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1.0 Introduction
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Islam as the religion of Allah SWT has its own holistic characteristics that make Islam unique and
dynamic as compared to other religion. The uniqueness and dynamism of Islam has made the
religion relevant and practical at all times and places. In general, there are seven characteristics
of Islam. Let’s us learn about the characteristics from this Lesson 3.
2.0 Learning Outcomes
By the end of lesson, the students should able to:
1. Identify seven characteristics of Islam
2. Understand the different characteristics of Islam that make it unique and dynamic
3. Explain the characteristics of Islam
4. Compare Islam with other religions
3.0 List of Topics
3.1 Rabbaniyyah )‫ – (ربانية‬Relationship with Allah SWT
3.2 Thabat and Murunah )‫ – (ثبات والمرونة‬Permanent and Flexible
3.3 Waqi’iyyah )‫ (واقعية‬- Practical
3.4 Tawazun )‫ (توازن‬- Balanced
3.5 Syumul )‫ (شمول‬- Complete
3.6 ‘Alamiyah )‫ (عالمية‬- Universal
3.7 Wasatiyyah )‫ (وسطية‬- Moderate
4.0 Terminologies
4.1 Godliness
The reverent awareness of Allah’s sovereignty over every aspect of life, and the
attendant determination to honor him in all one's conduct
4.2 Geographical boundaries
Boundaries that determine the national territory
5.0 Topics
5.1 Rabbaniyyah )‫ – (ربانية‬Relationship with Allah SWT
Rabbaniyyah denotes that Islam is a religion which is based on godliness and religious
values. The sources, objectives, method and the purpose of life of human being in Islam
have been determined by Allah SWT. Furthermore, the godliness value indicates that the
ultimate goal of Muslims is to attain Allah’s love and pleasure (ridhwan). Islam allows the
Muslims attain the worldly pleasure but all their efforts to attain the pleasure in the world
must serve the ultimate goal of life, which is to please Allah and win His rewards. Thus,
every item of the Islamic law aims at preparing man to be a pure servant of Allah alone.
Think! Do other religions have the Rabbaniyyah characteristic? Can you make a brief
explanation on that? Discuss with your friends.
5.2. Thabat and Murunah )‫ – (ثبات والمرونة‬Permanent and Flexible
Thabat means ‘permanent, firm, unchangeable’ while murunah means ‘soft, can be
shaped, accept changes, flexible’. This characteristic implies that Islamic teachings are
very firm and cannot be changed in certain areas but at the same time flexible in other
areas. The firmness and flexibility can be found in ‘aqidah and shari’ah. For example, in
‘aqidah, it is wajib for all Muslims to believe in the six pillars of iman and this ruling is
permanent and cannot be changed at any place and time. However, in very critical
situation, if a Muslim is forced to worship an idol or otherwise he will be killed, Islam
allows to do so but with condition that his heart still believes firmly in the oneness of Allah
From the aspect of shari’ah, it is unlawful (haram) for Muslims to drink liquor or alcohol. If
they drink it, it is a major sinful act. Nevertheless, in the situation in which there is no
drink except liquor, it is lawful (halal) for Muslims to drink liquor. For example, you and
your non-Muslim friend lost in a jungle and no drink can be found except the liquor that
your friend brings along. In this critical situation, you are allowed to drink the liquor until
you can find water. When you have found water, the ruling on drinking liquor comes back
to its original ruling that is haram.
Can you see the concept of thabat and murunah of Islam in the examples above? From
the examples above, it shows that Islamic teachings are permanent in principles and
flexible in implementation.
a) The story of ‘Ammar bin Yaasir is good to read. It is about ‘aqidah. Click the link:‫عمار_بن_ياسر‬
b) Give another three examples of thabat and murunah of Islamic teachings.
c) Does the thabat and murunah can be applied on akhlaq? Discuss with your friends
and give your argument.
