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ECOSYSTEMS Ecosystems (1999) 2: 95–113 r 1999 Springer-Verlag ORIGINAL ARTICLES Plant Attribute Diversity, Resilience, and Ecosystem Function: The Nature and Significance of Dominant and Minor Species Brian Walker,1* Ann Kinzig,2 and Jenny Langridge1 1Division of Wildlife and Ecology, CSIRO, PO Box 84, Lyneham, Canberra, Australia 2602; and 2Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08540, USA ABSTRACT This study tested an hypothesis concerning patterns in species abundance in ecological communities. Why do the majority of species occur in low abundance, with just a few making up the bulk of the biomass? We propose that many of the minor species are analogues of the dominants in terms of the ecosystem functions they perform, but differ in terms of their capabilities to respond to environmental stresses and disturbance. They thereby confer resilience on the community with respect to ecosystem function. Under changing conditions, ecosystem function is maintained when dominants decline or are lost because functionally equivalent minor species are able to substitute for them. We have tested this hypothesis with respect to ecosystem functions relating to global change. In particular, we identified five plant functional attributes— height, biomass, specific leaf area, longevity, and leaf litter quality—that determine carbon and water fluxes. We assigned values for these functional attributes to each of the graminoid species in a lightly grazed site and in a heavily grazed site in an Australian rangeland. Our resilience proposition was cast in the form of three specific hypotheses in relation to expected similarities and dissimilarities between dominant and minor species, within and between sites. Functional similarity—or ecological distance—was determined as the euclidean distance between species in functional attribute space. The analyses provide evidence in support of the resilience hypothesis. Specifically, within the lightly grazed community, dominant species were functionally more dissimilar to one another, and functionally similar species more widely separated in abundance rank, than would be expected on the basis of average ecological distances in the community. Between communities, depending on the test used, two of three, or three of four minor species in the lightly grazed community that were predicted to increase in the heavily grazed community did in fact do so. Although there has been emphasis on the importance of functional diversity in supporting the flow of ecosystem goods and services, the evidence from this study indicates that functional similarity (between dominant and minor species, and among minor species) may be equally important in ensuring persistence (resilience) of ecosystem function under changing environmental conditions. Received 12 August 1998; accepted: 24 November 1998 2Current address: Department of Biology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA. *Corresponding author, email: [email protected] Key words: ecosystem; function; diversity; redundancy; resilience. 95 96 B. Walker and others INTRODUCTION PLANT FUNCTIONAL TYPES Most diversity–function studies have related, in one way or another, number of species to ecosystem biomass or production. Some [for example, McNaughton (1985) and Tilman (1996)] have shown that year-to-year variation in species abundance tends to stabilize community biomass, and a few [Vitousek and Hooper (1993) and Hooper and Vitousek (1997), for example] have considered aspects of ecosystem function other than biomass. Less emphasis has been given to the different characteristics or performance attributes of the individual species present. The debate is now shifting, however, to recognize that the provision of ecosystem services and functions is likely to be related to the distribution of species among guilds or functional groups, and that these distributions may be only weakly related to diversity as measured by numbers of species [for instance, see Leps and others (1982), MacGillivray and Grime (1995), Tilman and others (1997), Wardle and others (1997), and Naeem (1998)]. Improving our understanding of diversity–function relationships across ecosystems will require a categorization of species, or of species attributes, that can be related to function. In this report, we explore the hypothesis that some groups of dominant and minor species within an ecosystem are functionally similar, and that this functional similarity provides ‘‘buffering’’ or resilience against perturbations or environmental variability. Thus, the species that dominate under a given set of environmental conditions serve to maintain ecosystem function under those conditions. Minor species, on the other hand, will be functionally similar to dominant species, but with different environmental requirements and tolerances; these species maintain resilience in ecosystems by allowing the maintenance of function under changing conditions. Thus, under our hypothesis, a classification scheme that relates species attributes to function should produce guilds in which both dominant and minor species are present; moreover, dominant