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Unit 5: Division, Civil War, & Reconstruction
Name: ______________________________
DOCUMENT 1: Map of the Union and Confederacy in 1861
1. Which state seceded first?
2. In total, how many slave states (green) seceded from the Union to form the Confederate states?
3. Which slave states remained in the Union (red)?
4. Why could the North NOT allow the slave state of Maryland (MD) to secede from the Union?
(Hint: What important city is located in Maryland?)
5. What event marked the beginning of the Civil War?
DOCs 3a-3b: Leadership of the Union and Confederacy
6. Who were the president and vice president of the Union?
7. Who were the president and vice president of the Confederacy?
DOCs 4 -9: As you view the next several docs record the advantages that the North and the South
possessed, and then explain why this was an advantage during a war.
Advantages of the North
Advantages of the South
Ex.) According to Doc 2, 71% of the American population was
in the North. This was an advantage because it provides
the North with more troops and more workers.
Comprehension: Analyze your above CHART information. What can you conclude about the Civil
War being fought? What strategies would each side use?
DOC 10a-b: MAP Location of Civil War Battles Fought
8. Were the majority of battles fought in the north or the south? AND Once the war is over, predict
what problems the war would have caused for this region?
DOC 11: The Anaconda Plan
9. Remember that the South had few factories. During the war, who do you think the South was
counting on buying manufactured goods from?
10. The North had a much stronger navy (war ships) than the South. According to Doc 9, how did the
North intend to use their Navy?
11. An Anaconda is a giant boa constrictor. Why is the Northern strategy called the “Anaconda Plan?”
Doc 12a-b: Southern Strategy
12. What was the Southern Strategy to win the Civil War?
DOC 13: Battle of Bull Run
13. Under the leadership of General’s Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee, the Confederate forces
“won” the Battle of Bull Run. However, Based on Doc 14, what problems could the South face if
they continue to win “victories” like Bull Run? (Hint: Consider information from Doc 6).
14. Although the U.S. has engaged in many wars throughout history, the Civil War was one of the only
times when the U.S. engaged in “total war.” What do you think “total war” means?
DOC 14-15: After the Battle of Antietam: Lincoln / McClellan Photo
15. The bloodiest single day of the war took place at Antietam. How many died? _______________________
16. Why did Lincoln FIRE general McClellan after this major Union victory?
DOCs 16-17: Emancipation Proclamation
17. According to Lincoln, which states were in open rebellion against the Union?
18. What was the Emancipation proclamation?
19. Which slave states were not affected by the Proclamation? (Hint: See Doc 14)
20. Why do you think Lincoln would issue this proclamation in this way? In other words, why didn’t
he emancipate slaves in ALL states.
DOC 18: African American Recruiting Poster
21. How did the Union use the Emancipation Proclamation to its advantage? Who are they now able
to recruit?
DOC 19: The 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment
22. Why would free blacks / former slaves want to volunteer to fight for the Union?
23. Predict what risks did these men face by fighting in Southern territory?
DOCs 20-25: Conscription and the NYC Draft Riots
24. What is “conscription?”
25. How could a man avoid conscription?
26. Imagine that you are an Irish immigrant who has just arrived in this country. How would you feel
about being called for conscription into the Civil War? Explain!!!!
27. Why do you think riots broke out in New York City in July 1863?
28. Why do you think poor Irish mobs attacked black men and women during the NYC Draft Riots?
(Hints: What is the purpose of the Civil War? Irish have the worst jobs in the North. If the North wins war, who will
they be competing with for jobs? Also, is it easier to go after the wealthy northerners or African Americans? Why?)
DOCs 26-27: Gettysburg 1863
29. Were most battles of the Civil War fought on Northern or Southern territory?
30. In what ways would this be an advantage for the South?
31. In what ways would this be a disadvantage for the South?
32. Why do you think the South finally decided to invade the North in 1863? (Doc 26a-b)
33. The battle of Gettysburg is considered THE turning point of the War. Explain the effects of the
battle on both the NORTH and the SOUTH. (27a-b)
DOC 28: Inflation in the South
34. By 1863 what is happening to the price of goods in the South? Why do you think this is
happening? (Hint: See Doc 11 for a clue)
DOC 29a and 29b: General Sherman’s “March to the Sea”
35. By the time of General Sherman’s “March to the Sea”, who was winning the war? How can you
tell? (use the map. Who’s army is advancing? Who is retreating?)
36. If General Sherman’s “side” was already winning, why would he still follow through with his
Scorched Earth” policy? What is he trying to do?
DOCs 30-31: 1864 Election
37. Who won the presidential election of 1864? Using the map, explain why this person wins. (Hint:
Which states participated in the election? Which states DIDN’T?)
DOC 32: The South Surrenders
38. When and where did the Confederate army finally surrender?
DOC 33: Casualties on Both Sides
39. What percentage of American’s died during the Civil War?
DOC 34: Civil War Casualties Compared to other Wars
40. In total, how many American’s died in the Civil War? How does this compare to other wars?
DOC 35-36: Lincoln’s Assassination
41. Where was Lincoln assassinated?
42. Who assassinated Lincoln?
43. Questions: Which 2-3 documents or questions did you find most difficult or confusing? Write
your questions in the space below. (Be prepared to discuss on Friday, February 24)
44. Important: Which 2-3 documents did you find most important or interesting? Which
documents helped you to best understand the Civil War and why? (Be prepared to discuss on
45. Prediction: Now that the Civil War is over, what do you think will be the greatest challenge of
rebuilding the country? Use evidence from 2-3 documents to explain your answer.