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What Doctors Are Saying About Breast Thermography
Women need to know that breast thermography is a promising and safe technology
that is a welcome addition to helping women create breast health. Thermography will
become the standard of care for breast health monitoring….Thermography is a
particularly good choice for younger breasts, which tend to be denser. It doesn’t
identify fibrocystic tissue, breast implants, or scars as needing further investigation. It’s
also good at detecting changes in the cells in the arm pit area, an area that
mammography isn’t always good at screening. Perhaps even more exciting is that a
thermogram can help a woman diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) decide,
along with her health practitioners, whether she requires aggressive or conservative
treatment. If you’ve ever had an unnecessary biopsy or been scared by a false positive
result on a mammogram, please consider getting a thermogram and using it in
conjunction with the mammogram to figure out your treatment options.
Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Acclaimed Author and Leading Expert in Women’s Health
Every woman should include breast thermography as part of their regular breast health
care. I have recommended the use of this technology extensively over the years in my
newsletter. Thermography has the unique ability to “map” the individual thermal
fingerprint of a woman’s breasts. Any change in this map over the course of months
and years can signal an early indication of possible tumors or other abnormalities. In
fact, studies have shown that an abnormal infrared image is the single most important
indicator of high risk for developing breast cancer.
Susan M. Lark, M.D.
Distinguished Author and Leading Expert in Women’s Health
Breast thermography needs to be embraced more widely by the medical community
and awareness increased among women. Not only has it demonstrated a higher
degree of success in identifying women with breast cancer under the age of 55 in
comparison to other technologies, but it is also an effective adjunct to clinical breast
exams and mammography for women over 55.
Len Saputo, M.D.
Founder of Health Medicine Forum and Health Medicine Center
What Doctors Are Saying About Breast Thermography
For years, I’ve been looking for a test to offer my patients who refuse mammograms.
Some are concerned about cumulative radiation and complications from compression,
and others have personal reasons for refusing this test. Yet, to do nothing is to put
their heads in the sand, and this doesn’t save lives… I found in my research, and
personally, that thermography can help a woman take a possible pre- cancerous
condition and turn it around. It supports mammography and provides additional
information. Prevention is the gold standard of health care. In my opinion, breast
thermography should be part of every woman’s yearly exam to help prevent breast
cancer, and for early detection.
Nan Kathryn Fuchs, Ph.D
Editor, Women’s Health Letter
The use of computerized medical infrared imaging for breast cancer detection,
diagnosis, and as a high risk and prognostic indicator leads to both earlier detection of
breast cancer and increases the overall survival of breast cancer patients.
Robert Elliot, M.D., Ph.D.
Comprehensive Breast Care Specialist Founder and Director
EEH Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Center
President American Mastology Association
Infrared imaging, based more on process than structural changes, and requiring
neither contact, compression, radiation nor venous access, provides pertinent and
practical complimentary information to both clinical examination and mammography.
Quality controlled abnormal infrared images heighten our index of suspicion in cases
where clinical or mammographic findings are equivocal or nonspecific and signal the
need for further investigation rather than observation. With the addition of infrared
imaging, our sensitivity of image detection has increased from 83% to 93%.
John Keyserlingk, M.D., Ph.D. Surgical Oncologist
Ville Marie Breast and Oncology Center
Department of Oncology - St. Mary's Hospital, Montreal, Quebec
What Doctors Are Saying About Breast Thermography
The option for breast screening that I most highly recommend is called thermographic
breast screening. Thermographic screening is brilliantly simple. It measures the
radiation of infrared heat from your body and translates this information into
anatomical images. Your normal blood circulation is under the control of your
autonomic nervous system, which governs your body functions.
Whereas mammography cannot detect a tumor until after it has been growing for
years and reaches a certain size, thermography is able to detect the possibility of
breast cancer much earlier. It can even detect the potential for cancer before any
tumors have formed because it can image the early stages of angiogenesis -- the
formation of a direct supply of blood to cancer cells, which is a necessary step before
they can grow into tumors of size.
More men’s lives could also be spared from the disease as mammography is not
frequently used on men, which leads to most men with breast cancer being diagnosed
at a very late stage.
Thermography uses no mechanical pressure or ionizing radiation, and can detect signs
of breast cancer as much as 10 years earlier than either mammography or a physical
Dr. Joseph Mercola, DO
Board-certified family medicine doctor
Founder of, the World’s #1 Natural Health Website
Fellow at American College of Nutrition
New York Times Best-Selling Author
Huffington Post’s Ultimate Wellness Game Changer