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The Light of Christ
The Heart of Islam
Foundation of Islam
 All
of Islam is founded on
Allah, the god of Islam, and
the pattern of Muhammad
as the perfect Muslim
 There are more than a
billion Muslims who follow
The Quran, Islam’s
Holy Scripture, Is the
Major Source to
Reveal the Heart of
The Heart of Allah
No misfortune (disaster) can
happen on earth or in your souls
but is recorded in a decree
[Quran] before [in eternity] We
[Allah] bring it into existence:
That is truly easy for Allah
Allah created man in toil and
trouble (Q.90:4).
What Else Has
Allah Done to
Allah Corrupted All
Allah corrupted Satan and made
him an enemy to humanity
(Q.7:16; 15:39).
Allah inspired sin in humankind
and created them sinners (Q.91:78. Also read Q.4:88; 7:16-18; 9:51;
14:4; 16:93; 35:8; 57:22; 74:31).
The components of sin corrupts and
interrupts life, so does Allah’s
inspired sin.
Result of Allah’s Sin
The components of sin corrupts
and interrupts life, so does Allah’s
inspired sin.
Sin darkens the heart and rids
people of heavenly identities.
It makes individuals self-centered, and
Muhammad’s life is a perfect example
of this.
Results of Allah’s Sin
It pushes leaders to feel self-sufficient,
and Islamic leadership is a perfect
example of this.
It forces a person to deceive himself;
Muhammad legitimized almost every sin
he initiated and created a code of selfrighteousness for himself in this way.
Prophet David: “Create in me a
clean heart, O God” (Ps.51:10
No Moral Absolutes in
Allah is the best of deceivers (Q.3:54;
Allah is swifter in deceiving (Q.10:21).
No one can feel secure from the
deception of Allah (Q.7:99).
The Bible says: A truthful witness does
not deceive, but a false witness pours
out lies. … a truthful witness saves
lives, but a false witness is deceitful
(Prov.14:5, 25).
No Moral Absolutes in
Allah legitimized lying:
Q.2:225 encourages Muslims to deny their
faith in Allah if the condition necessitates
until the situation gets back to normal.
Q.3:28 tells Muslims to be friends with nonMuslims until Muslims get to power and
rule or do something against them.
Q.16:106 establishes that there are
circumstances that can "compel" a Muslim
to tell a lie.
The Bible Says: A truthful witness
gives honest testimony, but a false
witness tells lies (Prov.12:17).
He is Allah, than Whom there is no other God,
the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One, Peace, the
Keeper of Faith, the Guardian, the Majestic,
the Compeller, the Superb. Glorified be Allah
from all that they ascribe as partner (unto
Him). He is Allah, the Creator, the Shaper out
of naught, the Fashioner. His are the most
beautiful names. All that is in the heavens
and the earth glorifies Him, and He is the
Mighty, the Wise (Q.59: 23-24).
The Heart of God in the
God created humanity in His own
image (Gen.1:26).
In His image means kind, loving,
caring, holy, righteous, just and
 God could not create humanity in toil
and trouble with these good
 If God created humanity in toil and
trouble, they wouldn’t be able to
have peaceful relationships with God
and each other.
The Heart of God in the
Human being is made in God’s image
means also that any act of violence or
abuse against human being is an act of
high treason against the true God
whose image we bear and to whose
kingship and sovereignty we therefore
inherently bear witness. This is the
reason that the followers of Christ
have historically put high value on
human life, whether women, slaves and
born or unborn children.
The Heart of God in the
God created all angels clean
God did not corrupt Satan. It was
Satan, who himself abused his free
will, rebelled against God, lost his
holiness and separated himself from
Read Genesis 1:31, Jude 6 and Ezekiel
The Heart of God in the
He who works deceit shall not
dwell in my house; He who tells
lies shall not continue in my
presence (Psalm 101:7).
Which God to Follow?
The God of the Bible who created
people in love and holiness?
Allah who created people in toil
and trouble, and inspired sin and
lying in them?
Allah’ Prophet
The Life Qualities
of Jesus in the
Quran are superior
than Muhammad’s
Comparison According to
the Quran
Jesus is the
Christ (anointed
by God) (Q.3:45;
Jesus is the word
of God (Q.3:45;
Jesus is the
Spirit of God
(Q.4:171; 19:17;
 But
Qur’an says
no such
thing about
Comparison According to
the Quran
Quran never
Jesus with
sin and evil.
