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The Five Kingdoms
In 1969, Robert Whittaker of Cornell University proposed a classification system that
was made up of 5 kingdoms
Previous classification
Scheme used to identify plants and animals did not include certain organisms such as
bacteria (Monera) and mushrooms (Fungi).
Whittaker’s 5 kingdom classification is bases on 2 principal criteria:
1. whether an organism is unicellular or multicellular
2. the type of nutrition that is practiced by the organism (such as photosynthesis,
ingestion (eating), absorption).
Whittaker’s 5 kingdom System:
Taxonomy—is the study of a species’ similarities and difference for evolutionary
1. Kingdom Monera—this kingdom contains a number of modern bacteria (eubacteria),
cyanobacteria, and ancient bacteria (archaebacteria).
 All of these organisms are prokaryotes—which means that they are single-celled
and lack distinct unicellular nuclei and membrane-bound organelles
 Bacteria are the most diverse and abundant organisms on Earth
2. Kingdom Protista—according to Whittaker system, the monerans evolved to give rise
to members of this kingdom.
 Protistans include the protozoa, single-celled algae, and slime molds (all of which
are eukaryotes)
 The cells of protistans have distinct nuclei and membrane-bound organelles, and
most are unicellular
 Species in this kingdom are heterotrophic or photosynthetic
 Some (such as slime molds) share characteristics with plants, protozoa, and fungi
 Many of these organisms are producers (vs. consumers) in marine and freshwater
environments, and some are parasitic protistans
 According to Whittaker system, the next 3 kingdoms arose from the protista
3. Kingdom Fungi—(mold and yeast)
 These organisms are eukaryotic, heterotrophic, and usually multicellular
(unicellular yeasts being one exception)
 Most of these organisms are decomposers, but some are parasites that coexist with
animals and plants
4. Kingdom Plant—Algae, Bryophytes, Vascular Plants
 All plants are eukaryotic and multicellular (except some algae), and are adapted
for photosynthesis
 Almost the entire ecosphere depends on plants as the primary producers of
5. Kingdom Animal
 All animals are eukaryotic
 They are multicellular and heterotrophic
 Most move by muscular contraction and respond to stimuli with specialized
nervous tissue
Binomial Nomenclature—Genus species (Scientific name)
(Kings Play Chess On Funny Green Squares)