and minor species should ‘‘switch’’ in abundance under changing environmental conditions, and this abundance shift should affect functional roles as well. We develop a method for classifying plant functional types to examine the similarities in functional attributes between dominant and minor species, and apply this to heavily grazed and lightly grazed sites in an Australian rangeland. The literature on functional types [for example, Smith and others (1997)] is more concerned with predicting the distribution of plant types around the world, or with the related question of how plant species persist in different ecosystems, than it is with analyzing the impact of functional–type diversity on particular aspects of ecosystem function. Few investigations thus far have developed categorization schemes that group species into types relating to the ecosystem-function role they perform. Most ‘‘functional’’ classification schemes have had as their goal predicting patterns in species distributions rather than predicting the effects of diversity on the provision or maintenance of ecosystem function. In this sense, these schemes are more correctly labeled plant–ecology–strategy schemes (PESSs) (Westoby 1998) than plant–function–type schemes (PFTs). Nonetheless, in keeping with the tradition of the literature, we call most classification schemes PFTs, even when they have been proposed as a means of classifying species with respect to adaptation strategies and thus distributions. The PFT we propose below, however, differs from these previous studies in that we seek a classification that enables a direct mapping to ecosystem function; we briefly review existing PFTs before introducing our own scheme. Probably the best-known scheme for plant adaptation to the environment is the triangular model of Grime (1979), which is based on three general response strategies (competitiveness, weediness, and survival). Westoby (1998) has proposed an explicit three-dimensional PFT, using three particular measurable plant attributes (specific leaf area, canopy height, and seed size) that allows any plant species to be easily and exactly placed in the classification scheme. The value of this approach is that it is minimal and will enable it to be widely used; the same minimalist approach will be a requirement for any successful PFT scheme for ecosystem function. Although Westoby’s three axes do reflect functional contribution to some extent, they are designed to capture in an overall way the strategies that species have developed for persisting in their environments. These strategies for persistence may have some bearing on the plant attributes that relate to function, but there is no a priori reason to expect classification schemes based on how individual species persist over time to resemble one that is related to the functions that these species perform in an ecosystem. Box (1981) introduced a scheme for predicting the presence of 90 different plant types, based on an environmental envelope comprised of eight biocli- Ecosystem Function and Plant Attribute Diversity matic indices. Though this scheme produces a vegetation description, the description does provide for a more functional interpretation than one based on floristics. Similarly, Leishman and Westoby (1992) determined 43 plant attributes for some 300 species from the semiarid mulga woodlands of western New South Wales in Australia. They used 8 vegetative, 9 life-history, 15 phenology, and 11 seed-biology attributes, and concluded that the 300 species fell into five groups that were related with respect to growth characteristics, reflecting adaptations of plants to their environments. The reproductive attributes (to do with seed size and dispersal) were unrelated to these five groups. Of the 18 chapters in the recent International Global Biosphere Project (IGBP) sponsored book Plant Functional Types (Smith and others 1997), by far the majority are concerned with the use of PFTs in dynamic models of vegetation change. To be sure, the underlying purpose of the book was to derive a global description of vegetation that could contribute to an improved understanding of vegetation– atmosphere interactions, and some of the proposed schemes or outlines do include both demographic and ecosystem function attributes (for example, the chapters by Scholes and others, Lauenroth and others, Walker, and Hobbs). Scholes and colleagues (1997) suggested 18 attributes for a functional classification of South African grasses, incorporating characteristics that relate to (a) the distribution of the grass species in environmental space, (b) the responses of the grasses to disturbance, and (c) functional aspects such as production. In most of the work to date, though, the emphasis has been primarily on how vegetation composition will respond to changes in climate or to disturbance of some sort, as exemplified by the ‘‘vital attributes’’ scheme of Noble and Slatyer (1980). A review of plant functional classifications by Lavorel and others (1997) identified four types of functional groupings, one of which (their third type) concerns the functions that plants perform. However, this type is defined in relation to ‘‘either the contribution of species to ecosystem processes or to the response of species to changes in environmental variables.’’ The species within such functional groups are therefore assumed to be similar in both respects—contribution to processes and response to environment. In accordance with the distinction made by Walker (1997) between ‘‘response functions’’ and ‘‘feedback functions,’’ we believe these two types of functions—response and contribution— are significantly different and the differences are the basis for maintaining ecosystem resilience, as we proposed above and shall demonstrate below. In 97 other words, dominant and minor species may be similar in their contribution to function, but will be different in response, thus permitting a ‘‘reservoir of resilience’’ that allows maintenance of function under shifting conditions. Hurlbert (1997) has addressed the influence species have on the ‘‘biocenoses’’ in which they occur and offers a measure of the functional importance of a species, which he defines as the sum, over all species, of the changes (sign ignored) in productivity that would occur on removal of the particular species from the biocenosis. As he points out, however, the functional values so defined cannot reasonably be empirically measured. Pahl-Wostl (1995) offers a diversity measure for primary producers, Dp, which she defines as ‘‘a measure of dynamic and functional diversity.’’ She has developed a theory of ecosystems as networks and uses information theory to measure the level of organization (and, conversely, of redundancy) in an ecosystem. Her concept is based on placing all organisms into delineated overlapping groups. She defines ‘‘dynamic classes’’ (based on turnover times) and ‘‘functional niches’’ in a number of ‘‘spatial dimensions’’ that co-occur in particular ‘‘time intervals.’’ While her derived ‘trophic dynamic modules’ are worth further consideration, her diversity measure is difficult to use. It does not relate to any specific functions, and it would be very difficult to get the information needed to apply it to any ecosystem. In keeping with the emphasis of the meeting that stimulated this study (see the Acknowledgments), we concentrate on how to use plant functional attributes in analyses of ecosystem function. The question we are concerned with, therefore, is not one of how the vegetation on a site might change in response to climate change or some other disturbance, but rather, given a change in the vegetation (that is, a change in or loss of plant biodiversity, for whatever reason), what will be the consequences for ecosystem function? It is analogous to Hurlbert’s (1997) definition of functional importance, but could and should include more than just productivity as a measure of function. THE ROLES OF DOMINANT AND MINOR SPECIES: AN HYPOTHESIS RELATING FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY TO RESILIENCE IN ECOSYSTEM PROCESSES Figure 1, from a savanna rangeland in southwest Queensland, is an example of the classic distribution of species abundance in a community. A few species make up the bulk of the biomass, and there is a long tail of relatively unabundant species. The particular 98 B. Walker and others Figure 1. (a) Relative abundance of all species and (b) standardized abundance of grass and sedge species in a lightly grazed rangeland site in southwest Queensland, Australia. shape of the curve varies between ecosystem types (flatter for tropical forests) and stages of succession [flatter for older communities; for example, see Bazzaz (1975)]. Whatever the particular shape, most of the biodiversity in the world lies in this tail. It includes the bulk of what Hurlbert (1997) describes as the ‘‘great biocenotic proletariat.’’ Taking biomass as one indicator of ecosystem function (carbon storage, for instance), it is therefore reasonable to conclude that it is the small set of relatively abundant species that are functionally important. These few species are doing the bulk of photosynthesis, transpiration, nutrient uptake, and so on. If we consider other functions, such as nitrogen fixation, it is likely, in systems where there is significant nitrogen fixation, that most of the symbiotic nitrogen fixation will be done by just a few, relatively abundant, plant species. What, then, is the role of the tail-end species? We propose, in line with the ‘‘insurance’’ hypothesis (Main 1982; Walker 1995; Naeem and Li 1997), that the abundant species contribute to ecosystem function or performance at any particular time, whereas the tail-end species contribute to ecosystem resilience. We hypothesize that the small number of dominant plant species have somewhat different attributes in terms of the ecosystem functions they perform (CO2 fixation, water uptake from the soil, and the like). The numerous other species, which all individually make up just a small percentage of plant biomass or cover, are mostly functional equivalents of the dominant species, but with different environmental requirements and tolerances. Particular species in the tail are in the same functional type as a dominant species, in terms of the ecosystem function they