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Diversity of Life Chapter 1.2 & 1.3 Review
You will also need to solve a dichotomous/taxonomic key on the test. Review your Shark Key
and What a Strange Group worksheets to prepare.
1. Explain the difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph.
Autotroph – make their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis
Heterotroph – get energy by consuming other organisms
2. List the 3 domains and explain why organisms are not all placed in the same domain.
Eukarya – organisms have eukaryotic cells which contain nuclei. There are 4 kingdoms
in this domain
Bacteria – organisms have prokaryotic cells which do not contain nuclei. There is one
kingdom in this domain (eubacteria)
Archea – organisms have prokaryotic cells that are chemically different from the Domain
Bacteria. There is one kingdom in this domain (archeabacteria)
3. List the 4 kingdoms and two defining characteristics of each.
1. Animal – multicellular, heterotrophs, eukaryotic
2. Plant – multicellular, autotrophs, eukaryotic
3. Fungi – unicellular or multicellular, heterotrophs, eukaryotic
4. Protists – unicellular or multicellular, animal-like, plant-like or fungi-like
heterotrophs, autotrophs or both
4. Which of these kingdoms has only multicellular heterotrophs? animal
5. Explain the difference between unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms.
Unicellular organisms – one cell, all body functions must occur in the one cell
Multicellular organisms – many cells, cells can do a specific function to contribute to the
6. Which kingdoms contain both unicellular and multicellular organisms? Fungi & Protists
7. What is taxonomy? Scientific study of how living things are classified
8. List the 8 levels of classification
9. A person tells you that 2 animals are classified in the same genus but not in the same
phylum. Is this possible?
No. Phylum is a more general grouping than genus. If organisms are placed in the same
genus they must be also in the same phylum.
8. Why do scientists use scientific names rather than common names?
In order to reduce confusion that comes from the multitude of common names
9. What are the rules for writing a scientific name?
Latin or Greek
Underlined or italicized
Genus name is capitalized and species name is not.
10. Explain the differences between a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.
Prokaryotic – no nucleus, smaller than eukaryotic, circular DNA
Eukaryotic – nucleus and membrane covered organelles, larger than prokaryotic, linear