5.3 Waqi’iyyah )‫ (واقعية‬- Practical
Waqi’iyyah can be understood as “practical, ideal or realistic”. Islam is a practical religion
and applicable to man’s life. Islam provides the answers and solutions of any queries and
problems of man. Allah knows everything about man’s nature and needs and He is the
only who is capable and powerful to solve man’s problems, guide him and protect him
from his own weaknesses.
The realistic and practicality of Islam can be found in ‘aqidah. For example, Islam orders
human being to believe in one god that is Allah SWT. There is no other gods except Allah
SWT. In other words, there is only One God that Muslims must obey. In the worldly life, is
it practical to have two persons who have the same power and authority at the same time
and we must two o them? At work place, it practical to have two Chief Executive Officers
who have the same power and authority at the same time? What will happen then? There
will be disorder and chaos at the work place, right? The same thing applied in ‘Aqidah. It
is not realistic and practical to have two gods who have the same power at one time.
In worldly life and ibadah, Allah does not ask man to deny his own nature but gives him a
way of life (Islam) that conforms to his nature and does not violate it. In the same manner
paying zakah does not mean a Muslim has to give away all his money and property to
gain Allah’s favor, only a small percentage of it for the benefit of society at large.
Muslims who pray more, give more alms, fast more, even give away their life for Islam in
jihad are highly rewarded in the Hereafter but Islam is for all kinds of people with varying
degrees of faith and piety, and therefore Islam sets a minimum of requirements all
Muslims have to fulfill, In this way it is the most realistic and practicable religion.
For example Allah does not ask man to deny his own sexual needs because Allah
Himself had created man with such needs. Yet man is asked to fulfill his sexual needs in
a lawful manner. He does not ask man to worship Him in prayer for 10 hours a day,
although Allah SWT has the right to be worshipped 24 hours a day. Yet the five daily
prayers are obligatory and man has no excuse (not even illness) not to perform them.
Even, in the prayers, there are lot of benefits for human body, soul and intellect. The
prayers are actually an exercise for Muslims, it is not merely performing ritual duties.
a) Give another two examples of thabat and murunah of Islamic teachings.
b) Does the waqi’iyyah can be applied on akhlaq? Discuss with your friends and give
your argument.
5.4 Tawazun )‫ (توازن‬- Balanced
Islam is a unique religion because of its concept of balance. It means Islam keeps the
balance between two opposite ends. Many religions focus too much on morality and
spirituality at the expense of practical aspects (law), or focus too much on law and not too
much on spirituality, while others give a believer only the choice between being a
wretched sinner or a saint. Islam gives room for all aspects of religion, and it does not ask
every Muslim to strive for an ideal that is too high and too perfect for him to follow. Islam
forbids Muslims from being in the mosque 24 hours performing ‘ibadah and ignore the
worldly life. This verse lays down the principle:
ِ َ‫اَّلل ال هدار ْاْل ِخرةَ وََل تَنس ن‬
ُّ ‫ك ِم َن‬
‫الدنْ يَا‬
َ َ‫صيب‬
َ ‫يما‬
َ َ َ ُ‫آَت َك ه‬
َ ‫َوابْ تَ ِغ ف‬
ِ ‫وأ‬
ِ ‫اد ِِف ْاْل َْر‬
‫ض إِ هن ه‬
‫س َن ه‬
ُّ ‫اَّللَ ََل ُُِي‬
َ ‫اَّللُ إِلَْي‬
ْ ‫َحسن َك َما أ‬
ْ َ
َ ‫ب ال ُْم ْفسد‬
َ ‫ك َوََل تَ ْب ِغ الْ َف‬
َ ‫َح‬
Seek instead, by means of what God has granted thee, [the good of] the life to come, without
forgetting, withal, thine own [rightful] share in this world; and do good [unto others] as God has
done good unto thee; and seek not to spread corruption on earth: for, verily, God does not love
the spreaders of corruption! (28:77)
In ideal Christianity, a believer is asked to give away all his wealth until he becomes a
pauper, or to dedicate his life to God and forsake the joys of having wife and children. In
Islam, a Muslim who follows the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him) dedicates his life to Allah but without having to ignore all joys in life. Islam does not
consider life on earth as a punishment but a test. He is asked to give what is due to Allah,
what is due to himself, to his family, and to his society, strive for the good in this life and
the Hereafter.
