Download Single Party Regimes- Legacies of WWI and WWII

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German Reich
Spanish State
Triple Alliance
Triple Entente
Creation of the
Increased social unrest
Failure to regain Jiaozhou Bay
reserves that paid
from Germany. Instead the
November 1918)
down most of
territory was given to Japan.
February Revolution
national dept
Required to pay reparations
(269 billion gold marks)
(March 1917), Tsar
Blamed for all the suffering
Kingdom of Italy
Triple Entente after Treaty
of London (1915)
Humiliating retreat at
Battle of Caporetto
The Shandong Problem
(October 1917)
arose (1919). Article 156 of
Nicolas II resigned.
economy, from
Versailles Treaty stated that
from Versailles Treaty
October Revolution
agriculture to
Shandong should be handed
(Dalmatia, Tyrol and Istria)
231 from Treaty of Versailles
(November 1917) that
to Japan and not to China.
that caused resentment
overthrew provisional
May Fourth Movement (May
and ultra-nationalism in
Limitations placed on
of Valencian citrus
4, 1919) over the resolution
Italian public.
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
and steel
of the Shandong problem
Widespread general
and other issues.
Combattimento by
21 Demands from Japan that
Mussolini (1918) that
increased production
Failure to gain any territory
Creation of Fasci di
(forbidden) and navy (no
(March 2 1918) that gave
territory to Triple Alliance
strike (late December
Loss of territories and
1916) due to
aims to increase Japanese
staged the March of Rome
Russian Civil War
widening wealth gap
sphere of influence in China.
(October 22 1922)
DMZ) to other nations
(1917-1922) that
between rich and
growing nationalism due to
eventually created nation
colonies (like Polish corridor,
Triple Entente
due to demoralizing
German army, air force
increased gold
Weimar Republic (9
from the war (from Article
World War I
People’s Republic of China
(Dec 1932)
Temporary seizure of Fiume
by Gabriel D’Annunzio (12
September 1919)
German Reich
Spanish State
People’s Republic of China
Kingdom of Italy
Axis Powers
Axis powers
The Holocaust (around
Evolution of nation to a
Forbidden to join the
Nanjing Massacre
Killing of of il Duce
1942-1945) that killed
superpower along with
United Nations until 1955
over 6 million people,
the United States
due to ties with Axis
Removal of Stavka and
powers in war
mainly Jews.
World War II
Chonqing becomes temporary
and end of Fascist
capital in war
GKO (military elements
German Reich, suicide of
in 1945) due to
allowed referendum for
(1945-49) despite diplomatic
(1943-1945) due to
Hitler (30 April 1945),
growing popularity of
some key national issues.
efforts from US diplomat Patrick
Italian failures the war.
then occupation by
Soviet generals
Charter of rights (1945)
Hurley, creation of the PRC (Oct 1
Creation of buffer zone
gave Spanish citizens few
Resistance (1944) that
(July 1945)
between USSR and
KMT loses US support went to
killed Mussolini
Nuremburg trials
western Europe
(1945-46) that tried and
declared Franco leader
Creation of its first
military economic
atom bomb RDS-1
German figures for their
(August 29, 1949)
executed political,
actions in WWII.
Law of Referenda (1945)
Mussolini (25 April 1945)
Fall of the Greater
France, US, UK and USSR
(Dec 1937)
Law of Succession (1947)
Continuation of Chinese Civil War
Formosa to form RC (Dec 7 1949)
Italian Civil War
Creation of the Italian
Italian Constitutional
Mao Zedong Thought doctrine
Referendum (1946) that
for life and chooser of his
(1940) that bolstered Communist
abolished Italian
monarchy and
reestablished Italian
democratic government.