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RELATION BETWEEN FILTERING RATE, TEMPERATURE, AND BODY SIZE IN FOUR SPECIES OF DAPHNIA Carolyn W. Bums1 Department of Biology, Osborn Memorial Laboratories, New Haven, Cormecticut 06520 Yale University, ABSTBACT Filtering rates of four species of Daphnia were measured at 15, 20, and 2%. Maximum filtering rattc increased with increasing temperature and increasing body size of the animal in all species, but a general equation relating filtering rate to body length could not bc derived. When filtering rates were expressed on a unit body weight basis, the species differed. Filtering rates of adult D. sch@dZeri and D. pulex were similar and at 20C were slightly higher than their rates at 15 and 25C. In contrast, filtering rates of D. magna and D. galeata mendotas increased with increasing temperature and at 20 ancl 25C were more than twice their rates at 15C. INTHODUCTION The filtering rates of two freshwater cladocerans, Daphnia magna Straus 1820 and Daphnia rosea Sars 1862, have been shown to increase with increasing tempcrature below 20C (McMahon 1965; Burns and Riglcr 1967). Above this temperature, the filtering behavior of the two species differed. In several species of Daphnia, filtering rates have been shown to increase with increasing body size (Ryther 1954; Richman 1958). Filtering rates of D. magna feeding in dilute suspensions of food were roughly proportional to the square of body length ( McMahon 1965), whereas rates of D. rosea, measured under similar conditions, were proportional to the cube of body length ( Burns and Rigler 1967). In the following study, the relation bctwecn filtering rate, temperature, and body size is cxamincd in Daphnia magna Straus 1820, Daphnia schgdleri Sars 1862, Daphnia pulex Leydig 1860, and Daphnia galeata Sars 1864 mendotae Birgc 1918. The investigation had two purposes: first, to determine whether, at temperatures char’ I am grateful to Dr. J. L. Brooks for supporting this research on his National Science Foundation Grant GB-6004 and for critically reading the manuscript. Present address : Zoology Department, University of Otago, P.O. Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand. actcristic of the epilimnion of tempcratc lakes during summer, there arc diffcrenccs in filtering rate bctwccn similar-sized Daphnia belonging to different species; and, second, to detcrminc whether maximum filtering rates of several species of Daphnia are more nearly proportional to the square or to the cube of their body lengths. METHODS Laboratory populations of D. pulex and D. galeata were established from adults collected in several Connecticut lakes. D. sch@dZeri had been cultured in the laboratory for approximately two years since its collection in New England. Daphnia magna was obtained from long-established laboratory cultures. All Daphnia were raised in spring water in constant temperature chambers (15, 20, and 25C; 12-hr light and 12-hr dark per day) for several weeks before they were used in experiments. Because temperatures above 2% rarely occur in tempcratc lakes inhabited by the species studied, cxpcrimcnts were not carried out at higher temperatures. Algae from cultures (Ezcglena gracilis, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, or Selenastrum sp.) were added daily as food. Measurement of body sixe Body length is the most easily measured index of body size in Daphnia, but differ693 694 CAROLYN cnces between species in the degree of roundness or flatness of the body and temporal differences within the same species ( cyclomorphosis ) may decrease the usefulness of body length as a measure of body size when several species of Daphnia are being compared. Body weight, as an index of body size, varies with the nutritional state of Daphnia (Berg 1936)) and with reproductive condition ( Green 1956). To find the most satisfactory index of body size for the Daphnia used in these expcrimcnts, the relation between body length and body weight was determined. Daphnia were rinsed in deionized distilled water and placed on a slide where body length (from the base of the tail spine to the top of the helmet) and carapace length (from the base of the tail spine to the middle of the insertion of the locomotory antennae) were measured. Animals were placed in weighed aluminum boats, dried for 24 hr at 6OC, cooled for 1 hr in a desiccator, and weighed immediately on a Cahn Ratio Electrobalance. For *he smaller instars of a species, several individuals of the same length, and frequently from the same brood, were weighed together. --W. ----mel5UJANS solution could be considered negligible in these experiments, Laboratory studies had shown that at concentrations of yeast below an incipient limiting concentration filtering rates of D. rosea and D. magna were maximal and independent of concentration ( McMahon and