* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
DENTAL PATIENT MEDICAL HISTORY Santa Ynez Tribal Health Clinic Please answer all of the following questions. If you are unsure how to answer any question(s), please ask the front office staff for assistance. Patient Name: Chart #: DOB: What is the name of your medical doctor? Please list medications you are taking? Are you allergic to any medications? PLEASE CHECK: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Are Are Are Are Are Are you you you you you you Y N taking any blood thinners? taking any blood pressure medication? taking any heart medication? taking any calcium replacements? taking any other kind of medication? allergic to latex? Do you currently have, or have you ever had, any of the following? PLEASE CHECK: 1. Heart attack 2. Heart murmur 3. Heart valve/pace maker 4. Heart stent 5. Any heart condition 6. Artificial joint/replacement 7. Stroke 8. High blood pressure 9. Rheumatic fever 10. Epilepsy/seizures 11. Blood transfusion 12. Cancer/Tumors 13. Reaction to anesthesia 14. Bleeding disorders 15. Diabetes FEMALE PATIENTS ONLY: Are you currently: Y 1. Are you pregnant? 2. Taking birth control pills? 3. Nursing? STAFF USE ONLY Place stamp here Y N PLEASE CHECK: 16. Hepatitis 17. HIV/Aids 18. STD’s 19. Liver problems 20. Kidney problems 21. Asthma 22. Sinus problem 23. Nervous/Mental Disorder 24. Anemia 25. Ulcers 26. TB Lung Disease 27. Use Drugs 28. Use Alcohol 29. Use Tobacco If so, want to quit? Y N ALL PATIENTS: Do you have any other conditions, problems no listed? If yes, please specify: Do you have any concerns about receiving dental treatment? If yes, please specify: The answers I have given are true to the best of my knowledge. I am indicating my consent for routine dental procedures such as x-rays, cleaning, fillings, crowns, and local anesthesia by signing below. Patient: Provider: Document1 N SIGNATURES Date: Date: rev0915