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Northern &
Southern States
Interactive Notes
VS. 6c
Even though they were part
of the same country, the
North and South were very
different. These differences
caused disagreements and
eventually the South seceded
or withdrew, from the United
One of these differences was
the economy. The economy
of an area has to do with how
people make a living and
how they spend their money.
In the North, the economy
was more based on industry.
They built factories and
manufactured products to sell
to other countries and to the
southern states. They did not
do a lot of farming because
the soil was rocky and the
climate made for a shorter
growing season.
Most people in the North
worked in factories or owned
their own businesses. They
also planted small farms or
gardens to help feed their
families. Without big farms to
run, the people in the North
did not rely on slave labor
very much.
In the South, the economy was
based on agriculture. The soil
was fertile and good for farming.
They grew crops like cotton, rice,
and tobacco on small farms and
large plantations. The many
farms and plantations required
thousands of workers. Because
of this great need, farmers
depended more on slave labor.
Another difference between the
North and South had to do with
new states forming in the
western territories. The North
wanted the new states to be
free states. Most northerners
thought that slavery was wrong
and many northern states had
outlawed slavery.
The South, however, wanted the
new states to be slave states.
Cotton, rice, and tobacco were
very hard on the southern soil.
These plants soon took all of the
nutrients out of the soil. Because
of this, the Southern farmers
wanted to move west into the
new states and take the
enslaved African Americans with
These differences began to
divide the northern and southern
states. Virginia was also divided.
The people who lived in the
western counties of the state
were against slavery and sided
with the North. The people who
lived in the eastern counties of
the state depended on slavery
and sided with the other
southern states.
Many disagreements
between the two regions of
the state led to the formation
of West Virginia. The coming
war was about to divide
Virginia and the nation in two.
Five Events Leading to War
Five important events led to
the South’s secession from the
Union and war.
1. One of the issues that divided
Virginians was the issue of slavery.
Many of the western Virginians, and
some eastern Virginians, felt that
slavery was cruel and wanted to see it
abolished. A few African slaves were
growing impatient. In August 1831, a
slave by the name of Nat Turner led a
revolt against plantation owners in
Virginia. For two nights, Turner and 60
to 70 slaves roamed the countryside
killing white men, women, and children
as they slept. Turner was eventually
captured and put to death.
2. The Nat Turner uprising
created more arguments about
slavery. Some people across the
country campaigned to end
slavery. They were called
abolitionists. They believed that
slave owners were criminals.
Abolitionists wanted laws passed
that would force slave owners to
free their slaves.
3. One famous abolitionist was a
runaway slave from Maryland by the
name of Harriet Tubman. She helped
enslaved African Americans travel north
to freedom on an escape route known
as the “Underground Railroad.” This
“railroad” was actually a secret network
of safe houses where runaway slaves
could stay on their journey north. For 10
years she risked her life leading
hundreds of enslaved African
Americans to freedom.
4. John Brown was another well-known
American abolitionist. He was raised in
the free state of Ohio and believed
strongly that slavery was wrong. In 1859,
Brown and 21 followers captured the
United States Armory (Arsenal) at
Harper’s Ferry, Virginia. Brown hoped
that this attack would start a slave
rebellion. Brown was captured, tried,
convicted of treason, and hanged.
5. The death of John Brown
caused more hard feelings
between the North and South.
Many southerners hoped that the
presidential elections of 1860 would
solve their problems. They wanted
a president who would favor
Instead, a Northerner by the name
of Abraham Lincoln was elected
president of the United States. The
South feared that slavery would be
abolished, and within two months,
seven southern states seceded from
the Union and formed the
“Confederate States of America.”
Later, Virginia seceded and joined