Download ONS Communities Seed Questions Chart

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ONS Community
Acute & Critical Care
Advanced Nursing Research
Seed Question(s)
1. What should be the role of oncology nurses
related to the use of technology in their clinical
2. Do you think oncology nurses assess for
potential oncologic emergencies specific to
their patient’s diagnosis?
3. Do you think it would be helpful to have
education on what medications have the
potential to increase the development of
pancreatitis in cancer patients?
4. Do we need education on the role medications
and cancer play in blood sugar levels?
5. What electrolyte results do you need more
information on?
6. Is knowledge and evaluation of pulse pressure
relevant in the assessment of the acute care
7. What questions are most relevant in your
practice related to vascular access?
8. What role does ECG readings plan in initial
chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy
9. What should be some specific areas for
assessment of potential sepsis in the cancer
10. What is the optimal RN to cancer patient
ration in critical care oncology and what is your
current RN: Patient ratio?
1. What ANR Learning Community values and
methods would be supportive of a
collaborative process for learning community
2. What are ways that the ANR members can
help create intentional, integrative, engaging
and transformational experiences for ONS
members interested in research?
3. What are critical areas for ANR Learning
Communities to bridge translational research
into practice?
4. What are ways in which Community members
can cultivate a research enterprise sustainable
to support priority areas of research consistent
with ONS’s mission to promote excellence in
oncology nursing and quality cancer care?
Ambulatory/Office Nursing
Blood & Marrow Stem Cell Transplant
Breast Care
Cancer Genetics
Chemotherapy & Biotherapy
1. UPS 800 has endorsed the use of the closed
chemotherapy system, which do you utilize?
Both inpatient and clinics?
2. Do you utilize a separate chemotherapy
consent or just a general permission to treat
3. Do you obtain a new chemotherapy consent
each time treatment changes?
4. How are the vinca alkaloids given – IVP or
IVBP? What is your technique?
5. Do your patients utilize cold caps to reduce
alopecia? What is your process? Is there
research to support?
6. Our center is starting EPOCH as outpatient
treatment if your practice is administering this
chemotherapy as a home treatment can you
please share your process?
7. Do you use the ONS On-line
Chemotherapy/Biotherapy course? If yes –
what is your process? If you do not what is
your course?
8. We are starting to use chemotherapy
intraoperative – how do you clean the
instruments? Will you share your process?
9. Chemotherapy spills can occur both in the
clinics and hospitals – what are your processes
and guidelines?
10. Do you have patient education and safety
instructions for patients going home on
chemotherapy? Can you please share?
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Clinical Trial Nurses
Complementary & Integrative Therapies
Home Care & Palliative Care
Lymphedema Management
1. How does your oncology practice determine if
the patient needs a Palliative Medicine consult?
2. How often do you assess for depression in your
practice and how do you determine a need for
psychologist or psychiatrist to intervene?
3. When your patient requests information or
discussion about Marijuana and Marijuana
products, what information do you give them?
4. 67 year-old male with a history of rectal
carcinoma and has had surgery and radiation.
He is clinically in remission but he is
experiencing severe rectal pain. He wants to
continue to work so he does not want to take
oral narcotics. This is the only thing that has
helped him. He takes 10 mg of oral morphine
before bed and this works. He needs something
for the daytime. Help!
5. Have you been trained on advanced directives?
When do you talk to your patient's about
advance directives?
1. Does anyone have a clinical situation they would
like to discuss regarding lymphedema? Please
don’t use a patient’s name.
2. Is exercise good for lymphedema? Let’s discuss
your thoughts.
3. What can be done to help prevent lymphedema?
4. Does manual massage help with lymphedema?
5. What makes a person at high risk for
lymphedema development?
6. Is a breast cancer patient always at risk for
lymphedema development?
7. What types of psychological issues are you
seeing with lymphedema patients?
8. What type financial issues are you seeing with
lymphedema patients?
9. Are your lymphedema patients experiencing
social issues?
Which antibiotics are best for cellulitis
development from lymphedema?
What financial issues are you finding
regarding lymphedema?
Nurse Leaders & Program Development
What type of infection do you see most in your
2. What medications do you use to prevent/treat
3. What treatment regimens are more\higher risk for
4. What type of patients do you see have neutropenia
more often i.e. sex, age, ethnicity?
5. What side effects most commonly do you see from
colony-stimulating factors?
6. What tips would you give the patient and family
about being outside to prevent neutropenia?