Find out the following Quranic verses and understand the meaning.
a) Ali Imran: verse 185
b) Yunus: verse 24
c) Al-Kahfi: verse 45
d) Al-Hadid: verse 20
5.5 Syumul )‫ – (شمول‬Complete
Syumul means complete or comprehensive. Islam is a complete and comprehensive
religion and way of life, not simply a form of belief and worship. The teaching of Islam
covers all aspects of human life inclusive of:
a) Relationship between man and Allah SWT
b) Relationship between man and his fellow human being
c) Relationships between man the unseen world like Jinns
d) Relationship between man and environment inclusive animals
e) International relationship
The completeness of Islam as a religion and way of life can be found from the following
Quranic verse:
‫ت َعلَْي ُك ْم نِ ْع َم ِت‬
ُ ‫ت لَ ُك ْم دينَ ُك ْم َوأ َْْتَ ْم‬
ُ ‫الْيَ ْوَم أَ ْك َم ْل‬...
...‫يت لَ ُك ُم ا ِإل ْسالَ َم ِدينًا‬
ُ ‫َوَرض‬
…..Today have I perfected your religious law for you, and have bestowed upon you the full
measure of My blessings…
The completeness of Islam can be looked from the following aspects:
a) From the aspect of time
Islam which was revealed by Allah SWT through Prophet Muhammad SAW who
was sent by Allah to the people of the final age is complete and continues until the
day of Judgment. There will be no more religion and prophet after him. It was
different with the messengers of Allah SWT (peace be upon them) before Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) in which the revelations were confined to the
people of the messengers only. For example,Prophe Musa (‘alaihi ssalam) for
Bani Israel. The verse above becomes the evidence of this aspect.
b) From the Rules of life
The belief, laws and values of Islam is complete. Islamic teachings come to
guarantee the safety of mankind in the world and in the hereafter as being
discussed in the Objective of Shariah lesson. Its teachings have the capacity to
manage the whole life at all human existence. The message of Islam is:
for all time,
to the whole world, to all people of all races in all situations
to guide man throughout his life, his childhood, adolescence,
young, middle age, and old age.
a message that is concerned with all aspects of man; mentally,
physically and spiritually
Thus, based on the above-mentioned aspects, it is very clear to us that Islam is a
complete religion and way of life for mankind.
Let say, one day, a non-Muslim comes to you and say “I don’t believe that Islam is a
complete way of life and religion”. He/she request for an explanation. How can you
explain to him/her about the completeness of Islam? For sure, you must give examples to
support your explanation. Can you do that? Discuss with your friends.
5.6 Alamiyah )‫ (عالمية‬- Universal
Besides being a comprehensive religion, Islam which was brought by Prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is also a universal religion. Islam is not confined to
certain race, tribe or group. Islam is not for Arabs only nor for Malay. Islam is for the
whole of the human race regardless of their color, language, race or nationality may be.
and even for Jinns. No time limits and no geographical boundaries in Islam. Allah in Islam
is the God of the entire world.
Read Surah al-Jinn. Try to understand the meaning in order to have a clearer picture that
Islam is indeed not only for human but also for jinns. Please find out also how a group of
Jinns embraced Islam.