Rigler 1965; Burns and Rigler 1967). A concentration of 0.25 x lo5 yeast cells/ ml is well below an incipient limiting concentration for D. magna of 1.25-3.5 mm in body length and feeding at temperatures between 5 and 35C ( McMahon 1965). This concentration is also below an incipicnt limiting concentration for D. rosea of 0.64-1.60 mm in body length and feeding at 20C (Burns and Rigler 1967). On the assumption that this concentration would be below an incipient limiting conccntration for the other species of Daphnia, comparable in body size to D. rosea, used in these experiments, all measurements of filtering rate were carried out in the light in a suspension of 0.25 x 10S cells/ml. Procedures were the same for all experiments. About 120 Daphnia, representing the range in body sizes of a species raised at one temperature, were rinsed by allowing them to swim freely for 10 min in membranefiltered, aerated spring water. Between 60 Measurement of filtering rate and 80 first and second instar animals, and 20-30 individuals of each of the larger Filtering rates were measured by allowing Daphnia to feed on 32P-labeled yeast size categories were used in an experiment. Feeding was in 4,000-ml beakers contain( Rhodotorula glutinis) cells. Unlabeled yeast for prefeeding was prepared by sus- ing 1,000 ml of feeding suspension. Rapid pending cells harvested from agar slopes in transfer of animals from one beaker to another was achieved in a Plexiglas cylinmembrane-filtered (Millipore filter, 0.45-pdiam pores) spring water. Labeled cells der (30.5-cm length x 12.5-cm ID) over were prepared by adding radioactive phos- the bottom end of which No. 8 (0.203phorus in the form of carrier-free I-ISSZP04 mm2 aperture size) nylon netting had been glued. in water (New England Nuclear Corp., This cylinder, which had been placed in Boston, Mass.) to a stock suspension of a beaker of prefeeding suspension before yeast cells in membrane-filtered water. Upof Daphnia, was lifted take of the radioactive label by the cells the introduction was maximal after 5 min. Preliminary ex- gently to an adjacent beaker of labeled food. Although most animals resumed periments in which 150 adult Daphnia were allowed to swim freely for 3 min in swimming almost immediately after transfer, early instars of lighter-bodied species a cell-free filtrate of a labeled feeding sometimes became trapped in the surface suspension indicated that any radioactivity which might be acquired by the Daphnia film. If bombardment with a drop of suspension from a pipette failed to submerge through direct uptake of the 32P label from FILTERING d-* BODY k0 LENGrH RATE, I5 20 mm TEMPERATURE, m ’ ’ 30 40 50 FIG. 1. Relation between body weight (W) and body length (La) of immature and ovigerous instars of four species of Daphnia on a double logarithmic scale. The regression equation, W = 0.0116Lb”.G7, is indicated by a continuous line. these individuals within 15 set of the start of a feeding period, they were removed from the experiment. Results of any experiments were discounted if more than about 20% of the total Daphnia became caught at the surface, or if the behavior of the Daphnia appeared abnormal (e.g., frenzied swimming, cessation of antenna1 movements ) . To minimize possible differences in feeding rates arising from differences in the initial fullness of the gut of individual Daphnia, animals were prefed on unlabeled yeast at the same concentration as that of the labeled food. Since feeding rates of D. magna after a 30-min prefceding period are not significantly different from rates after longer prcfeeding periods ( McMahon 1965), the Daphnia used in these experiments were allowed to feed for 30-45 min in unlabeled yeast before they were transferred to a labeled yeast suspension, in which they were allowed to feed for 3 min. Animals were returned AND BODY SIZE 695 OF DAPHNIA to the unlabeled suspension for 1 min to allow them time to ingest radioactive food present in their food grooves at the end of the feeding period in labeled food. Feeding was terminated by plunging the Daphnia into carbonated water (which acts as an immediate anesthetic), after which they were prepared for measuremcnt of body length and radioactivity as described elsewhere (Burns and Riglcr 1967). Radioactivity was measured in a gas-flow counter equipped with automatic sample changer and printer (Nuclear Chicago) until 2,560 counts had been recorded. All counts were corrected for background (ca. 12 counts/min) and for of radioactive decay of 32P. Radioactivity the labeled yeast suspension was measured by filtering a 5- or 2-ml sample of the suspension through a Millipore filter (25mm diam, 0.45~p-diam pores). Filtering rates, expressed as the volume (ml) filtered per animal per hour, were calculated from the average radioactivity acquired by each animal during the period in labeled yeast suspension and from the radioactivity of the yeast cells in suspension according to the equation, Filtering rate cotmt min-1 animal-l (ml animal-1 = count min-l (ml hr -I) yeast suspension)-* X 60 min spent in * labclcd food RESULTS Measurement of body size The relation between body weight and body length was most nearly linear when data were plotted logarithmically (Fig. 1). The regression equation fitted to the data by the least squares method is, W = 0.0116Lb2.67, or log,, W = log,, 0.0116 + 2.67 log,, Lb, where W is body weight in mg, and L, is body length in mm. The comparable equation for the regression of body weight on carapace length is, W = 0.0223L,2.