Download Sociology - Athens City School District

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Athens City School District
Educator: Mr. Brian Dearing
Room: Athens High A127
Email: [email protected]
Course Description:
Welcome to your first sociology class. The issues and ideas that we will be
covering in this course can be truly fascinating, eye opening, and personally challenging.
You will be introduced to the most basic concepts and theories used by sociologists to
approach and understand social phenomena. This class will then use the sociological
perspective to explore gender, race, and class in American society. Using the
sociological perspective you might also gain insights into your own personal life while
understanding critical social issues of our day and how to respond to them.
A Teaching Philosophy:
Over the next semester, we have the opportunity to create a community of
learners--a place where students will not be intimidated by the possibilities of an
education, but instead equip themselves with the knowledge and skills they need to
succeed as future citizens. Our classroom must be thought of as a safe and secure
environment open to all opinions and where everyone has a say regardless of gender,
race, creed, or socioeconomic status. No student proud of their heritage will be ashamed
to express that pride in front of their peers. Together as a
team we can create a classroom community where
knowledge is the end goal of a productive, yet socially
accepting and cooperative classroom environment.
Materials Required:
Each student should obtain a plain three ring
binder one inch in diameter. The binder should include
loose-leaf lined paper and in the back should be a twosided folder with pockets. This insures that all students
will be easily caught up after absences and will have test
and quiz material readily available for review. Every day
a writing utensil is required for this class.
Henslin, James M. Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, 12th edition. (2014)
Text Website:
Class Room Expectations:
1) Students shall abide by Athens High
School’s Student Code of Conduct.
2) Mutual respect is critical to success
in this class.
3) All materials necessary for the
completion of assigned tasks will be
brought to class every day.
4) Be accountable for your own actions
and take personal responsibility.
5) Attack the topic and not the person.
6) Care about the quality of your work.
7) Be empathetic and care about world
affairs brought forward in this
8) Enjoy yourself.
It is expected that each student will follow these expectations as well as any school wide
policies required by the administration of this institution. Consequences for rule
violations may be dealt with in the following order:
1) Verbal Warning
2) Instructor will assess student an appropriate punishment such as detention or loss
of classroom privileges.
3) Instructor will ask student to report to the office and a discipline referral form will
be submitted to the administration.
Excused Absence and Make-up Policy:
In the event of an excused absence students will be required to make up missed
work or alternative assignments. In accordance with the “Excessive Absence Policy” at
Athens High School, any unexcused absence after 6 will affect your student’s grades and
may include denial of credit. If a student is absent during an assessment, an alternative
assessment may be assigned. Since several weeks are typically allotted for long-term
projects, please have a friend or parent deliver your project if you are ill. Projects are due
by the date specified on the day the project is assigned. If the student is absent during a
group presentation, the absent student may be assigned an alternative assignment such as
a research paper.
A point system is used and thus every point is important. Usually homework is
worth 10 points, quizzes 20-50 points, tests 80 points or more, and projects are typically
in excess of 100 points, however none of these numbers are absolute. Since there will be
a strong discussion component to class, points may also be awarded for classroom
participation. After points have been accumulated they will be converted to a percentage
and the scale adopted by the Athens City School District will be followed to compute
student grades. The district grading scale is as follows:
59 or below
Participation Grading- Sociological study works best if various perspectives are
taken into consideration. Participation in class discussion, debates, and activities
is therefore critical to success in this class. To this end, a class participation grade
will be awarded each term at the discretion of the instructor.
Contact Information:
You or your parent/guardian(s) may have questions or concerns throughout the
year about the class. I want you to know that I am available when you need me. If you
have a simple question about a project or are confused about a test question, perhaps you
need to meet to get extra help, or want to know your or your student’s grade, please feel
free to contact me. I want you to know that I consider parents, students, and teachers a
team and as a member of your team I will be available when you need me. Please do not
hesitate to contact me by either calling the school (740) 797-4521 and leaving a message
with Athens High School’s Front Office or through email. My email address is
[email protected] and is the best and most efficient way to reach me. I look
forward to meeting with you at Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Student Name_______________________
Athens City School District
Your son/daughter has elected to enroll in Sociology, a semester-long course for students
who have successfully completed another credit of social studies. In this course, we will
openly and intelligently discuss and debate societal norms, values, taboos and stereotypes
in an adult-like manner. The course will also examine controversial current events from
a sociological perspective. To this end we will use a variety of media to promote class
discussion including photographs, feature films, electronic media, and documentaries.
Some films may be rated R. As this course is an elective and not a requirement, if your
child is sensitive to violence, language, or adult situations or if you have reservations
about the viewing and discussion of such material, a schedule change is recommended.
Please sign this form indicating that you have viewed this syllabus and are aware and
approve of the course that your child is enrolled. I look forward to working with you
towards your student’s success throughout the year. Thank you for your understanding.
Respectfully yours,
Mr. Brian Dearing
Athens High School Social Studies
We have read and understand the information provided to us in Mr. Dearing’s
syllabus for Sociology.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Name (Printed)
Please also take this time to help me make a record of your contact information.
Preferred Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Preferred Phone: _________________________ Work: ____ Home: ____ Cell: ____
Call Time Preference: ____________________________
Email: ____________________________
***** Please detach this final page and return with student to school during the first
week of the academic year to ease teacher to parent communication. *****