perform, but they are in different functional types in terms of their response to environmental variables. Because of these differences, they provide the response capability of the ecosystem to disturbance and change. In other words, they contribute to ecosystem resilience. They are low in abundance because the conditions at the time favor the dominants. Some, for example, are competitively inferior to similar but more abundant species, and thus interspecific competitive interactions suppress their abundance in the community. There are, of course, exceptions to this pattern, since there are other reasons why species may be rare or low in abundance within a community. Some are habitat specialists, others are important keystone species, and some are minor ‘‘passenger’’ species (Walker 1992) that manage to maintain themselves in the ecosystem but do not seem to play any role in driving it. For the most part, however, we contend that the minor species differ in their response capabilities (traits) from their abundant counterparts, and the function to which they (that is, the dominant species plus its minor counterpart species) collectively contribute is secured in the face of environmental change because of this diversity of response capability. It is easy to imagine how this might be so for tail-end species that are at the edges of their environmental ranges. Arid-adapted species hanging on in small amounts in a mesic community provide the capacity for the community to respond during periods of drought, and so on. ECOLOGICAL DISTANCE ATTRIBUTE SPACE IN PLANT For an analysis of the role of biodiversity in ecosystem function, it is appropriate to consider only those plant attributes that relate to the functions of interest. In the sense of the conceptual model of PFTs proposed by Smith and colleagues (1993), we focus on the intensive characters that are related to parameters in models of ecosystem function, rather than the extensive characters that are related more to life cycle and ‘‘response’’ features. Furthermore, in order to contribute to resource-use policy and management, ecosystem function has to be defined in terms of human use or interest, and the relationship between biodiversity and function has to be exam- Ecosystem Function and Plant Attribute Diversity ined in the context of specific functions. A general relationship is unlikely to be meaningful (Woodward and others 1997). Since the focus of this analysis was global change, the functions of concern are therefore ● Carbon stocks ● Carbon fluxes ● Nitrogen fluxes ● Evapotranspiration Different plants have different attributes that affect the above functions in different ways. Combining these attributes leads to the formation of either attribute sets or PFTs. The distance that two PFTs (or species) are apart in the attribute space is a measure of their ‘‘ecological distance.’’ The ecological distances provide a measure of both functional diversity and functional redundancy (resilience); large ecological distances between species implies functional diversity, whereas small distances implies some degree of functional redundancy. If a function-based ecological distance is used in the estimation of biodiversity, the functional group diversity so obtained will (it is asserted) give stronger relationships between diversity and function than those obtained so far. Tilman and colleagues (1997) and Roi (CNRS, Montpellier, personal communication) have both shown, experimentally, that it is the inclusion of plants from different functional groups that influences total biomass, rather than just the addition of more species. For the global-change functions of concern, the set of plant functions and their associated plant attributes are likely to include the following: 1. C & N cycling (C stocks, C fluxes, and N fluxes) Plant functions: Net amount of carbon fixed and stored per year; maximum carbon storage; seasonal changes in carbon storage; annual nitrogen releases from litter; nitrogen retention in plants; nitrogen fixation rate. Plant attributes: Relative growth rate [approximated by specific leaf area (SLA); see Westoby (1998) for discussion]; maximum total biomass (on a per-hectare basis); deciduousness; longevity (annual, biennial, and so on); growth phenology; plant architecture (for example, height); N-fixing capacity; leaf litter quality (for example, nitrogen–carbon or lignin–nitrogen ratios), which determines the rate of litter decomposition and therefore release of both carbon and nitrogen. 2. Water budget Plant functions: Total transpiration; water uptake by roots from different soil layers. 