“2, or log,, W = log,, 0.0223 + 2.62 loglo L,. Because the difference between the two equations was small (sample standard de- CAROLYN immature 05 BODY BURNS adult II 0.25 W. IO LENGTH 15 mm III 20 30 - 40 5.0 I025 I 05 BODY 1-I IO LENGTH 15 mm 2.0 30 1 40 1 50 FIG. 2. Relation between log,, maximum filtering rate (F) and loglo body length (LO) of four spcties of Duphnia at 15, 20, and 2%. Regression equations fitted to the data are indicated by dashed lines , Horizontal bars indicate 95% confidence limits for the prediction (from the regression equation) of average maximum filtering rate for any body length. IIypothetical curves describing filtering rate as squared (F m Las) and cubic (F a Lb3) functions of body length are shown by continuous lines. vi&ions from regression 0.0954 and 0.0979 for body length and carapace length cquations, respectively), the more conventional mcasuremcnt of body length was used in this study. Equations for the regression of body weight on body length for each spccics of Daphnia were derived as well (see Table 2) and used in later calculations. Measurement of filtering rate In all four species of Daphnia studied, filtering rate increased with increasing body size. The relation between filtering rates at 15, 20, and 25C and body length is shown by the double logarithmic plots in Fig. 2. The regression equations fitted to the data by the method of lcast squares are at 1X: F = o.153LbZ*‘c’ (or, log,, F = loglo 0.153 + 2.16 log,, Lb); at 20C: F = 0.208 Lb=); at 2%: F = 0.202 L&y where F is filtering rate (ml animal-l hr-l ) and Lb is body length in mm. At SC, the :regrcssion coefficient (2.16) is close to 2, so that filtering rate is roughly proportional to the square of body length. However, at 2CC, the regression coefficient (2.80) approaches 3 and filtering rate bccomes more closely proportional to the cube of body length. At 25C, the regression coefficient (2.38) cannot be said to approximate either the square or the cube of body length. In Fig, 2, the solid lines afford a gauge for assessing the closeness of fit of the filtering rate data to the square or cube of body length. Maximum body size differed among the FILTERING immature P ELlE p, sch0dleri + Y . 0. PA% 0 gclledta mL?iidXie & TEMPERATURE, AND adult + x Q BATE, 4 25 “C o- 5 - 5 - I - 5 - p-IL-I 0.25 05 BODY FIG. 2. II0 LENGTH 30 I.5 20 mm 40 50 Continued species of Daphnia studied. To compare filtering rates of the four spccics at different temperatures, filtering rates were expressed on a unit body weight basis. Mean values for the filtering rates of immature and adult instars of a species at the three temperatures were calculated. The gcncral BODY SIZE OF Da4PIINIA 697 equation ( Table 1) and species-specific equations (Table 2) were used to convert filtering rates expressed as (ml filtered) Daphnia-l hr-l to (ml filtered) (mg dry wt Daphnia)-1 hr-I. A mean filtering rate value characteristic of a species at each temperature was obtained by averaging filtering rates for all instars (Tables 1 and 2, in parcnthescs) . The differences between pairs of mean values for each species in Tables 1 and 2 wcrc tested by analysis of variance using the lcast significant difference as a criterion for significance at the 5% level. Only those differences between means which were significant in both tables were accepted. At all three temperatures, the mean filtering rates of D. pulex and D. galeata wcrc significantly different. Differences between mean filtering rates of D. sch@Zeri and D. pulex were not significant at any temperature used. At 1X, D. schedkri and D. gaZeata filtered at a similar rate, but at 20 and 2X filtering rates of D. galeata were significantly higher than those of D. schedleri. Filtering rates of D. magna were significantly higher than those of D. puZex at 15 and 25C. At 2OC, the difference in mean filtering rate between the two species was not significant. Howcvcr, filtering rate data for D. magna at this temperature 1. Mean maximum filtering rates, ml (mg dry wt Daphnia)-1 hr-I, of immature (I) and adult (A) insturs of four species of Daphnia at 15, 20, and 25C. Average filtering rates of all instars are given in parentheses. The general