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DNA Isolation
Read the introduction. (p. 328)
What is DNA?
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
is a molecule that makes up
genes, present in every living
Activity 9: DNA Isolation
Three Types of Cells
Where is DNA in each of these
Bacteria Cell
Plant Cell
Activity 9: DNA Isolation
Typical Animal Cell
How could you isolate DNA
from an organism’s cell?
Activity 9: DNA Isolation
Need a source of DNA
Lysis is the process of breaking cells
Precipitation occurs when a dissolved
substance is made insoluble, usually by
adding a chemical. The substance
becomes a solid and precipitates out of
the solution.
Activity 9: DNA Isolation
Follow Up
Complete Analysis p. 327 (1-2-4-5)
Analysis 1: What is the purpose of
mashing the sample in the plastic bag?
Breaks down the cell & nuclear membranes
Activity 9: DNA Isolation
Follow Up
Analysis 2
Describe the purpose of the lysis solution
& the DNA precipitation solution
Lysis solution: (salt & detergent)…breaks
down the cell & nuclear membrane
Precipitaiton solution (alcohol)…caused
the DNA to clump together
Activity 9: DNA Isolation
Follow Up
Analysis 4
Compare the properties of DNA isolated
from different organisms. What similarities
did you observe?
Similar in color & consistency
Activity 9: DNA Isolation
Follow Up
Analysis 5
How is the mechanism for isolating DNA from
an organism connected to the mechanism for
genetically modifying that organism?
DNA must first be isolated before it can be
removed & placed into another organism
Activity 9: DNA Isolation