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Strategic Analysis of Agriculture Development in South Shandong
Economic Zone
ZENG Zhaopeng
School of Business, Linyi Normal University, Shangdong, P.R.China, 276000
[email protected]
Abstracts: South Shandong Economic Zone, which has superior natural conditions, is important
agriculture base of Shandong Province. The regional agriculture development strategic goals are
assuring grain security of Shandong Province, raising agricultural resources utilization efficiency and
agricultural industrialization level. South Shandong Economic Zone is qualified to be developed as
important grain and meat livestock base, vegetable and fruit base, and peanut base of Shandong
Province. In order to assure agriculture sustainable development in South Shandong Economic Zone, the
following measures should be carried out: conserving cultivated land strictly, strengthening agricultural
infrastructure construction, developing agriculture by science and education, promoting
internationalization level of agriculture, and taking full advantage of policies.
Keywords: South Shandong Economic Zone, Agriculture development, strategy
1 Introduction
South Shandong Economic Zone refers to five prefectures of Zizhao, Linyi, Zaozhuang, Jining and Heze
in South Shandong Province of China. With a total area of 50 500 square kilometers and total population
of 32 105 000, South Shandong Economic Zone belongs to under-developed region in East China and
Shandong Province. In order to promote the harmonious development of regional economy, government
of Shandong Province issued “regional development plan for South Shandong Economic Zone” in
February, 2008, according to the plan, South Shandong Economic Zone will be the key development
region and will become the important food and high quality agriculture products industry base, energy
and coal chemistry industry base, high quality steel industry base, high quality building material
industry base, commerce & trade, logistics base of Shandong Province. Agriculture is the superior
industry of the area. Optimizing regional agriculture industry structure and increasing the agriculture
industrialization level can provide powerful support to the whole region’s sustainable development.
2 Natural condition and status quo of agriculture development in South
Shandong Economic Zone
2.1 Superior natural conditions for agriculture production
The climate of South Shandong Economic Zone is of warm temperate and sub humid, with the annual
average temperature of 11.0~14.2 , the annual average frost-free period of 200~220 days, and the
average annual precipitation of 600~900 mm, crops can be harvested twice a year in South Shandong
Economic Zone. Although rainfall mainly occurs in summer, spring drought and autumn drought is not
serious in the region. Located in the middle and upper reaches of rivers, there is rare flood disaster. With
plain taking half of the total area and no saline and alkaline land, South Shandong Economic Zone is
one of the best areas for agriculture production in China.
2.2 Great superiority on primary agricultural production of grain, cotton and plant oil
With superior agriculture resources, abundant workforces, and long developing history, South Shandong
Economic Zone has always been the main agriculture region in Shandong Province. The output of
primary agriculture products such as grain, cotton and plant oil in the region account for two fifth of the
province’s total, which has decisive position in Shandong province agriculture production, the region’s
productions of grain, cotton, plant oil accounted for 45.3%, 42.3%, 46.5% of the whole province
respectively in 2006, as shown in table 1.
Table 1 Main Agriculture Products Output, Cultivated Land Area, Population of South Shandong Economic
Zone (5 prefectures) and Shandong Province in 2006
vegetable fruits cultivated population
data item
104 t
104 t
104 t
104 t
104 t
104 ha
5 prefectures
1834.9 166.5
233.5 2868.1
Shandong Province
4048.8 358.2
102.3 759.0 8309.3
5 prefectures’ share
in Shandong
45.3% 46.5%
42.3% 30.8% 34.5%
Sources: Shandong Statistics Information Network.
