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Appendix 4: "Dummy"/"empty" Subjects and Greek Negatives
A. "Dummy" Subject
1. A "dummy" subject may be said to be a grammatical subject which has no antecedent
or referent.
2. A "dummy" subject is either embedded in the verb or pronominal + embedded in the
Example a): English "it rains"; Greek brevcei; English = pronoun + verb ending;
Greek = verb ending.
Example b): English "it is necessary that we do this"; Greek dei' hJma'" poih'sai
tou'to. English has a discrete "dummy" subject, Greek does not.
3. Therefore "dummy" subjects arise typically
a. Re natural or atmospheric phenomena (i.e. Agent and Action cannot really be
b. With verbs that take a sentential subject
4. English uses DISCRETE "dummy" subjects, but Greek does not.
B. Greek Negatives
1. Prototypically
a. ouj = negation of ASSERTION (i.e. indicatives
b. mhv = negation of PROJECTION (i.e. non-indicatives)
2. Participle and Infinitive modes
a. Classical rule:
1) Partic.: takes ouj except when conditional
2) Infin.: takes mhv except in indirect discourse
b. Later rule:
1) Partic.: always takes mhv
2) Infin.: always takes mhv
3. Pragmatics of ouj and mhv
a. ouj may reinforce mhv, e.g. ouj mh; eijsevlqh/ He will certainly not enter
b. In questions ouj anticipates a positive reply, mhv a negative:
e.g. mh; h[kousan… "Did they hear?" or better "They didn't hear, did they?"
e.g. ouj h[kousan… "Did they hear?" or better "They did hear, did they not?"
c. mhv may qualify/nuance an assertion:
e.g. mh; h[rceto. "He wasn't coming, perhaps."
d. ouj in conditions may appear with the optative, though it is difficult to establish
its semantic impact.