Download The Parable of the Mustard Seed Matt. 13:31-32

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The Parable of the Mustard Seed
Matt. 13:31-32; Mark 4:30-32; Luke 13:18-19
In both the Jewish and Greco-Roman world mustard seeds were known for their
small size, even though other seeds, such as the orchid or cypress. The mustard
seed is one millimeter in diameter and is so tiny it requires from 725 to 760 seeds to
equal one gram (one twenty-eighth of an ounce). This comparison is intentional
because small seeds of hope mark the kingdom of God, we must not believe that the
small things done by kingdom people are ineffective.
The Black Mustard seed germinates within five days and grows quickly to a height of
about ten feet and has large leaves, especially at its base. Mark is the most precise in
referring to it as a garden plant because it does not really become a tree. However,
take notice to the fact that this small seed becomes larger than all of the garden
plants! We must remember that the small kingdom seeds that we plant on a daily
basis although small and seemingly insignificant they shall sprout. Our hope is not
in the acts that we do but in the fact they are kingdom seeds and there is a promise
here that like the mustard seed when those seeds take root and grow they will
produce more than any other seed planted. We as the people of God must believe
that we have the sprouting seeds, seeds that will produce beyond our wildest
imagination. Isaiah 55:11/ John 14:6 / 1 Cor. 1:26-31
Some Biblical scholars say that the mustard plant was extremely beneficial to health,
able to cure a long list of ailments. While this is good information what Jesus is
alluding to here is that this seed grows so high from such a small seed. Birds would
have been attracted to the mustard plant because of both its shade and its seeds.
We must recognize that we have the answer for the world’s issues. Those in search
of protection or shade (safety) from the issues of this world or who are looking for a
small seed of hope in which they can use to keep going everyday (strength), need
look no further than the hope of the church. We must believe that our small seeds
will make a difference in the lives of those around us. We cannot give up hope, we
cannot allow the enemy to win, we cannot run away scared, we cannot wait on
someone else to sow seeds that only we can sow. Jesus reminds us in this parable
that our seeds are seeds of hope and no matter how small our actions when they are
kingdom actions they shall sprout, higher than any other plant, and they provide
safety and strength for those around us.
1. In what ways have you allowed the struggles around you to stop you from
sowing seeds of hope?
2. Can you remember a time where a small seed sprouted into a large plant?
How did it make you feel? What does that make you believe about God?
3. Who around you needs to feel safe or could use some strengthening? Spend
some time this week sowing seeds of hope in their lives.