Download School Health Checklist for Parents

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School Health Checklist for Parents
Please help promote the health and safety of your child and others
in our school community by following these guidelines.
If you have questions or concerns please contact your school nurse.
Emergency Contact Information
 Keep Parent Contact and Emergency contact numbers updated in the school office.
 Have a plan:
Determine who will pick up your child in the event of injury, illness, or school closure.
Disease Prevention
 Keep immunizations up-to-date
 Get recommended annual vaccine for influenza
 Encourage proper and frequent hand washing
 Keep your child home if they display any of the following symptoms:
Temperature of 100 or greater
(Fever free without the aid of medication for 24 hours to attend school.)
Runny nose with discolored discharge or uncontrolled coughing.
Diarrhea or vomiting within the previous 24 hours
Tired, irritable, or other physical symptoms related to illness that affects their
ability to participate in regular classroom activities.
Pain that can only be controlled with a sedating medication
A rash that may be disease related
(If you are unsure of the cause, contact your health care provider)
Note: If your child has pink eye, strep throat or impetigo, treatment for 24 hours or written
permission from a physician is required before returning to school.
Report Diseases and Health Conditions
 Communicate and update health conditions and allergies to School Nurse.
 Notify School Nurse if your child is exposed to or has been diagnosed with an
infectious disease such as chicken pox or a parasite such as head lice.
If your child needs any medications given during the school day:
 Must be in the original prescription bottle or over-the-c ounter container
 Consent for Medication Administration form is to be signed by parent
(May obtain form in school office or at
Physician Authorization
 May be requested for extended absence due to illness
 Required for restriction from Physical Education classes lasting longer than 3 days
 Required for substitutions to be made in school meals related to a health condition.
__ Required for self-administration of rescue medications for asthma and allergies.