* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
. Richardson New Patient Form Please fill out as much of the information as you can. Patient Name: _______________________ Date of Birth: _______________________ Date of Service: _____________________ Past Medical & Surgical History: (List all medical problems current and past, including surgeries and dates. Pediatric patients, include birth history – such as; maternal labs, medications taken, prematurity, birth weight, jaundice, etc.) 1. ______________________________ 5. ________________________________ 2. ______________________________ 6. ________________________________ 3. ______________________________ 7. ________________________________ 4. ______________________________ 8. ___________________________(use back of sheet if necessary). Medications: (List all medications and dosage you are taking. Skip if you have a list with you). 1. ______________________________ 5. ________________________________ 2. ______________________________ 6. ________________________________ 3. ______________________________ 7. ________________________________ 4. ______________________________ 8. ___________________________(use back of sheet if necessary). Allergies: (List all allergies (and the reaction you had), include allergies to medicines and environmental/foods). ___________________________________________________________________________________ Family History: (Please include all medical problems, the age their problems started, and if deceased what they died from and at what age). Father: _______________________________________________________________________ Mother: ______________________________________________________________________ Dad’s Father: __________________________________________________________________ Dad’s Mother: _________________________________________________________________ Mom’s Father: _________________________________________________________________ Mom’s Mother: ________________________________________________________________ Patient’s Siblings: ______________________________________________________________ Children: _____________________________________________________________________ Do you have a family history of sudden cardiac death in a family member less than 40 years of age? ___________________________ Social History: Date (and result if applicable) of last: Do you smoke or have you ever smoked? __________________________ Flu Shot: _______________________ If yes: How much do you smoke? _________________________ Pneumonia Shot: _________________ What age did you start? ____________________________ Colonoscopy: ____________________ If you quit, how long ago was it? ____________________ Pap: ____________________________ Do you drink alcohol? __________________________________________ Mammogram: ____________________ If yes: How much, and what do you drink? __________________ Bone Density: ____________________ Do you use street drugs? _________________________________________ What is your occupation? ________________________________________ Are you married or single? _______________________________________ Who do you live with? __________________________________________ Are you able to care for yourself? _________________________________ Do you need assistance to get around, like a cane or walker? ____________ Do you have any pets? ________ If yes, what? ______________________