equation, W = 0.0116L1F~G7, was used to convert body lengths to bocly weights TABLE Temp (“C) 15 Spccics D. magna I 20 A 7.6 I 8.3 25 A I A QlO 15-25C 23.4” 13.9* (16.6)* 23.6 ‘15.3 (19.0) 2.38 W) D. schprdleri 15.9 9.2 (12.6) 12.5 18.2 (15.9) 10.1 12.5 (11.3) 0.90 D. pulex 13.2, 14.2 (13.6) 15.4 17.3 (15.9) 19.1 10.2 (12.8) 0.94 D. galeata 13.2 7.4 (10.3) 20.8 29.1 (24.3) 30.4 26.1 (27.9) 2.71 * Values calculnted from McMahon’s (1962) centration of 0.1 X 10” cells/ml, at 20C. filtering rate clnta for D. magna feeding on log phase Chlorella at a con- 698 TABLE (A) CAROLYN W. BURNS 2. Mean m&mum filtering rates, ml (mg dry wt Daphnia,F hP, of immature (I) and adult instars of four species of Daphnia at 15, 20, and 25C. Average filtering rates of all instars are given in parentheses. Species-specific equations (SS) were used to convert body lengths to body weights Temp (“C) 15 Species I 20 A I 25 A I A - QIO ss 15-25C D. magna 10.0 11.3 (10.7) 30.9” 18.5” (22.1) * 31.0 20.9 (25.4) 2.38 w = 0.009 La2.e3 D. schedleri 18.7 7.6 (13.1) 12.7 14.3 (13.6) 11.2 9.7 (10.4) 0.80 w = o.010Lb3*10 D. pulex 13.2 14.4 (13.6) 15.0* 17.7 (15.7) 18.9 10.4 (12.9) 0.95 w = o.012Lb2~e3 D. galeata 10.6 16.6 24.8 (21.6) 25.5 22.5 (23.8) 2.80 w = o.014Lb2~64 6.4 (8*5) * Values calculated from McMahon’s (1962) centration of 0.1 X 10” cells/ml, at 2OC. filtering rate data for D. magna feeding were obtained from animals feeding in a suspension of different food at a higher cell concentration ( McMahon 1962) than used in these experiments so that maximum filtering rates may not have been measured for all instars, in which case the mean filtering rate value for D. magna would be too low. Although the mean filtering rates of D. galeata at 20 and 25C were significantly higher than those of D. magna when the generalized equation was used to convert body length to body weight ( Table 1)) the differences between the two means at these temperatures were not significant when the species-specific equations were used (Table 2). Differences between immature and adult instars in their filtering rate values did not follow a consistent pattern in any species. DISCUSSION Filtering rates of the four species of Daphnia studied agree well with rates determined by Monakov and Sorokin ( 1961) for two sizes of Daphnia longispina feeding in a dilute suspension of Chlorococcus cells at 15C and by McMahon (1965) for D. magna feeding on Chlorella at 20C. When filtering rates measured in these experiments are plotted graphically on a double logarithmic scale, the points arc too on log phase Chlorella at a con- widely scattered to permit the derivation of a general expression relating filtering rate to body length in all species of Daphnia. Filtering :rates ranged from approximating a squared function of body length at 15C to approaching a cubic one at 20C. To minimize the possible influence on filtering rate of differences in physiological condition of the Daphnia used in this study, filtering rates were measured intermittently over a period of about a year. All the measurements at one temperature, or on one species, were never carried out at one time. Although these precautions were taken, the scatter of points in Fig. 2 may reflect, in part, changes in filtering rate that could have accompanied changes in metabolic rate with age, reproductive state, and nutritional history (MacArthur and Baillie 19129; Richman 1958; Blagka 1966). Since the inhalant current subserves respiration, it is possible that changes in the oxygen demands of Daphnia may lead to changes in filtering rates as well. The species-specific equation used to relate body weight to body length of D. pulex in these experiments (Table 2) is interesting in that the regression coefficient, 2.63, is very close to that of 2.64 obtained by Smith (1963) using Richman’s data (1958) to relate weight to length of this species. FILTERING BATE, TEMPERATURE, A comparison of filtering rates of the four species, expressed on the basis of body weight using species-specific equations for the conversion of length to weight (Table 2), reveals two distinct types of response to tcmpcratures above 15C. Filtering rates of adult D. schedleri and D. pulex at 20C were slightly higher than rates at 15 and 25C. In this rcspcct, the filtering behavior of these two species is similar to that of D. rosea feeding at the same temperatures and food concentrations ( Burns and Rigler 1967). The magnitude of the differences between rates of filtration at 15, 20, and 25C is similar in all three species. In contrast, the filtering rates of D. magna and D. galeata increased with increasing temperatures over the range studied. At 25C, the mean filtering rates of these two species were two to three times higher than their rates at 15C ( Q10, Table 2). Results for D. magna accord well with those obtained by McMahon (1965) who found