Jesus is
holy and
Muhammad is not holy
and faultless; he is a
sinner (Q.48:2):
… If I (Muhammad) had
knowledge of the unseen
(God’s secrets), I should
have multiplied all good,
and no evil should have
touched me (Q.7:188).
Comparison According to
the Quran
Jesus with
sin and
Satan interfered with
Muhammad’s desire
(Q.22:52); caused
him to forget Allah’s
signs (Q.6:68).
He asks for the
forgiveness of his
sins (Q.40:55).
Comparison According to
the Quran
Jesus created a
bird, raised the
dead and healed
the blind (Q.3:49;
Jesus ascended
into heaven
(Q.3:55; 4:158).
Jesus will be the
sign of the last day
[He will come
again to judge the
world] (Q.43:61)
Muhammad did
not create, raise
the dead or heal
the blind.
Muhammad died
(Q.39:30) and is
not in heaven
(Q.31:34; 46:9;
Muhammad does
not have such an
Comparison According to
the Quran
Jesus is
mercy of
God to
Muhammad is not called
the mercy of God to
people, but he is called to
be harsh and kill:
You who believe (Muslims),
kill any disbeliever who are
close to you (relatives and
neighbors) so that they
may find out how harsh you
are. Allah is with those
who are pious (Q.9:123).
Apple Doesn't Fall Far From
The Tree
Muhammad is the fruit of Allah
Lying to non-Muslims is permissible
(Reliance of the Traveller, P.745)
Mohammed said: A man who brings peace
to the people by making up good words or
by saying nice things, though untrue, does
not lie (Bukhari :: Volume 3 :: Book 49 ::
Hadith 857)
Muhammad said: Use your property, your
persons and your tongues in striving
against the polytheists (Dawud :: Book 14 :
Hadith 2498 )
The Bible says:
No lie comes from the truth
God cannot lie (Titus 1:2).
The Lord detests lying lips, but he
delights in men who are truthful
It is to a man’s honor to avoid
strife, but every fool is quick to
quarrel (Prov.20:3).
Which One to Follow?
Muhammad, who was a
sinner, died and legitimized
 Or
 Jesus, who is sinless, in
heaven and hated lying?
 Which one is able to lead
people in peace and truth to
Does Islam believe in
freedom so that people
can feel free to choose
what they believe, and
to change their beliefs
if desired and
Islam gives right to
Muhammad more
than Muslims, to
Muslim men more
than Muslim women,
and to Muslims more
than non-Muslims
Muhammad and Muslims
It is not for a believer, man or
woman, when a matter has been
decided by Allah and his apostle to
have any option about their
decision: If any one disobeys Allah
and his apostle, he is indeed on a
clearly wrong path (Q.33:36).
Muhammad was allowed to marry
nine wives, whereas Muslim men
can have a maximum of four.
White and Black Muslims
Qur’an Says:
On the Day when some faces will be
white, and some faces will be black: To
those whose faces will be black, (will
be said): "Did you reject Faith after
accepting it? Taste then the penalty
for rejecting Faith.“ But those whose
faces will be white,- they will be in (the
light of) Allah’s mercy: therein to dwell
(for ever) (Q.3:106-107).
White and Black Muslims
Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah's
Apostle was on a journey and he had a
black slave called Anjasha, and he was
driving the camels (very fast, and there
were women riding on those camels).
Allah's Apostle said, "Waihaka (May
Allah be merciful to you), O Anjasha!
Drive slowly (the camels) with the
glass vessels (women)!" (Bukhari: V8,
B73, H182).
Muslim Males and Females
Ladies belong to inferior class
In inheritance shares, they get half (Q.4:11,
Two ladies witness is equal to one man’s
witness (Q.2:282)
Among the Believers (Muslims) are
men who have been true to their
covenant with Allah… (Q.33:23 )
Allah has given men more [to excel]
than ladies…(Q.4:34)
Muslim Males and Females
Ladies must abide at home quietly
If they go out they must cover
themselves so that they will not be
known more easily, and they will not
be affronted (Q.33:59).
 Anyone (especially non-Muslims) who
stands against the covering must be
slaughtered (Q.33:60-62).
Muslim Males and Females
Husbands own their wives (Q.53:2).