99 Plant attributes: Water-use efficiency; transpiration rate; rooting depth; root-distribution in profile. For most ecosystems, some of these attributes will be difficult to assess because the data are not available and cannot be acquired on reasonable time scales. To be useful, a PFT classification will have to include attributes that can be easily measured for all species. For an initial test of our hypothesis, we selected those attributes for which we already had data or for which we could assign a classification in a multilevel ‘‘high/low’’ point scheme. Thus, we consider the following five attributes of plants as a suggested set that (a) can be easily measured and (b) are related to the functions important for global change, outlined above: Height Mature plant biomass SLA (related to relative growth rate) Longevity Leaf litter quality We thus omit growth phenology, N-fixing capacity, and root distribution from consideration. These measures are difficult to obtain and were not available for the Australian rangeland used in this report. Moreover, we did not explicitly include mature plant biomass or litter quality in our attribute set, but instead used related measures of lateral cover and leaf coarseness. Some cautionary comments about the use of this approach are appropriate here. To begin with, the placement of species in this five-dimension attribute space implies orthogonality between the attributes, and this is unlikely to be true. For example, if the SLA of a plant is related in some way to plant longevity or leaf coarseness, then the loss of a species with a particular SLA also means the loss of a species with a particular life span or litter quality. A further complication is the long-term versus short-term effects of species. Although two species may share the same attribute values for the above set, they may differ in terms of their longer-term feedback effects on the ecosystem. For example, J. Roi (CNRS, Montpellier, personal communication) has shown that although it makes no difference in terms of annual biomass production whether his experimental plots have one or several C3 grass species, each grass species induces a different composition of soil biota, and the long-term effect on soil properties may therefore be different. If a long-term view of function is considered, then the associated soil biota may need to become another attribute axis along which plant species differ. Finally, several of the attributes deemed to be 100 B. Walker and others important in terms of contribution to ecosystem function are also important in terms of species’ abilities to respond to environmental change (for example, rooting depth and longevity). Because of this, there is unlikely to be a simple, linear relationship between total attribute diversity and current ecosystem function. The relationship will be stronger if function is considered as sustained performance over a long period, and potentially weaker if one correlates function immediately after a perturbation with total attribute diversity. Eq. (1b) over Eq. (1a) does not affect the conclusions presented below. If sites or individuals differ in the number of species (or attributes), the use of euclidean distance can have drawbacks, but in this case all five attributes are measured for all species in the calculation of ED and it is therefore an appropriate measure. Having created a matrix of ED values for the species, the index of FAD can be calculated as the sum of the distances the species are apart: n FAD2 5 MEASURING FUNCTIONAL ATTRIBUTE DIVERSITY FAD1: The number of different attribute combinations that occurs in the community. This must be equal to or less than the number of species. In the context of phylogenetic diversity, it is analogous to the number of species, or species richness. FAD2: The standardized distance the species are apart in attribute space. Use of absolute values is inappropriate, since the attributes are measured in different units. Also, given the state of knowledge about the quantitative values of these attributes, it is only possible to put many of them into a number of classes. The use of a normalized scale allows us to develop at least a preliminary estimate of functional diversity, and in the example below we have used a five-point scale. The simplest measure of distance apart that has been used in ecology is the euclidean distance (ecological distance, ED): I 3o 4 (Aij 2 Aik)2 i51 1/2 (1a) where Aij and Aik are the attribute values of species j, k for attribute i, and I is the total number of attributes being considered. We have used a modified version of ED for most of our analyses, and omit the square-root from Eq. (1a); thus, our ecological distance is given by I EDjk 5 3o i51 o o ED ij (2) i51 j5i We suggested two appropriate measures of functional attribute diversity (FAD): EDjk 5 n 4 (Aij 2 Aik)2 (1b) Use of Eq. (1b) over Eq. (1a) has the effect of spreading species out in attribute space, and thus can make similarities and differences in functional attributes easier to identify. Because the two ecological distances are directly related to each other, use of where n 5 the number of species There is no direct analogue of this measure in phylogenetic diversity terms, but the closest would be a measure of phylogenetic distance, involving differences in genera and families [for example, see Faith (1992)]. This index takes no account of the abundances of the species. Weighting the FAD2 by abundance of species would bring it to the equivalent of the Shannon-Weaver measure (H) or Simpson’s index, but we see no reason to do this (as will become evident). TESTING FROM A HYPOTHESIS: AN EXAMPLE SAVANNA COMMUNITY THE To provide a focus, we have used a savanna rangeland community