Download Postdoctoral Positions at Shandong University

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Post-doc Positions at Shandong University
Shandong University (SDU) is one of the oldest universities in China, and is a key
university receiving state promotions of both 211 and 985 programs. SDU School of
Medicine has developed close research and education collaborations with the
Karolinska Institute during last two decades, and has emerged as the institution that
produces the highest number of joint publications with KI in China in recent years.
SDU is committed to strengthen the collaborations with KI on all levels.
In order to promote collaboration between SDU and KI, SDU will recruit 2
postdoctoral fellows who have obtained their doctoral degrees from KI. The
postdoctoral fellows will be supported for two years with an annual salary between
200,000 and 300,000 RMB (approximately 209980 SEK and 314970 SEK). We are
inviting motivated candidates to conduct research at SDU. The two positions are
available and open for applicants immediately.
Research Fields of Prospective Postdocs
Highly motivated candidates with strong background knowledge of the following four
research areas are encouraged to apply.
○ Cancer Study
Digestive tract cancer, especially esophageal and gastric cancer, is highly prevalent in
the Shandong area, and it is thus an urgent task to gain profound insights into the
disease pathogenesis and to provide rationales to develop efficient
prevention/treatment strategies. Since 2005, SDU and KI researchers have been
working together to study cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying gastric
cancer development and progression. Our future projects will be focused on following
issues: (i) The role of cancer stem cells in the formation and recurrence of gastric
cancer; and (ii) The genetic and epigenetic abnormalities that drive the development
and/or progression of esophageal and gastric cancer.
○ Stem Cell Research
Familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL) is an inherited immune defect
with a high mortality, whilst its only known cure, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell
transplantation, fails in 1/3 of the transplanted patients, due to severe graft versus host
disease. In the light of recent progresses in inducible pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) and
mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) therapies, the researchers from the Stem Cell
Research Lab at the Second University Hospital of Shandong University and the
Karolinska Institute are teaming up to explore if iPSC and MSC approaches can be
developed into safe and useful therapies. They will establish autologous iPSC or MSC
cell lines from FHL patients who carry homozygous gene mutations in
disease-causing genes, correct the gene mutations using homologous recombination
and zinc-finger nucleases technology, induce the gene corrected iPSC or MSC
differentiation into HSC. They will evaluate of the biological function and therapeutic
safety of these HSCs. The research collaboration may develop a novel strategy to treat
and cure inherited immune defects.
○ Cardiovascular Research
Researchers at the National Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Remodeling and
Function Research at Qilu Hospital of Shandong University conduct a wide range of
preclinical and clinical research in cardiovascular diseases (CVD). With the research
theme in cardiovascular remodelling, their research work is to dissect the cellular and
molecular mechanisms underlying cardiovascular risk factors, such as hyperlipidemia,
hypertension, and diabetes mellitus, drived atherosclerotic lesion development. They
investigate the mechanisms underlying atherogenesis and plaque stability, including
inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, as well as proliferation, apoptosis, and
oxidative stress of the vessel wall cells. Much effort has also been made to elucidate
atheroprotective mechanisms, such as angiogenesis and regulatory T cell response,
and to discover novel strategies for CVD management. The institution has been
actively engaged in research collaborations with KI scientists in the research of
angiogenesis and CD4 T cell immune responses in atherosclerosis.
○ Health Management and Policy
Center for Health Management and Policy (CHMP) and School of Public Health of
Shandong University have long-term collaborations in public healthcare research and
education with KI’s public health sector. Currently, we are committed to research
focusing on global health problems. In collaboration with KI researchers, we Jointly
design and apply for international funds for collaborative research on global health
problems. We conduct research projects focused on key public healthcare issues, such
as the control of chronic diseases and the containment of antimicrobial resistance,
including how to achieve rational use of antibiotics. We have also ongoing projects
related to the reform of public healthcare system in China. We can offer the
opportunities for comparative studies of Chinese and Swedish healthcare system.
1. A doctoral degree obtained from KI in 2012 or later.
2. SDU strives to enhance the international research environment, where the
recruitment of international post-docs is an important part. Hence, the awardees
should have their university education as well as their doctoral training from
outside China, to ensure a true international exchange of research which is also a
requirement by the funding source.
3. The awardee is required to work not less than 20 months at SDU during the
two-year contract.
To Apply
Please submit your cover letter, CV including bibliography, copies of your diplomas
and certificates via email to: [email protected].
Contacts for further information
Nailin Li, doc
KI Scientific Coordinator for China
Karolinska Institutet
Department of Medicine-Solna
Clinical Pharmacology Unit, L7:03
Karolinska University Hospital-Solna
171 76 Stockholm, Sweden
HU Shuang (Ms.)
Program Officer
Dept. International Affairs
Shandong University
Mingde Building, C306
Shanda Nanlu 27
Jinan 250100, China
Tel: +46-8-517 739 96
Fax: +46-8-331 343
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +86-531-88364854
Fax: +86-531-88565051
Email: [email protected]