2.3 Initial achievements has been made in agriculture industrial structure adjustment
After thirty years’ development, agriculture industrialization is beginning to take shape in South
Shandong Economic Zone. An agriculture industry system comprises grain producing and food
processing, meat processing, vegetable producing and processing, fruit producing and processing has
been established. Vegetable industry belt in Cangshan and Jixiang counties, high-quality wheat industry
belt in Heze and Jining prefectures, fruit and peanut industry belt in mountainous region of Middle
Shandong Province, beef cattle industry belt in West Shangdong Province form competitive agriculture
industry cluster, but compared with agriculture developed areas, the agriculture industrialization lack
profound development in South Shandong Economic Zone, the technology content, the output value,
product exportation, exemplary function of agriculture industry of the region are all lag behind
agriculture developed areas, all those result in inefficiency and poor benefits of the region’s agriculture
2.4 Backward rural economy and low income of farmers
Common characteristics of 5 prefectures in South Shandong Economic Zone is that rural population take
big proportion and rural economy lags behind other areas of Shandong Province. The population and
land area of South Shandong Economic Zone account for one third of Shandong Province while the
regional gross domestic production (GDP) account for one fifth and local financial revenue account for
only one sixth of Shandong Province. Average per capita GDP, the per-capita disposable income of city
dwellers, the net income per peasant only equal to 55.7% 88.6% and 85.0% of average level of
Shandong Province. The net income per peasant is 4985.34 yuan RMB in the region in 2007, while in
Linyi and Heze, whose rural population account for three fifths of South Shandong Economic Zone, the
indicator is only 4722.23 yuan RMB and 4023.17 yuan RMB respectively, especially in Heze which is
the largest grain production base of Shandong Province, the per-capita disposable income of city
dwellers and the net income per peasant are all in the last place of Shandong Province.
3 Strategic goals of agriculture industry development in South Shandong
Economic Zone
3.1 Promoting grain production to assure grain security of Shandong Province
Grain production situation has been great changed since 1980s in China. South China especially coastal
provinces have become grain imported areas because of rapid urbanization and industrialization, while
North China became grain exported areas. As a main agriculture province, Shandong Province has
always been in the top 3 of China’s grain production in the past 30 years; grain output per capita has
always been higher than national level. Shandong Province is a large grain exported province and has
positive contribution in national grain security. South Shandong Economic Zone is the largest grain
production base of Shandong Province, the grain production of the region is vital important in assuring
the whole province’s grain security.
3.2 Improving agriculture resources utilization efficiency
South Shandong Economic Zone is one of the best places in agriculture resources matching in China.
Piedmont regions are traditionally high yield area. Yanzhou County is the second county that per mu
(667m2) cultivated land can yield 1 ton grain in North China. By 2009 the record yield of wheat in
Shandong Province is 789.9 kg/mu which were made in Tengzhou County. In South Shandong
Economic Zone there are many high yield examples that wheat yield surpass 9000 kg/ha and maize
yield surpass 12000 kg/ha. In contrast, there are also large areas of medium and low yield fields in South
Shandong Economic Zone, medium and low yield field account for two thirds of all cultivated lands in
Heze prefecture. By improving soil environment, the grain yield can be doubled in medium and low
yield fields, so the potential of agriculture production is great in the region.
Mountainous land account for one half of the total area in South Shandong Economic Zone, due to poor
synthetic management of light, heat, water, soil and fertilizer in agriculture production, the agriculture
resources unitization efficiency is not ideal in mountainous area. The cubic climate advantages of
mountainous area have not been fully exploited.
3.3 Raising agricultural industrialization level to increase benefit from agriculture production
Agriculture industrialization is an essential way to agriculture and rural economy development and a
good measure to raise competition ability of agriculture industry. Shandong Province is one of the most
developed provinces in agriculture industrialization. Some agriculture industry belts have been
beginning to take shape in South Shandong Economic Zone, but the agriculture industrialization level
still need to be improved. Taking the vegetable industry of Cangshan County as an example, Cangshan
is called “South Vegetable Garden of Shandong Province”, while Shouguang is called “North Vegetable
Garden of Shandong Province”, in Shouguang County, vegetable breeding, planting, processing,
marketing, and image constructing have been form a integrate industry chain, and vegetable industry
benefit is maximized in this way. Although the climate in Cangshan is more favorable for vegetable
planting than that of Shouguang, and Cangshan has more vegetable land than Shouguang, the net
income per peasant of Cangshan is less than that of Shouguang, the reason lies in the lagged vegetable
industrialization of Cangshan. Another example is fruit industry, in Qixia county of East Shandong, fruit
industry is well developed, the indicators of apple planting area, synthetic services, garden management,
technology, total yield, industry benefit are all in the first place in China, and Qixia county was named
“the first fruit county” by National Bureau of Statistics in 1998. The area of Qixia is only as half as
those of most counties in South Shandong Economic Zone, while the climates of two regions are similar.
