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Statements about energy
Mitochondria make energy for cells
The main form of metabolic energy is ATP
In photosynthesis, energy from sunlight is transferred into
chemical energy in starch
ATP is a high energy compound
Energy is cycled in ecosystems
ATP has high energy bonds
In a pyramid of energy, the blocks indicate the energy
stored in each trophic level
ATP is stored in muscle tissue
ATP is made during photophosphorylation
Respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis
ATP is made during substrate-linked phosphorylation in
glycolysis and the Krebs cycle
Photosynthesis is the reverse of respiration
ATP is produced during oxidative phosphorylation
Plants only respire at night
ATP is the energy currency for cells
Energy is converted from light energy to chemical energy
during photosynthesis
ATP transfers energy from respiration to energy
consuming processes such as active transport,
biosynthesis and muscle contraction
Light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll, which turns it into
ATP is made as and when required by cells
Energy transfer occurs during respiration
During respiration energy is transferred to ATP and to the
surroundings by heating
Energy transfer occurs during photosynthesis
During photosynthesis there is a transfer of energy to
organic compounds such as triose phosphate
Energy is produced by muscles when they contract
Fat is decarboxylated and dehydrogenated to give ATP
During respiration energy is made
Statements about energy