7. What tips would you give the patient and family
about being inside to prevent neutropenia?
8. How does marijuana effect neutropenia?
9. How would you explain dangers of crowded, public
10. What happens if there are young kids in the home
with infectious diseases?
1. Welcome to the Nurse Leaders and Program
Development Community. Please provide us with
feedback on how you see this platform being used.
2. Please tell us about yourself. Are you a
a. ONS Chapter Leader
b. ONS Community Leader
c. Charge Nurse
d. Emerging Nurse Leader
e. Administrator for the service line
f. Nursing Supervisor
g. Director
h. CNO
i. Nurse Manager, Unit Leader
j. Other, please specify
3. What challenges would you like this community
to help with?
Nurse Navigator
1. What role do your navigators play in your
institution’s community needs assessment?
2. How do you train your navigators to their role,
what are your resources?
3. How are you tracking the data from the
services your navigators provide?
Excel/manual collections, electronic medical
records, or web based programs? Does this
capture the return on their investment?
4. What outcome measures are being utilized to
evaluate your program and how do you show
return on investment?
5. Do your navigators accompany patients to MD
visits? What is the criteria used?
6. Our cancer center is participating in CMS
oncology care model (OCM) and we are hiring
a nurse to navigate our Medicare patients?
Does anyone have any navigation experience
with this model and can you share your
process/job description?
7. We just implemented an acuity scale in our
navigation software. For navigators currently
using acuity scales, would you please share any
improvements or success stories you had by
using data from acuity scales?
8. My institution is considering NPs as nurse
navigators so they can bill for services. Are
other organizations doing this?
9. How many of you are losing staff RNs who may
be navigators or coordinators from outpatient
practices and having them “replaced” with
Nurse Practitioner
Pain Management
Pharmaceutical/Industry Nursing
Prevention/Early Detection
medical assistants or NPs?
How do you ensure that ALL cancer patients
receive a distress screening?
My institution is looking at adding lay
navigators to the navigation team. Does
anyone have experience working with lay
navigators as part of a navigation team?
What entry points into navigation are used in
your institution? (e.g. path reports, external
referral, internal referral, tumor board, etc.)?
My institution is looking into purchasing
navigation software. Does anyone have any
experience using OncoNav, NurseNav or any
Do navigators participate in palliative care
team consults? If so, when is the best time to
have conversations around advance care
I am looking for a way to streamline the
development of survivorship care plans. I have
tried some of the online programs but find it
can take up to an hour to complete. How are
others managing this within their institutions
when this is included in the role of the ONN?
What departments within your health system
and cancer center utilize nurse navigators?
What are the ration of navigators to patients?
How does your organization determine the
workload of navigators?
Does anyone utilize care coordinators as their
title for nurse navigators?
1. What are the most common cultural and
socioeconomic factors affecting cancer
2. Why is there so much controversy over the
latest USPSTF recommendations for breast and
prostate cancer screening?
What is the latest recommendations from ACS
and NCCN related to site specific cancer
screening (site specific e.g. breast, cervical,
lung, prostate, skin)
What topics about cancer screening as an
oncology staff nurse should I discuss with my
How can I develop an outreach plan for my
community related to cancer screening and
Who needs genetic screening for cancer?
Do e-cigarettes or vaping increase cancer risk?
What is known about extending the use of
immune-based cancer therapies to prevent
cancer in those at increased risk?
What is the role of aspirin and metformin,
which are used safely and effectively to treat
other conditions and are known to affect
molecular pathways involved in cancer, in
halting the development or progression of
What is the role of diet in cancer prevention?
1. What is your institution’s policy/procedure for
the insertion of eye shields for EBRT treatment?
2. What is the nursing care model followed in your
3. Do you have a policy/procedure for mucositis
prevention and management and do you have
an algorithm?
4. Do you have a policy/procedure for weight loss
prevention and management and do you have
an algorithm?
5. Do you use ONS PEP guidelines for the
management of radiation dermatitis?
6. How is a patient’s acute pain managed in your
Department during simulation or treatment?
7. What type of sedation is used during T & O or T
& Ring High Dose Rate (HDR) brachytherapy
8. What evidence based patient education tools
do you give your patients?
9. What are the nursing quality measurements,
patient safety goals or quality improvement
projects that you monitor?
10. How do you meet your professional
development needs in radiation oncology?
Spiritual Care
Staff Education
Surgical Oncology
Survivorship, Quality of Life & Rehabilitation
Transcultural Nursing Issues
Rev. 8/31/16