Download Water_and_rock_cycle_(UBD_Unit)

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Stage 1 – Beginning with the End in Mind
Established Goals:
Standard(s) which lesson is based upon: 1.17 The student demonstrates an
understanding of geochemical cycles by:
Stating that many things around them change
Classifying changes as slow or fast
Identifying different sizes of shapes of rocks
Identifying the water cycle and the rock cycle
Standards which will be referenced: Process Standards
Understandings/Big Ideas – Why Do I
have to know/do this???
Essential Questions:
How does the Earth do it?
You live on the Earth
Students will know….
how to ID the water cycle
How to ID the rock cycle
Earthquakes make the Earth change
Erosion makes the Earth change
Students will be able to ….
ID the Water cycle
ID the rock cycle
ID what changes the Earth quickly and what
changes it slowly
Stage 2
Pre-Assessment: (To introduce the Water cycle and Rock cycle)
1. Where do you think rain comes from? What happens to the puddles in the
2. What do you think when you hear the word water?
After lesson on Water cycle and Rock cycle using Yes/No Cards.
1. Is this a part of the water cycle – display a picture of a rock.
2. Is this a part of the rock cycle? - display the same picture from above.
Post Assessment
1. What cycle is the picture below showing?
What cycle is the picture below showing?
3. What makes the Earth change slowly over time?
What makes the Earth change quickly?
Scoring Guide
4 questions of
Post –
Answers 0 or
1 question
Answers 2 out
of 4 questions
Answers 3 out
of 4 questions
Answers 4 out
of 4 questions
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities: Overview of Plan
1) Pre-assessment and class discussion intro water
cycle/rock cycle using pictures, charts and books.
2) Bill Nye video on water cycle.
3) Erosion and Earthquake tubs showing how earth
can change quickly and slowly.
Daily Plan
Form (Drill/Practice;
Practical Application;
Knowledge (explanation)
Day 1: Start class discussion with pre-assessment questions regarding water cycle.
Introduce water cycle showing pictures previously found. Hand out the water cycle
books. Go through the cycle reading each stage of the cycle. Allow students time to
color the books. The water cycle book is found at - at the
bottom of the page. (Approximate time 25 minutes).
Day 2: Show Bill Nye Science Guy video on Water Cycle. A class discussion will
follow the video. (approx. time 25 minutes)
Day 3: Start class discussion with asking pre-assessment questions regarding rock
cycle. Introduce the rock cycle showing pictures previously found. Hand out Rock
cycle books. Go through the cycle reading each stage. Allow students time to color
the books. I have not found a rock cycle book but make my own. (Approximate
time 25 minutes)
If you have a few extra minutes during day 3, hand out Yes/No cards and ask the
water cycle and rock cycle questions as a post assessment of these lessons.
Day 4: Start class discussion about how the Earth changes over time quickly
(Earthquake) and slowly (Erosion), discussing what makes the Earth change and
how it changes. Introduce the two tubs of dirt/plants/ stick houses (these tubs
should be set up prior to the lesson, be exactly the same and able to hold water. The
tubs should be shallow and longer then they are wide.) You can use a watering can
or PVC pipe to slowly pour in water to show erosion and movement of the soil and
rocks/minerals. Ask the students what happens when the Earth shakes. What they
think will happen when I shake the tub. How will the Earth change? Shake the
Earthquake tub. Discuss what happened, what changes were made. Ask the
students if they know what will happen if water is poured or allowed to pour into
the other tub. What changes will take place? How long will it take? Will the
changes be as quick as the Earthquake? (approximate time 25 minutes)
Day 5: Discuss with the class and show pictures of big boulders, rocks, and sand
discussing the different sizes of each and how those sizes relate to other objects.
Read the Lonely Boulder, which is attached. Explain how the rocks can break down
and then are many different sizes. (Example: Boulder can be about the same size as
a four-wheeler.) You will need to place different size objects around the classroom
prior to this lesson. The objects will need to be similar in size to the boulder (big
ball, TV, big fan, big box), rock (egg, small ball, small basket) and sand (sugar, salt,
oregano, grill seasoning). You should also place objects around the room that are
not similar sizes to the boulder, rock and sand to determine if the students are
understanding the concept of size. Prepare ahead pictures of a boulder, rock and
sand for the students. Have the students stand with backs to the room in twos and
threes. Each pair or small group will need to walk around the classroom looking for
the objects, which are similar in size to the picture of the boulder, rock or sand that
they have in their hand. The group decides together where they will place their
paper. You will need to limit the amount of time they have to place their paper.
Once the object is found and the picture placed they return to the front of the room
and the next group will go. Once all of the students are finished you can then
discuss the sizes of each object and determine if all of the objects were used and why
some were not.
Other Thoughts:
** How can instruction be differentiated????
**What are some possible extensions of the lesson/learning?