filtering rates of this species to increase with increasing temperatures up to 28C, above which rates declined rapidly. Since each type of filtering rate response was shown by a species that had recently been brought into the laboratory (D. pulex and D. galeata) as well as by one which had been long-established in laboratory difcultures (D. magna and D. s&$dleri), ferences in filtering rate in response to tcmpcrature could not be an outcome wholly of the length of time the species had been kept in culture. Although the results of these studies accord well with observations on the ecology and distribution of Daphnia, the following discussion should not be taken to imply that responses of filtering rate to temperature play an important role in determining the zoogeography of Daphnia. Competition and predation must outweigh a physical factor such as temperature in determining the distribution of most species. Furthermore, temperature is only one of a number of variables in nature known to affect rates of filtration in Daphnia. The concentration of particulate matter in sus- AND BODY SIZE OF DAPHNIn 699 pension has important effects on filtering rate (Monakov and Sorokin 1961; Burns and Rigler 1967) and some species of algae have been shown to inhibit filtration ( McMahon and Rigler 1965; Burns 1968). The four species studied can be grouped by habitat prefcrcnce (Brooks 1957) into those 1) chiefly confined to temporary ponds ( D. magna); 2) chiefly in ponds, sometimes in lakes (D. pulex, D. schadleri, D. rosea); and 3) restricted to lakes ( D. galeata). For D. magna, an ability to filter more rapidly at temperatures as high as 24-28C, which occur in some of the Danish ponds ( Berg 1931)) would seem to be a distinct asset and is perhaps a compensation for an inability to exist in permanent bodies of water where piscine predation could prove fatal to this large-bodied species. Further proof of the ability of D. magna to tolerate both high temperatures and sudden increases in temperature similar to those characterizing shallow ponds on a sunny day comes from an accidental rise in tempcrature of the 20C growth chamber. Over a 4-hr period, the room temperature rose to 40C. Mortality among the D. pulex and D. schadleri cultures was lOO%, slightly less than this among D. galeata, and insignificant among D. magna. Conditions of feeding, density of the animals, and volume of the vessel had been the same for all spccics. The remarkable similarity between D. pulex, D. sch@dleri, and D. rosea in their habitat preferences and wide geographic distribution in North America2 is heightencd by the similarity of their filtering rates. The filtering behavior of these species at tempcraturcs between 15 and 25C suggests they would filter equally fast (other things being equal) over the range of temperatures characterizing their summer habitats. Some species of Daphnia appear more 2 Since the publication of the monograph by Brooks ( 1957 ), the range of D. rosea in North America has been extended eastwards to a lake near the western short of Lake Ontario, Canada ( Burns and Rigler 1967 ). 700 CAROLYN successful than others in occupying the warm epilimnctic waters of temperate lakes in summer. Frequently D. gdeuta is one of these ( Hall 1964; Tappa 1965). One hypothesis attributes their success to a better avoidance of predators as an outcome of morphological changes involving reduction in body size and the development of a helmet ( Brooks 1965). Results of my experiments and a consideration of the geographic range of this species, which extends south into Mexico and Central America, suggest that a higher tempcrature threshold for maximum filtration may be involved as well. lU3FERICNCES BEIIG, K. 1931. Studies on the genus Daphnia 0. F. Miiller with especial reference to the mode of reproduction. Videnskab. Medd. Dansk Naturhist. Foren., 92: l-222. 1936. Reproduction and depression in -* the Cladocera illustrated by the weight of the animals. Arch. Hydrobiol., 30: 438-462. Metabolism of natural and BLA~KA, P. 1966. cultured populations of Daphnia related to Intern. Vcr. Theorct. secondary production. Angew. Limnol. Verhandl., 16 : 380-385. BROOKS, J. L. 1957. The systematics of North American Daphnia. Conn. Acad. Sci. Mem., 13: 180 p. Predation and relative helmet 1965. -* Proc. Natl. size in cyclomorphic Daphnia. Acad. Sci., 53: 119-126. Direct observations of BURNS, C. W. 1968. mechanisms regulating feeding behavior of Daphnia in lakewater. Int. Rev. Gesamten IIydrobiol., 53 : 83-100. -, AND F. H. RIGLER. 1967. Comparison OF filtering rates of Daphnia in lake water and W. BURNS in suspcnsion~ of yeast. Limnol. Oceanog., 12: 492-502. GREEN, J. 1956. Growth, size and reproduction in Daphnia 1:Crustacea: Cladocera), Proc. Zool. Sot. London, 126: 173-204. IIALL, D. J. 1964. 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