Husbands beat their wives (Q.4:34;
(Muhammad) Do not treat your wives
alike, no matter how eager you may
be to do so (Q.4:129).
 Wives should not be saddened for
anything you may give/tell them
Muslim Males and Females
Muhammad said: When one of you
prays without a sutrah, a dog, an
ass, a pig, a Jew, a Magian, and a
woman cut off his prayer, but it
will suffice if they pass in front of
him at a distance of over a stone's
throw (Dawud: B2 : H704).
Committed Muslims and
Their Family Members
O ye who believe! take not for
protectors [guardians] your
fathers and your brothers if they
love infidelity above Faith: if any
of you do so, they do wrong
Muslims and Relatives
You who believe (Muslims),
kill any disbeliever who are
close to you (relatives and
neighbors) so that they may
find out how harsh you are.
Allah is with those who are
pious (Q.9:123).
Muslims and Non-Muslims
Non-Muslims are unclean (najis in
Arabic) (Q.9:28).
Calling a non-Muslim unclean means
far more than just a non-Muslim:
The equivalent word in Arabic for nonMuslim is “Kafir” which means those who
reject Allah.
A Kafir is most abused, prejudiced and
The Quran says that a non-Muslim may be
deceived, plotted against, hated, enslaved,
mocked, tortured and killed.
Muslims and Non-Muslims
Those who believe not in the Ayât
(proofs, evidences, verses, lessons,
signs, revelations, etc.) of Allâh, who
fabricate falsehood, and it is they who
are liars(Q.16:105).
Or do you think that most of them hear
or understand? They are only like
cattle; nay, they are even farther
astray from the Path. (i.e. even worst
than cattle) (Q.25:44).
Muslims and Non-Muslims
For the worst of beasts are those
who reject Allah and will not believe
in him (Q.8:55).
Those who reject Islam are dogs
and evil (Q.7:175-177).
A Jew is a monkey, pig and donkey
(Q.2:65; 5:60; 62:5) and a Christian is
a monkey (Q.5:60).
Muslims are the best of peoples,
evolved for mankind… (Q.3:110).
Muslims and Non-Muslims
And when We would destroy a
township We send commandment to its
folk who live at ease, and afterward
they commit abomination therein, and
so the Word (of doom) hath effect for it,
and we annihilate it with complete
annihilation (Q.17:16).
So fight them (non-Muslims) until there
is no more disbelief (in the whole
world) and all submit to the religion of
Allah alone (Q.8:39).
Muslims and Non-Muslims
Muslim :: Book 26 : Hadith 5389
Abu Huraira reported Allah's
Messenger (may peace be upon
him) as saying: Do not greet the
Jews and the Christians before
they greet you and when you meet
any one of them on the roads
force him to go to the narrowest
part of it.
The Bible says:
There cannot be Jew nor
Greek, there is neither bond
nor free, there is no male nor
female; for you are all one in
Christ Jesus (Gal.3:28).
Do not oppress an alien; you
yourselves know how it feels to
be aliens, because you were
aliens in Egypt (Ex.23:9; 22:21).
The Bible says:
The Lord’s servant must not quarrel;
instead, he must be kind to everyone,
able to teach, not resentful. Those
who oppose him he must gently
instruct, in the hope that God will grant
them repentance leading them to a
knowledge of the truth (2Tim.2:24-25).
Make every effort to live in peace with
all men and to be holy, without
holiness no one will see the Lord
Whoever does not love does not know
God, because God is love (1Jn.4:8).
Islam: a one-way religion
 Islam
 You
is one-way religion:
are free to leave your
beliefs and join Islam, but you
are not free to leave Islam.
 Islam has sanctioned
humiliation, invasion and death
for you if you oppose or leave
Which One to Follow?
Islam that rejects freedom, gives
right to men more than women,
and to Muslims more than nonMuslim?
To Christianity that believes in
freedom and equal right?
Questions By Christians
There are so many nice Muslims.
Why are they a part of this Islam
we heard about?
Why do committed Muslims hate
Christians so much?
Islam instructs torture,
persecution and the killing of
converted Muslims. What can we
do to stop this?
Questions By Muslims
Christians believe in the Trinity.
Isn’t this three gods?
It is blasphemy to call Jesus the
Son of God. This would mean that
God has sexual desire. Does it
How can you call Jesus God,
since he ate, slept and lived like
God is mighty. How could he be
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