Download Dental Medical History Form - VanderLaan Family Dentistry

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Patient Name: ________________________________________ Today’s date: __________________
Patient Dental History (Adult)
Date of last Dental visit: ________________________
How often do you brush? __________________________________ Floss? _____________________________
Are you having any discomfort at this time?............................................................................................. □Yes
Are you satisfied with the appearance of your teeth and smile?.............................................................. □Yes
Have you had any issues associated with previous dental treatment?..................................................... □Yes
If “Yes”, explain:____________________________________________________________________________
Have you ever been treated for periodontal (gum) disease?.…………………………………………………………………□Yes
Have you ever had any teeth extracted?................................................................................................... □Yes
Does Dental treatment make you nervous?
Please select if the following symptoms or issues apply:
Bleeding/Sore gums
Difficulty opening or closing
Frequent cold sores
Burning tongue or lips
Swelling or lump in mouth
Biting lips or cheeks
Clicking or popping jaw joint
Canker sores
Loose tooth/teeth
Sensitivity to hot
Sensitivity to cold
Sensitivity to sweets
Pain when biting
Clinching or grinding
Patient Medical History (Adult)
Physician: __________________________ Phone #:______________________________Date of Last Exam: _____________
Have you been hospitalized in the last five years? □Yes □No
If “Yes”, reason: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have any allergies? □Yes
□Penicillin □Codeine □Latex
□No (If so, please select)
□Local Anesthetics □Sulfa Drugs □Aspirin □Jewelry/Metals □Other (list):
Are you currently on any prescription or over the counter medications, vitamins, nutritional or herbal supplements? □Yes □No
(If “Yes”, please list below) ________________________________________________________________________________
Circle Y/N for all that apply to you and your medical history:
Y / N Are you/ have you ever taken medication for
Y / N Use or have used Tobacco products?
Y / N Need antibiotic pre-medication prior to dental
Y / N Partial or complete joint replacement?
Y / N Subject to prolonged bleeding?
Y / N Undergone Radiation or Chemotherapy?
Y / N Excessive thirst and/or urination?
Y / N Have you ever required a blood transfusion?
Y / N Recent unusual weight loss?
Y / N (Women) Currently pregnant? ______(Weeks?)
Y / N (Women) Are you taking birth control
Y / N (Women) Are you taking Hormone
Replacement Therapy?
Y / N (Women) Currently Nursing?
Y / N Family history of Diabetes?
Do you have / have you had / have you received treatment for any of the following diseases or conditions?
Please select all that apply:
Diabetes (type____)(AIC____)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (If
so, what disease?) _____________
Ulcers/Stomach Issues
Blood Disorder
Liver Disease
Kidney Disease
Sinus Issues
Seasonal Allergies
Rheumatic Fever
AIDS/HIV Infection
Neck/ Back Problems
Artificial Joint (Joint Replacement)
Hepatitis (type____)
Scarlet Fever
Respiratory Problems
Psychiatric or Emotional Disorder
Eating Disorder
Long-term Steroid Treatment
Thyroid Issues
Heart Attack
Heart Disease
Do you have any other medical or health condition which is not listed?
High Blood Pressure
Low Blood Pressure
Other Heart Issues
Chest Pains
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Defective Valve
Repaired Valve
Replaced Heart Valve
Congestive Heart Failure
Rheumatic Heart Disease
Congenital Heart Disease
Heart Murmur
Fainting Spells
Congenital Heart Defect
Bypass Surgery
Other Cardiovascular Issues
□Yes □No
(If “Yes”, please list)
To the best of my knowledge, all of the preceding answers are true and correct. If there are any changes in
my health or medications, I will inform Dr. VanderLaan at my next appointment.
Signature of Patient or Guardian