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Heirs to the Roman Empire II: Europe, 500-800 AD
1. The Effect of the Disintegration of Western Roman Empire
a. Germanic tribes settle throughout old Western Roman Empire
i. Ostrogoths (in ________________________); Saxons (in ____________________)
ii. Visigoths (in __________________________); Vandals (in ___________________)
iii. Franks (in ____________________________)
b. Changes in government form
i. _____________________________ less important
ii. Now, ________________ __________________ is important
iii. German chiefs led . . .
c. Economic Effects
i. Cities shrink as …
ii. Trade shrinks as …
iii. Travel becomes ____________________
d. Loss of knowledge and learning
i. Incoming Germanic tribesmen were illiterate =>
ii. As cities shrink, ___________________________ decreases
iii. “Literacy line” idea
1. Represents where people have…
2. During Roman times, literacy line was…
3. During Middle Ages, literacy line was around ________________________
and ___________________________
iv. People didn’t have time to . . .
e. Population shifts
i. Roman nobility moved to _____________________________
ii. Intermarried with …
iii. Become future ____________________________ of Europe
f. Political effects
i. Almost all political institutions _________________
ii. Results in …
iii. Power goes to those who control ______________
1. Shift of power from ___________________ to __________________
2. Less wealth in _______________________ = less to ________________
3. Development of…
4. Larger ____________________________ developed in North more quickly
than in South
5. More __________________ = more __________________________
2. Who benefits from fall of Western Roman Empire?
a. Rise in power of local warlords =>
b. Rise in power of Church
i. Only Roman institution that …
ii. Provided __________________________ between Empire and post Empire world
iii. Something for …
iv. Received a lot of __________________ from…
v. Preserved __________________________ of Romans
c. Remnants of Roman authority used to bolster authority =>
d. Conversion of incomers to Catholicism key
i. Church came to terms with invaders =>
ii. Conversion key because with their conversion…