5.7 Wasatiyyah (Moderate)
Wasatiyyah and Tawazun are almost the same in meaning. Wasatiyyah implies taking
the middle way in every aspect of life. Do you aware that Muslims are called by Allah
SWT as “the moderate ummah (ummatan wasatan) in Quran? It shows that being a
Muslim means being a moderate human. Allah SWT said:
ِ ‫ك َج َع ْلنَا ُك ْم أ َُّمةً َو َسطًا لِتَ ُكونُواْ ُش َه َداء َعلَ الن‬
َ َ ‫َّاِ َويَ ُكو‬
َ ‫َوَك َذل‬
‫ول َعلَْي ُك ْم َش ِه ًيدا‬
ُ ‫الر ُس‬
And thus have We willed you to be a community of the middle way, so that [with your lives] you
might bear witness to the truth before all mankind, and that the Apostle might bear witness to it
before you. (2:143)
Now, let us see a few examples of moderation in Islam:
(a) Moderate in the relationship between God and fellow human being
Islam does not require Muslims to perform the specific ibadah all the time to the
extent of leaving their daily obligations towards their fellow human being such as
family responsibilities, social responsibilities and others.
(b) Moderate between spiritual (ibadah) and materialism
Islam never encourages Muslims to leave material wealth in their worldly live nor live
to chase the worldly matters without performing ibadah. Islam in fact, urges Muslims
to gain both the material and spiritual attainment that is the success in the Hereafter.
Muslims are not required to perform ibadah all the day and night, but instead ask
Muslims to perform ibadah
in stipulated time such as the five daily prayers,
pilgrimage (hajj). Other than that, the time shall be used for worldly matters. Allah
said in Surah al-Jumu’ah, verse 10:
َِّ ‫ض ِل‬
ِ ‫ضي‬
ِ ِ
ِ ‫الص َالةُ فَانتَ ِشُروا ِِف ْاْل َْر‬
َّ ‫ت‬
ْ َ‫ض َوابْتَ غُوا ِمن ف‬
َ ُ‫فَإ َذا ق‬
َ َ ‫اّللَ َكثِ ًريا لَّ َعلَّ ُك ْم تُ ْفلِ ُحو‬
َّ ‫َواذْ ُكُروا‬
And when the prayer is ended, disperse freely on earth and seek to obtain [something] of
God's bounty; but remember God often, so that you might attain to a happy stat
(c) Moderate in spending
Islam strictly forbids Muslims to be wasteful but at the same time discourages
Muslims from being stingy.
(d) Moderate in Akhlaq
Islam educates Muslims to appreciate akhlaq as much as possible but Muslims
cannot be flawless neither like the angels nor without akhlaq and live immorally like
the devils.
Can you give some more examples to illustrate the moderation of Islam.
6.0 Lesson Summary
By looking at the characteristics of Islam above, it clearer to us that Islam is complete,
unique, dynamic and beautiful religion. Islamic teachings were revealed to mankind to
serve their innate human nature (fitrah) and because of that, Islam is known also as
‘deen al-fitrah’. The seven characteristics discussed above actually reflect this as all
those seven closely related to innate human nature. Therefore, we must be very thankful
to Allah SWT for giving us Islam.
7.0 Self Assessment
7.1 In Islam, the basic values and principles are _________
Answer: B
7.2 Islam is a comprehensive religion because it covers belief, worship and _________
social works
personal ibadah
human daily activities
Answer: D
7.3 Islam is a practical religion (waqi’iyah) because it ________
can be practiced by Arab people
contains permanent and fixed teachings
is able to satisfy human needs and nature
balances between spiritual and material life
Answer: C
7.4 Islam is a contextual religion because it _________
A. is based on reality
B. concerns with material gain
C. stresses on spiritual aspects
D. focuses on revelation and mind
Answer: A
7.5 Islam is a religion that covers all phases of man’s life. It means that Islam is a ________
balanced religion
universal religion
contextual religion
comprehensive religion
Answer: D
7.6 Rabbaniyah is derived from rabb which specifically refers to _________
the Creator
King of the World
Lord of the Universe
Master of the Creation
Answer: C
7.7 Wasatiyyah in Islam means _________
concentrating on individual achievement
emphasizing the material aspects
balancing two different extremes
focusing on social needs
Answer: C
7.8 Which one is correctly explain the concept of wasatiyah in Islam?
It stresses on the collective right
It gives priority on the individual right
Muslim has to concentrate on the spiritual life
Muslim has to consider material and religious life
Answer: D