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Biology 10.3 and 10.4 Review
1. Controls on cell growth can be turned on and off.
A. When might cells division increase?
Injury or growth
B. When might cell division slow down?
When the body is in a stable state
2. What proteins regulate the cell cycle?
B. What is an easy way to remember this? Cyclins regulate the cell cycle
A. Which type of regulator would speed up cell division if you were to get a cut?
B. Which type of regulator would prevent telophase from happening until metaphase did?
4. How does apoptosis help form specific structures, like individual fingers and toes, in a
developing fetal organism?
Apoptosis is programmed cell death, killing cells and tissue so that
individual structures can arise
5. What is cancer?
Disorder where cells lose the ability to control cell growth
6. A. Which type of tumor is cancerous?
Which is noncancerous? Benign
B. Can you think of an easy way to remember these?
Malignant like Maleficent = bad
Benign sounds like “Be mine”
7. Which gene is commonly damaged in cancer cells?
8. A. What are three treatments for cancer?
Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy
B. Why does chemotherapy leave a person weak? Kills cancer cells, but also healthy cells
9. What is the earliest stage of development called?
10. What is differentiation? Give an example.
Process by which cells become specialized. Stem cell becomes a muscle cell.
11. A. What is the difference between the following terms?
Totipotent: Able to become all cells
Pluripotent: Able to become most cells
Multipotent: Able to become few cells
B. Come up with an easy way to remember these terms.
Toti = total = all
Pluri = plural/plethora = many/most
Multi = multiples = few
12. What are stem cells?
Unspecialized cells from which differentiated cells develop
13. Why are adult stem cell only multipotent?
Stem cells of a given organ only produce cells unique to that organ
14. Why is stem cell research important?
May lead to new ways to repair cellular damage and cure/repair disease/injuries
15. Why is embryonic stem cell research controversial?
Collecting embryonic stem cells kills the embryo, so save embryo vs. save current lives