Those show great gap between South Shandong and East Shandong in vegetable industry. Agriculture
industrialization has a long way to go in South Shandong Economic Zone.
4 Strategic layouts and directions of agriculture development in South Shandong
Economic Zone
Taking measures according to local conditions and exploiting region’s advantages to the full should be
the principles of agriculture development in South Shandong Economic Zone. In plain areas, good
terrain and soil condition is favorable to build high yield large scale farm; piedmont region is the best
place to grow vegetable; mountainous areas have advantages to develop fruit industry and peanut
4.1 Grain-cotton and meat animal base
South Shandong Plain is a part of North China Plain; it is traditional grain and livestock production area.
In the future, more effort should be paid on improving medium and low yield fields, more high yield and
super high yield cultivated land should be built, improving light and heat resources efficiency by
intercropping and other multi-harvest cultivation measures. Thickly populated districts have abundant
human resources, new intercropping pattern such as wheat-spring maize-summer maize,
wheat-maize-cotton should be introduced in order to get high yield in the same cultivated land. As
traditional meat animal production area, South Shandong Economic Zone has many fine livestock
species such as Chinese Luxi cattle, Small Tail Han Sheep, Jining Grey Goat are famous all over China.
There are abundant agriculture surplus such as straws and bran which are good feed for livestock,
manure of livestock is the good fertilizer for crops, crop planting and livestock rising can form virtuous
4.2 Vegetable industry base in piedmont region
With rich groundwater resource and good soil texture, piedmont regions of South Shandong Economic
Zone are important vegetable bases in China. There are 67 000 ha vegetable lands in Cangshan County,
34 000 ha garlic lands in Jinxiang County, 40 000 ha vegetable use potato lands in Tengzhou County,
and 34 000 ha cucumber garden in Yinan County. The vegetable industry development direction of the
region is prolonging vegetable industry chain, improving relevant services, developing fresh-keeping
conservation and vegetable procession, decreasing pesticide residue and assuring food security.
4.3 Fruit, peanut and minor grain crops base in mountainous area
Mountainous regions account for half of the whole area in South Shandong Economic Zone.
Mountainous area is economically under-developed area, and has priority to develop diversified
agriculture industry, especially for fruits industry, but the fruits output in South Shandong Economic
Zone only account for one third of Shandong Province. The most competitive fruit industry in South
Shandong Economic Zone is peach planting, other fruits industry such as apple and pear planting has
not been fully developed. On the other hand, the climate in South Shandong Province is very favorable
to grow various fruits; the rainfall and the temperature are all suitable for fruit production. Agriculture
engineering measures, biological measures, and agronomic measures should be combined in future fruits
production and high quality fruits base construction in South Shandong Economic Zone. On the base of
stabilizing peanut acreage, other fruits such as garnet, cherry, gooseberry’s planting should be expanded.
South Shandong Economic Zone is the largest peanut production and exportation base in China, peanut
production has been the key industry in mountainous area. The direction of peanut industry is
strengthening standardization in planting, processing and marketing. Good peanut varieties should be
selected and introduced. Minor grain crops industry has no large scale production in South Shandong
Economic Zone. In the future, minor crops production should be developed according to the local
5 Conclusion: Some proposals on agriculture development strategy in South
Shandong Economic Zone
Most cultivated lands in South Shandong Economic Zone are of high quality, after thousands of years’
exploitation, there is few untouched arable land resources in the region, in order to realize the dynamic
equilibrium of total cultivated land area of the region, it is imperative to practice strict cultivated land
policy. Poor agriculture infrastructure is the key factor that restricts agriculture development; more
attention must be paid on irrigation and water conservancy system. Science and technology is the
important impulsive force of agriculture development, agriculture development should based on science
and education. As a coastal area, agriculture development should take full use of domestic and foreign
market. At last, the benefit from policies of national and regional government is indispensable for
regional agriculture development.
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