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Adult second-language learning by controlling each hemisphere of brain
Akiko Fujisawa #031101
Nowadays, one of major game makers, Nintendo has started making the games
to control the right hemisphere of the brain. What attracts many people to the right
hemisphere of the brain? The research on the right hemisphere of the brain has become
active in the last twenty years and many self-study guides about it have been published.
In this paper, I'm going to enter into the functions of the right and left
hemispheres of the brain.
1. The function of each hemisphere of the brain
a) The history of brain research
According to a psychobiologist Roger
Sperry, human beings are of two minds.
He found that the human brain have
specialized functions on the right and left,
and that the two sides can operate
practically independently. In the early
1980s, Dr. Sperry conducted some
extensive experiments on a patient who
had had his corpus callosum (脳梁) split
so that the connection was severed.
Corpus callosum is the "bridge" between
the left and right hemispheres of the
At first the patient seemed quite normal. Without working his corpus callosum,
each side of the patient's brain was functioning independently. However, the
experimentation showed certain activities such as naming objects or putting blocks
together could only be done when using one side of the brain or the other. The right
hand and eye (by function of the left brain) could name an object, such as a pencil, but
the patient could not explain what it was used for. When shown to the left hand and eye
(by function of the right brain), the patient could explain and demonstrate its use, but
could not name it. (Because the right eye connects to the left brain, the left hand to the
right brain, and so on throughout the body. The stimulus would be given to the side of
the body opposite the brain hemisphere being tested. (see Table1)
According to Dr. Sperry, these abilities were not absolute, but it seemed that the left
hemisphere specialized in language processes and the right is dominant in visual
construction tasks. Moreover, the two different sides of the brain control two different
modes of thinking. It also suggests that each of us prefers one mode over the other.
Table 1 How to control the right ( left )side of the body
To use the right hand
To use the left hand
right handed
left brain
both halves
left handed
both brain
both halves
Experimentation has shown that the two different sides, or hemispheres, of the brain are
responsible for different manners of thinking. The following table shows the differences
between left-brain and right-brain thinking:
Looks at parts
Looks at wholes
functions of right brain and left brain
Language recognition
Logical mind
Image memory
Intuition and flashing
Deliberate memory
Consideration of being
(consideration brain)
Memory at moment
(unconscious brain)
Artistry and creativity
Most individuals have a distinct preference for one of these styles of thinking. However,
some individuals are more whole brained, and equally adept in both of modes. In
general, Japanese schools tend to favor left-brain modes of thinking, while downplaying
the right-brain ones. Left-brain scholastic subjects focus on logical thinking, analysis,
and accuracy. On the other hand, right-brained subjects, focus on aesthetics(審美眼のあ
る美的感覚), feeling, and creativity.
The definition of four types of memory
Scientists divide memory into categories based on the amount of time the memory lasts.
The shortest memories lasting only milliseconds or about a minute is your working
memory (Immediate memory), and memories lasting anywhere from an hour to many
years are called long-term memories.
Each type of memory is tied to a particular type of brain function.
Long-term memory is used to store facts, observations, and the stories of our lives.
Stated quite simply, working memory is a memory which stocks information
temporarily It is used to hold the same kind of information for a much shorter amount of
time, often just long enough for the information to be useful. For example, working
memory might hold the page number of a magazine article just long enough for you to
turn to that page. The weak point is, it is easy to become tired by concentrating
consideration, and doesn't have the vitality, and makes the stress builds up.
Declarative and Non-declarative Memories
Another way to categorize memory is to divide memories about what something is from
memories about how something is done. Skills like dancing,horse riding, and climbing
a tree are called non-declarative (非陳述記憶) memories because we perform those
activities automatically, with no conscious recollection of how we learned the skills.
On the other hand, declarative (宣言記憶) memories are memories of facts and events
that we can consciously recall and describe verbally. For example, my Japanese
grand-pa used to teach my brother and me Mandarin whenever he was home.
episodic memory
autobiographical memory 自伝的出来事記憶
Moreover, the new facts that non-declarative memories and long-term memories are
controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain, and declarative memories and working
memories (Immediate memory) are done by the left one have come to light.
Curriculum-In order to grow up more balanced-brained students in their orientation, schools need to
give equal weight to the arts, creativity, and the skills of imagination. I mean that
balanced -brained students can strike and control a balance between the right
hemisphere and the left one of the brain.
Instruction-Teachers should use instruction techniques that connect with both sides of the brain.
They can increase their classroom's right-brain learning activities by incorporating more
patterning, metaphors, analogies, role-playing, visuals, and movement into their reading,
calculation, and analytical activities.
functions through reading.
Moreover, they can develop students' left-brain
The characteristic of Japanese
Whenever reading English alphabets, Japanese characters Hiragana, and Katakana, we
control the left hemisphere of the brain. However, a experiment shows that Japanese
use the both sides of hemisphere of the brain when they read the sentences which are
mixed with Japanese characters and Chinese ones (Japanese call them Kanji.) together
(文は漢字と平仮名で成り立っています。) and the idioms which made of Chinese
characters (熟語、慣用句).
A foreign researcher mentions that Japanese students have the high ability of reading.
The reason might be that both hemispheres of the brain work unconsciously when they
read the sentences which are mixed with Japanese characters and Chinese characters.
For a more accurate whole-brained evaluation of student learning, educators must
develop new forms of assessment that honor right-brained talents and skills connecting
the left-brained basic skills.
The discussion of methods to train the right-brain and left-brained skills which given
some specific examples will be postponed until next time.