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Spelling Homework Assignments:
For each night, the choice of assignment is yours. The spelling words are in the Spelling and
Vocabulary book. One assignment choice is due every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. On
Fridays, the spelling assignment due is a Practice Test. It was already explained that
homework not completed will be given half credit and the chance to complete it during study
1. Write your words 5 times each.
2. Write your words 3 times each in cursive.
3. Rainbow write all of your words.
4. Illustrate 10 of your words.
5. Look up each word in a dictionary and write the part of speech.
6. Write or type your words in a sentence; underline the spelling word.
7. Write or type your words in ABC order.
8. Color-code the vowels and consonants in each word.
9. Put all your words in ABC order. Write the number of syllables in each word.
10. Use magazines to create a collage showing the meaning for one of your words.
11. Using grid paper, create a word search for someone to solve.
12. Type each one of your words five times each using an interesting font.
13. Type each one of your words using a different color and different font.
14. Use clip art to show the meaning of each one of your spelling words.
15. Write or type a short story or poem using all of your spelling words.
16. Write or type the guide words for each of your spelling words (dictionary).
17. Write or type your words in ABC order and then try it backwards.
18. Use magazines to glue the words or letters that make up your spelling words.
19. Write or type your words. Place a real rhyming word next to each one.
20. Write or type your words using no vowels! Use a dash to replace the vowels.
21. Write or type your words. Rewrite using the same letters, but scrambled up!
22. Write your spelling words 3x each using different colored crayons or colored pencils.
23. Write or type each word in ABC order. Count the number of consonants. How many are
in each word? Count the number of vowels. How many are in each word?
Make a key: C= ____ V= _____.
24. Make a spelling pyramid, or spell down, with your words.
25. Write or type your words forwards and then backwards.
26. Make squares using each of your words.
27. Select words that share letters. “Cross” the words so they intersect. Do with as many
words as you can until you have to start a new one with the rest of your words.
28. Count the number of letters in each word. List them from the greatest number to the
29. Write silly sentences using a spelling word in each sentence. Underline the spelling words.
30. Try to find the categories for your spelling words. List them beneath the categories.
31. Vowels are 10 and consonants are 5. Write your words and then add the value of each
32. Write the word two times. Draw a small illustration of the word beside it.
33. Write your list in one HUGE spiral. Dizzy? Make mini spirals using a few words at a time
34. Write your words one time with all uppercase letters and one time with all lowercase
35. Draw boxes around each letter in the word.
36. Write tongue twisters using your words.
37. Write your words in a “code”. Make sure you have a key. Ex. (A= 1 B= 2…)
38. If you have another idea for a future homework, run it by me first and maybe I can add
it to our list!