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Download Buddhism After reaching nirvana Buddha shared his teaching.
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Goal: Annotate a reading Explain the Buddha’s teachings Do now: Retrieve your drawings of the Buddha, share with your partner Agenda: Teachings of Buddha Annotation guide- annotate reading HW: Annotate “What did Buddha teach?” What did Buddha Teach? 4 Noble Truths, 8 Fold Path, Middle Way “The world is filled with pain and sorrow. But I have found a serenity that you can find, too.” Prince Siddhartha Four Encounters Leaving the Palace Enlightenment - Nirvana The Buddha’s First Teaching The Three Jewels of Buddhism Buddhists take refuge in the Three Jewels of Buddhism the Buddha, the Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha) Sangha (the Buddhist community- including Buddhist monks and nuns). Compassion (karuna) After reaching Nirvana, compassion caused the Buddha to send out his monks and share the teachings of the 4 Noble Truths and 8 Fold Path "Go forth, monks, for the happiness of the many, out of compassion for the world... There are beings whose eyes have little dust on them, who will perish if they do not hear the teaching. But if they hear the teaching, they will gain liberation." What are the 4 Noble Truths? 1) Life is suffering 2) Suffering is caused by desire 3) There is a way out of suffering 4) A way to end suffering and experience nirvana (enlightenment) is to follow the 8 Fold Path What is the 8 Fold Path? The way to reach nirvana Represents the Middle Way (balance) between desire and self-denial How can you reach nirvana? follow the Middle Way or the 8 Fold Path show compassion accumulate good karma over many lifetimes Areas of Buddhist Faith Buddhism Today