in southwest Queensland, Australia (Figure 1, lightly grazed site). The data are from a study examining the effects of artificial water supplies on rangeland biodiversity (Landsberg and others 1997) and includes five sites along a grazing gradient, from very heavy grazing near the water point (site 1) to very light grazing around 6 km from water (site 5). Table 1 presents the species composition of sites 1 and 5 (the heavily grazed and the lightly grazed sites). Since the focus of our interest was on the functional diversity of the graminoids and how they (a) contribute to overall grass production and (b) respond to grazing pressure, and because we were unable to get estimates of the attributes for the dicotyledonous species, we have, for the purposes of this study, restricted our attention to the graminoid community (see Figure 1b for the distribution of graminoid abundance at the lightly grazed site). We estimated the values of the five functional attributes for each of the 21 grass species and one sedge species in the rangeland, based on what is known about them and using specimens from a reference collection from the study area. To standardize for compari- Ecosystem Function and Plant Attribute Diversity 101 Table 1. Relative Abundance (RA), Determined as Percentage Frequency of Species in 80 by 1-m2 Quadrats at the Lightly Grazed (LG) and Heavily Grazed (HG) Sites RA% RA% Species LG HG Grass Aristida contorta Tripogon loliiformis Enneapogon polyphyllus Aristida latifolia Themeda triandra Digitaria brownii Chloris pectinata Eragrostis microcarpa Eriachne pulchella Panicum effusum Sporobolus actinocladus Digitaria ammophila Dichanthium sericeum Austrochloris dicanthioides Tragus australianus Eragrostis basedownii Monachather paradoxa Amphipogon caricinus Eragrostis dielsii Thyridolepis mitchelliana Eragrostis xerophila 6.56 5.91 4.60 3.94 2.52 2.19 1.42 0.98 0.88 0.88 0.77 0.77 0.66 0.55 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.22 — 4.59 10.11 3.68 — — 1.68 2.45 1.23 3.06 — — — — — 0.61 — — — 3.22 0.46 1.07 Sedge Fimbristylis dichotoma 4.38 8.27 5.36 5.25 4.70 4.49 2.74 2.63 2.52 2.30 2.08 1.97 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.42 1.20 2.14 6.58 5.51 8.42 3.52 2.91 — 1.84 0.92 3.68 0.15 — 0.15 0.31 1.53 0.31 1.09 0.88 5.82 1.38 Forbs Evolvulus alsinoides Calotis hispidula Calotis plumulifera Rhodanthe floribunda Plantago turrifera Goodenia pinnatifida Stenopetalum nutans Vittadinia constricta Phyllanthus lacunellus Centipeda thespidioides Daucus glochidiatus Ptilotus macrocephalus Chamaesyce drummondii Trachymene ochracea Alternanthera angustifolia Calandrinia eremaea Lepidium muelleri–ferdinandii Chenopodium melanocarpum sons between attributes, we converted each attribute to a scale of 1–5. The five-point classification scheme for each of the five attributes is presented in Table 2. SLA (dry weight/leaf area) was determined from leaf samples from the reference collection. For Species Forbs cont. Glycine canescens Bulbine alata Boerhavia repleta Ptilotus gaudichaudii Marsilea drummondii Calocephalus knappi Calotis inermis Convolvulus erubescens Portulaca filifolia Goodenia cycloptera Wahlenbergia sp. Gnephosis arachnoidea Portulaca oleracea Chrysocephalum sp. Lepidium oxytrichum Heliotropium tenuifolium Tribulus terrestris Goodenia lunata Goodenia berardiana Pimelea elongata Goodenia glauca Hyalosperma semisterile Calotis cuneifolia Dianella longifolia var. porracea Spergularia sp. Tricoryne elatior Ptilotus helipteroides var. helipteroides Calandrinia ptychosperma Chenopodium cristatum Dysphania glomulifera Oxalis corniculata Subshrubs Abutilon macrum Sida cunninghamii Sida platycalyx Sida species nov. aff. filiformis Solanum quadriloculatum Abutilon otocarpum Malvastrum americanum Sclerolaena cornishiana Solanum esuriale Sclerolaena diacantha LG HG 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.55 0.55 0.44 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.31 0.15 0.46 0.77 — — 1.53 0.31 — — 0.46 — 1.07 1.84 0.61 0.15 — 0.77 — — 0.15 — — — — — — — — — — 0.46 0.77 0.61 0.15 1.38 1.31 1.09 0.88 0.55 0.22 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 — 0.77 — 0.77 0.15 — — — 0.46 0.15 0.15 leaf litter quality, we used a very rough estimate of leaf coarseness and have included it only for the sake of the example. We did not have data for mature plant biomass and have used a measure of lateral cover instead. Together with height, this 102 B. Walker and others Table 2. Functional Attributes of the Herbaceous Layer Functional Attribute Value Height (cm) SLA a (mm mg21 ) Longevity (years) 1 2 3 4 5 ,5 5–10 10–15 15–20 .20 ,4 4–8 8–12 12–16 .16 Annual 40–60 Coarse Biannual 60–80 Medium aCorrelated .2 years Cover (%) .80 Leaf Coarseness Soft with relative growth rate (see the text) where a rank of 1 is slow and 5 is fast. Table 3. Frequency (Maximum of 80) and Functional Attribute Values for the Graminoid Species at the Lightly Grazed (LG) and Heavily Grazed (HG) Sites Frequency Functional Attribute Species LG HG Height SLA Longevity Cover Leaf Coarseness (1)Aristida contorta (2)Tripogon loliiformis (3)Enneapogon polyphyllus (4)Fimbristylis dichotoma (5)Aristida latifolia (6)Themeda triandra (7)Digitaria brownii (8)Chloris pectinata (9)Eragrostis microcarpa (10)Eriachne pulchella (11)Panicum effusum (12)Sporobolus actinocladus (13)Digitaria ammophila (14)Dichanthium sericeum (15)Austrochloris dicanthioides (16)Tragus australianus (17)Eragrostis basedownii (18)Monachather paradoxa (19)Eragrostis dielsii (20)Amphipogon caricinus (21)Thyridolepis mitchelliana (22)Eragrostis xerophila 60 54 42 40 36 23 20 13 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 — 30 66 24 54 — — 11 16 8 20 — — — — — 4 — — 21 — 3 7 4 1 3 1 4 4 5 1 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 1 2 3 3 5 4 4 2 3 2 5 2 1 5 3 2 2 1 1 5 3 3 5 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 5 3 5 5 5 5 3 3 1 3 3 5 3 5 1 1 5 3 5 5 5 5 3 1 1 5 5 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 1 5 1 5 5 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 SLA, specific leaf area. reflects the overall size of a plant. Height was determined as the maximum height of the basal leaves (that is, excluding culms). Very little is known about the functional attributes of these (or any other) species, and for a number of the attributes it was difficult to place some species with confidence into a particular class. In these cases, we had to resort to informed guesses based on what was known about the species. The values given are likely ranges for different kinds of species in this savanna, and the example serves the purpose of illustrating how functional attribute diversity might be measured and used to examine the structure of ecosystems. The final set of five attribute values for the 22 grass/sedge species is presented in Table 3, and the matrix of ecological distances [using Eq. (1b)] for all 22 species is presented in Table 4. TEST 1: THE LIGHTLY GRAZED COMMUNITY Our hypotheses concerning the role of dominant and minor species in maintaining functional diver- Ecosystem Function and Plant Attribute Diversity Table 4. 103 Ecological Distances Between Species Figure 2. Frequencies of ecological distances for all species pairs, taken from Table 4. Groupings reflect apparent clusters of frequent ecological distances (black, stippled, striped, or white bars); the lower the ecological distance, the more functionally similar are the two species. sity and resilience in ecosystems leads to certain predictions regarding species relationships and ecological distances within an unperturbed system. In particular, we would expect that 1. Dominant species would be functionally dissimilar to each other (as it would be the differences in functional ‘‘niches’’ that would allow these species to be codominant in a system) and, conversely, 2. Functionally similar species would be separated in rank—that is, those species most functionally similar to dominant species would be found among the tail-end (minor) species. But which ecological distances could be categorized as being functionally similar, and what ecologi- cal distance would two species have to exceed to be considered functionally dissimilar? Figure 2 shows the histogram of ecological distances taken from Table 4. The average ED for all species pairs in the community is 18. Based on apparent groupings, we have divided the histogram into four categories of relatedness. Thus, functionally similar species are taken to be those whose EDs are # 6. The next clustering of EDs occurs for 8 # ED # 14, and so on. Other categorizations were possible—for instance, one can subdivide the above grouping and identify a clump for 8 # ED # 10 and another for 12 # ED # 14—but for our purposes fewer large categories were more useful than several small categories. 104 B. Walker and others Table 5. Ecological Distances Between the Dominant Species (Five Most Abundant Species in the Lightly Grazed Community) Tripogon loliiformis Enneapogon polyphyllus Fimbristylis dichotoma Aristida latifolia Aristida Contorta Tripogon Loliiformis Enneapogon Polyphyllus Fimbristylis Dichotoma 34 33 42 4 — 13 12 30 — — 21 37 — — — 38 Therefore, from Figure 2, we have Functionally similar Similar to average Average to dissimilar Functionally dissimilar 0 $ ED # 6 12% of all pair-wise comparisons 7 # ED # 14 37% of all pair-wise comparisons 16 # ED # 30 38% of all pair-wise comparisons ED $ 33 14% of all pair-wise comparisons Note that for two species to have an ED 5 6, they can, from Eq. (1b), differ by at most 1 unit for each of the five attributes, or 2 units for one attribute and 1 unit for two attributes (being equal in two other attributes). Note also that if we had chosen more than five attributes for classification, our threshold value of ecological distance for similar species may have exceeded 6. If, for instance, we had chosen 10 attributes for classification, we might have found that functionally similar species had ED , 12. Consider hypothesis 1 above: Are the dominant species functionally dissimilar? The top five species account for two-thirds of the relative abundances of the graminoid species in this system (Aristida contorta to A. latifolia in Table 3). If we consider only the ecological distances between these species (shown in Table 5), we find that, of the 