
Angi/o: blood
Arteri/o: artery
Brad/y: slow
Cardi/o: heart
Cereb/o: cerebrum
Cor: heart
Cyan/o: blue
Hemangi/o: blood vessels
My/o: muscle
Phleb/o: vein
Scler/o: hard
Tach/y: fast
Thromb/o: clot
Vas/o: blood vessel
Varix: swollen vein
Vena: vein
Xanta/o: yellow
Cardiovascular Diagnostic Terms
Aneurysm: the dilation and bulging of smooth muscle usually found at the points where
cerebral arteries divide or split
Arteriosclerosis: general term for thickening of the walls of the blood vessels with a
resulting loss of vascular elasticity and narrowed lumen
Atheroma: degeneration of the walls of the arteries caused by accumulated fatty acid
deposits and scar tissue leading to the restriction of circulation and risk of thromlous
Atherosclerosis (AS): Thickening of the blood vessel walls specifically caused by the
presence of plaque
Cardiac Arrest: sudden unexpected loss of heart function
Cardiac Cachexia (CVD): associated malnutrition/wasting syndrome characterized by
extreme skeletal muscle wasting, fatigue, and anorexia
Cardiomegaly: enlarged heart
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA): a stroke, rapid developing loss of brain function due to
disturbance of blood supply to the brain
Congestive heart failure (CHF): impairment of the ventricles’ capacity to eject blood from
the heart or to fill with blood
Coronary heart disease (CHD): coronary arteries narrow from accumulation of plaque
and decrease blood flow
Dyslipidemia: conditions in which LDL levels are elevated and HDL levels are low
Embolism: obstruction in blood vessel due to a blood clot
Fatty Streaks: composed of macrophage white blood cells; early stage of atherosclerosis
Homocysteine: naturally occurring amino acid found in blood plasma, high levels may
cause heart attacks, vascular disease and strokes
Hypercholesterolemia: presence of abnormal amount of cholesterol in cells and plasma in
the blood
Hyperlipoproteinemia: any various disorder of lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism
that result in high levels of lipoprotein and cholesterol circulating in the blood
Hypertension (HTP, HTN): condition of chronically elevated blood pressure
Ischemia: inadequate supply of oxygen
Myocardial infarction (MI): necrosis of the myocardial cells as a result of oxygen
Myocarditis: inflammation of heart muscle
Plaque: the noncalcified accumulation of oral microorganisms and their by-products that
adhere to the teeth
Thrombus: blood clot
Cardiovascular Symptomatic Terms
Angina syndrome/anginapectoris:
Angina: chest pain caused by oxygen deficit to the heart. Two forms are stable and
Anoxia: absence or lack of oxygen in tissues and organs
Asystole: failure of the ventricles of the heart to contract, leads to no heartbeat
Bradycardia: abnormally slow heart action
Cardia edema: results from congestive heart failure; lungs fill with fluid because the
ventricle is not able to pump out blood it receives from the lungs
Claudication: pain in the arms and legs due to inadequate blood flow to those muscles
Palpitation: rapid, strong, irregular heartbeat due to illness or exertion
Systole: contraction phase of the cardiac cycle; during this phase blood is ejected from the
ventricles into the aorta and pulmonary artery.
Tachycardia: abnormally rapid heartbeat
Vasoconstriction: constriction of blood vessels, which increases blood pressure
Vasodepression: dilation of blood vessels, which decreases blood pressure
Xanthoma: an irregular yellow patch or nodule on skin caused by deposition of lipids
Cardiovascular Chart Abbreviations
AHA: American Heart Association
AI: Adequate Intake
ASHD: Arteriosclerotic heart disease
Atr: atrophy
AV: arteriovenous
BP: blood pressure
Brady: bradycardia
BV: blood vessel
CAD: coronary artery disease
Cardio: hear
CBC: complete blood count
CCCR:closed chest cardiac reconstruction
CABG: coronary artery bypass graft
CCU: coronary care unit
CHD: coronary heart disease
CHF: congestive heart failure
Chol: cholesterol
CP: cardiopulmonary
CPR: cardiopulmonary resosutation
CVA: cerebrovascular accident
ECG/EKG: electrocardiogram
FFA: free fatty acid
Fib: fibrillation
HCVD: hypertensive cardiovascular disease
HTN/HPT: Hypertension
MI: myocardia infarction
MS: multiple sclerosis, morphine sulfate
MVR: mitral valve repair
HTG: hypertriglyceridemia
OHS: open heart surgery
PA: pulmonary artery
PT: physical therapy/prothrombintime
RHD: round heart disease
SOB: shortness of breath
Tach: tachycardic
TG: triglycerides/test guidelines
Throm: thrombis
Vent: ventras