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JAN 19th
Tape into page 120
What are the two parts of a scientific
name? Why do we use scientific
Q. How do natural biological processes
result in the development of new species?
-Watch a video about Charles Darwin.
-Take two-column notes on the
Finches of the Galapagos Islands.
Copy the notes below into your notebook on page 121:
For evolution by natural selection to happen, there
must be:
1. Variation
2. Inheritable
3. Natural Selection
Notes cont’d:
Copy the definition onto page 121:
Natural Selection: organisms that are better
adapted to their environment are more likely to
survive and reproduce; the environment
“chooses” who lives and who dies.
NOVA: What Darwin Never Knew
(Stop at 15:03)
2 Column Notes
-You will read
-Fill out the Cornell Notes on the handout after
you read
-Tape into notebook on page 123 when finished
DO NOW – p. 120
JAN 20th
Describe an organism that is closely
related to snakes. Explain why you
believe they are related.
Q. How do natural biological processes
result in the development of new species?
-Adaptations Practice.
-Watch Planet Earth Videos and
determine how Environmental
changes will affect species.
Planet Earth
• We will watch 4 clips
• As you watch the clips, fill in the information
on your sheet including:
• After the clip, compare your information with
your group.
Planet Earth
• Once the clip is over, you will be given an
environmental change.
• Determine which species is most likely to
survive, and what adaptations must occur in
that species to ensure its survival.
• Fill in your explanation on your sheet, and
prepare to present, as a group, your
The Arctic
• Polar bears 1
• Polar Bears 2
The Arctic
• Environmental change:
– Global warming has cause all of the arctic ice to
melt leaving open ocean where there was once
hard ice to walk and hunt on.
African Desert
• Elephant vs. Lion
African Desert
• Environmental Change:
– Weather patterns begin to change resulting in
large amounts of rain year round.
Deciduous Forest
• Wasps
Deciduous Forest
• Environmental Change
Drought causes the trees to produce far less
acorns, and the ones that are produced are
half the size.
• Fur Seals and Penguins
• Environmental Change:
There is no change. Discuss what adaptations
could occur if the environment stays the
Textbook reading
• Read pages 292-293 in your textbook
• In your INB on page 122, answer questions 1113 in complete sentences (you will need to
draw the chart for number 13)
Finish animal poster from last week
• Choose and describe your animal’s habitat
• Invent a fictional animal that is able to survive
in your habitat. This includes ways they find
food, water, shelter, protect themselves etc…
• Draw/create your animal and label any
internal and external structures that allow
their animal to survive in its habitat.
• Name your animal
***Use color***
On your Do Now Sheet, match the vocabulary word to
the correct example..
1. Adaptation
2. Population
3. Variation
Picture A
Picture B
Picture C
Q. How do natural biological processes
result in the development of new species?
-Adaptations Practice.
Understanding how natural selection allows
for the survival of members of a species
with specific traits
Look at Selective Breeding and how humans
Shape outcomes for a desired trait
When the Galápagos
were first formed,
there were no plants
or animals on the
In your comp book,
write about some
ways that plants and
animals from South
America could have
found their way to
these rocky islands.
Be prepared to share!
Galapagos Islands
Evolution of Dogs
1. Students will read “Evolution of Dogs” with the member of
their table groups
2. Students will divide the 15 Dog Cards to complete letters A,
B, and, C on Dog Breeding Page or page ____ of their INB.
Each student should complete 3 or 4 cards.
3. Groups will then work together to complete 1-7 on the Dog
Breeding page or INB.