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Study Guide for the Biology Midterm
Part 1
1) What is a cell?
2) What does homeostasis mean?
3) What are the seven characteristics of all living things?
4) What is DNA?
5) What is metabolism?
6) What is an autotroph?
7) What is a heterotroph?
8) What are the two different types of reproduction and what are the 3 ways they differ?
9) What are the five steps to the scientific method?
10) Things you can change in an experiment are called what?
11) What is the independent variable?
12) What is the dependent variable?
13) What is a control variable?
14) What is a control group?
15) What are electrons? Where are they found?
16) What are protons? Where are they found?
17) What are neutrons? Where are they found?
18) What is an atom? An element?
19) What does the atomic number represent?
20) What is a compound?
21) What is an ion?
22) Be able to tell me how many protons, electrons, and neutrons an element has if given the symbol. For example:
How many electrons, protons, and neutrons does this element have?
Place the number of protons, electrons, and neutrons in the correct spot on the diagram on the right.
23) What is a covalent bond? What is an ionic bond?
24) What is the pH range for an acid? What is the pH range for a base?
+ ______O2 → ______CO2
+ ______H2O
____ KClO3 → _____ KCl + _____ O2
26) How much stronger is an acid with a pH of 3 than an acid with a pH of 4? 5? 6?
27) What does it mean when I say that water is polar?
28) What is a hydrogen bond?
29) What is cohesion?
30) What is adhesion?
Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids
31) What element do all organic compounds contain?
32) What are monomers? What are polymers?
33) What are the monomers of carbohydrates?
34) What are the monomers of proteins?
35) What are the monomers of nucleic acids?
36) What are the four nucleotides and which ones hook together?
37) What are enzymes?
38) What can affect how an enzymes function?
39) Lipids have a ___________________ head that likes water, and _________________
tails that do not like water.
40) What are the two nucleic acids that we are familiar with?
41) A proteins structure determines its _________________.
Midterm Review Part 2
1) What are the three main parts to the cell theory?
2) What did Robert Hooke do?
3) What is a eukaryote? Give an example of a eukaryote.
4) What is a prokaryote? Give an example of a prokaryote.
5) Cell size is limited by what factor?
6) What organelle protects the cell?
7) What two things are the cell membrane made out of?
8) What does selectively permeable mean?
9) What are the pores and channels found in the cell membrane made out of?
10) What is an organelle?
11) What is the function of the nucleus?
12) What is the function of the mitochondria?
13) What is the function of the ribosomes?
14) What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum?
15) What is the function of the golgi apparatus?
16) What is the function of the lysosomes?
17) What three things are found in a plant cell that are not found in animal cells?
18) What is the function of the vacuole? Chloroplast? Cell wall?
19) What is a solvent?
20) What is a solute?
21) What is diffusion?
22) What is the point at which the concentration is equal inside and outside of the cell called?
23) What types of transport do NOT require energy (Passive transport)?
24) What is active transport?
25) What is osmosis? Diffusion?
26) When the concentration of solute on the outside of the cell is lower than the concentration on the inside of
the cell, the solution outside of the cell is called _____________ and water will flow __________ the cell. The
cell, therefore, will ____________.
27) When the concentration of solute on the outside of the cell is higher than the concentration on the inside of
the cell, the solution outside of the cell is called _____________ and water will flow __________ the cell. The
cell, therefore, will ____________.
28) What is ATP?
29) What is endocytosis?
30) What is exocytosis?
Midterm Review Part 3
1) Where is our genetic information stored?
2) What are the monomers of DNA?
3) What are the four nucleotides?
4) What are the three structures that make up a nucleotide?
5) What is the shape of DNA?
6) Our DNA is wrapped tightly around proteins in order to form our _____________, which are shaped like
7) How many chromosomes do we have? How many of those are autosomes? How many are sexchromosomes?
8) What does diploid mean? What is the human diploid number?
9) What does haploid mean? What is the human haploid number?
10) Be able to recognize drawings of Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokinesis.
11) It what phase of the cell cycle does the cell spend most of its time?
12) In what part of interphase is the DNA replicated?
13) What process produces gametes?
14) What are gametes?
15) What is crossing over and why is it important?
16) What is the result of meiosis? How many chromosomes are in the cells at the end of meiosis?
17) What chromosomes do you need to be a boy? A girl?
18) During what part of meiosis would chromosomes most likely fail to separate?
19) Know what a Punnett square is. Be able to predict probability using a Punnett square and determine what
offspring may be produced due to a cross.
20) Who is Gregor Mendel? What plant did he use in his experiments?
21) What does true breeding mean?
22) The original pair of plants that Mendel used in his experiment was called the __________________.
23) What is a gene?
24) What is an allele?
25) What does the term dominant mean? Recessive?
26) What is an organism’s genotype? Phenotype?
27) What is the difference between a homozygous and heterozygous organism?
28) What does it mean when a parent is a carrier?
29) What is incomplete dominance?
30) What is codominance?
31) What are sex-linked traits?
32) What are polygenic traits?
33) What are multiple alleles?