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What is it recorded in the River Habitat Survey spot-checks?
Channel vegetation types
Flow types
Physical features (substrate, erosion….)
Macroinvertebrates diversity
From which index most current indices and scores are derived?
Extended Biotic Index
Indice biotique
Trent Biotic Index
None of the above
On what Trent Biotic Index is based?
Resistance of key groups of organisms
Sensitivity of key groups of organisms
Biodiversity in the available habitats of the river
All of the above
Which order has the smallest BMWP Score?
None of the above
How do you obtain Ecological Quality Index (EQI) of ASPT?
Observed ASPT / Predicted ASPT
Predicted ASPT / Observed ASPT
Observed ASPT * Predicted ASPT
Observed ASPT / Observed ASPT + Predicted ASPT
Where do you sample during the three-minute kick-sweep method?
Only in riffles and pools
Only in macrophyte beds, woody snags, bars
None of the above
In all existing instream habitat types
What is the minimal frequency of sampling at each site?
Every 2 months
Every 3 months
2 per year
2 per month
What can you determine when you use fuzzy?
The continuum in the faunal composition of a river system
The hierarchical classification of organisms at each site
The links between biological and environmental parameters
All of the above
What are the advantages of multivariate techniques?
Easy to compare with references values
Less dependent upon the ecoregion than multimetric approaches
Conceptually simple
Generate data used to produce simple information easily applied in water quality
Answers:1abc; 2c; 3b; 4c; 5a; 6c; 7b; 8a; 9bd
Which is currently the most favoured indicator in biological surveillance
Benthic invertebrates
What do the initials BMWP stand for?
Botany Managing Work Place
Benthic Macroinvertabrates Water Place
Biotic Microbes Working Party
Biological Monitoring Working Party
In determining the Water Quality Class the Saprobic Index (S) is, as all the
indices are?
Fuzzy technique is an extension of which program?
What does RIVPACS stand for?
River Industrial Monitoring and Parks Protection System
River Invertebrates Prediction and Control System
River Invertebrates Prediction and Counting System
River Invertebrates Prediction and Classification System
Statistical analyses are usually based on?
Gaussian relationships
Linear relationships
Regression relationships
Exponential relationships
Which programme was first used Canoco or Decorana?
Both came into existence together
There is no link
RHS is a system for assessing the character and quality of river based on their
physical structure? Is this true?
It has nothing to do with this
Don’t know
Agriculture provides which of the following organic waste pollutants?
Fertilizers (X)
Slurry (X)
Silage (X)
Organic effluent contains which of the following?
Particulate and soluble organic material (X)
Particulate and insoluble organic material
Inorganic material
Other synthetic material
What does the particulate and dissolved organic material normally compose of?
Lipids, protein, lignin, cellulose, amino acids, stones
Lipids, protein, lignin, cellulose, starch, bacteria
Lipids, protein, lignin, cellulose, glyco proteins, phytoplankton
Lipids, protein, lignin, cellulose, amino acides, starch, glyco proteins (X)
Which one is most the concentrated?
Lipid (X)
Glyco proteins
Which of the following are correct concerning Pyrethroid insecticides?
Biodegradable (X)
Do not break down and very persistent
Non toxic to fish
Are persistent if they bind with sediment or suspended particles (X)
Organotin such as tributyl tin has caused extinction in which species due to
endocrine disruption.
Gastropods (X)
Which of the following are synthetic pollutants?
Clenbuted residues (X)
DDT and eggshell thinning (X)
OC’s and bats (X)
Nitrates and algal blooms (X)
Humans use dams as which of the following functions?
Conserving biodiversity (X)
Stopping land being flooded (Χ)
As a reservoir for drinking water (Χ)
Electricity production (Χ)
Which are the biological elements according to the WFD that have to be
monitored for lakes and rivers?
Phytoplankton and Phytobenthos
Benthic Invertebrates
The EQR (Ecological Quality Ratio) is
required by the WFD to express the results of the biological monitoring.
is used for classification of the ecological status.
is the ratio between the observed parameters to the reference parameters.
is the ratio between the reference parameters to the observed parameters.
Indicator Organisms …
should have a narrow and unspecified tolerance to pollution.
should have a great and unspecified tolerance to pollution.
should have a narrow and specific tolerance to pollution.
should have a great and specific tolerance to pollution.
The saprobic approach …
relates to organic pollution.
is used in the UK.
includes often several indicators in the assessment, e.g. periphyton, phytobenthos and
When we talk about macroinvertebrates, we mean organisms …
greater than 1mm in size.
greater than 1 cm in size.
Macroinvertebrates are being used, because …
they can be relatively easily collected.
they have bright colours.
they are reasonably sedentary, they don’t move great distances and therefore indicate
the local conditions.
their distribution with respect to environmental stress, in particular organic polltion, is
well understood.
FUZZY is a …
clustering technique.
hierarchical technique.
The Monte Carlo Permutation Test is used to …
test the significance of every environmental variable contributing to a model.
test whether species of macroinvertebrate are present or absent.
Canoco (Canonical Correspondence Analysis) is carried out to …
test whether species of macroinvertebrate are present or absent.
detect covariances between environmental and biological parameter.
PRIMER is a …
clustering technique.
hierarchical technique.