10 possible EDs, 50% can be categorized as being ‘‘functionally dissimilar’’ (ED $ 33). In contrast, only 14% of the EDs among the full complement of 22 species (Table 4) are greater than 33. Thus, the expectation for functional dissimilarity among the top five species based on the average ecological distance in the community would be 1 or 2 $ 33, rather than the five observed. Using a x2 test, the probabilities of obtaining the observed five EDs $ 33 are either just over 10% (for expected 5 2) or less than 1% (for expected 5 1). Moreover, though not statistically significant, 70% of the EDs are more dissimilar than the community average of 18, compared with 44% of the EDs in the full community. Thus, the dominant species are more dissimilar than one would expect given the average ecological distances present in the community. Figure 3. Functional similarities between dominant and minor species. See the text for an explanation of the grouping procedure. In addition, we predict (from hypothesis 2 above) that functionally similar species are more likely to be widely separated in rank (as determined by abundance). Consider Figure 3, which again shows the rank–abundance curve for the lightly grazed community, as in Figure 1. In this figure, however, species are grouped by ecological distance. For instance, the highest ranking species (no. 1: A. contorta) has two functionally similar species (ED # 6)—A. latifolia (rank 5) and Eragrostis microcarpa (rank 9). All three species are thus labeled A. [Note that A. latifolia and E. microcarpa are in the ‘‘similar to average’’ category in regard to each other (ED 5 9, Table 4). The comparison here is between each of them and the most dominant species, A. contorta.) Similarly, the third-ranked species, Enneapogon polyphyllus, is functionally similar to the least-abundant species in the lightly grazed community, Thyridolepis mitchelliana. These two species are grouped together and labeled B. Continuing in this fashion for the top 10 dominants, we get the pattern shown in Figure 3. (Note that once a species is assigned to a group—A, B, C, and so on—it is not considered for membership in another group.) Of the species falling in the top half of the rank–abundance curve, three have no functionally similar species [Tripogon loliiformis (no. 2), Fimbristylis dichotoma (no. 4), and Chloris pectinata (no. 8)]. Four have functionally similar counterparts in the Ecosystem Function and Plant Attribute Diversity minor, tail-end species (groups B, C, D, and E). Three are functionally similar to each other (group A); note, however, that although E. microcarpa (no. 9) is in the top half, it is minor relative to the dominant A. contorta (no. 1). Thus, we do find evidence for significant functional similarity between dominant and minor species in the lightly grazed community. Other functionally similar species pairs are not represented in Figure 3. For instance, the minor species Monachather paradoxa (no. 18), Amphipogon caricinus (no. 20), and T. mitchelliana (no. 21) are all functionally similar to another minor species, Austrochloris dicanthioides (no. 15). According to the second part of our hypothesis (which we test in the following section), A. dicanthioides could increase in abundance if a disturbance caused its functionally similar dominant species, Digitaria brownii (both labeled D in Figure 3), to decrease in abundance. Then M. paradoxa, Amphipogon caricinus, and T. mitchelliana would provide the ‘‘reservoir of resilience’’ for the now dominant Austrochloris dicanthioides. This suggests that maintaining resilience in ecosystems might not only require that there be functional similarity between dominant and minor species, but that there be functional similarity among minor species as well, so that resilience is maintained in the face of further perturbations and shifts in abundance. We return later to the question of ‘‘ideal’’ community distributions for ecological distances and functional similarities or dissimilarities. Taking the same approach to creating Figure 3, but with a different definition of ‘‘functionally similar’’ (ED # 14, thus incorporating the first two groupings in Figure 2), produces qualitatively similar results. In the interest of space, we do not show the figure here, but in this case all of the species falling in the top half of the abundance curve have functionally similar species falling into four possible categories (A–D), and the functionally similar species in groups A, C, and D span the two halves of the curve. It is only those species in group B (that is, those species functionally similar to the secondrank species Tripogon loliiformis) that do not have counterparts in the tail of the rank–abundance curve, but Chloris pectinata (no. 8) is functionally similar to T. loliiformis and could be considered minor relative to T. loliiformis. We conclude from these tests that the distribution of EDs in the lightly grazed community lends support to our hypothesis. The dominant species are responsible for function, and they are functionally dissimilar from one another. The minor species provide resilience in the system—they are functionally similar to dominant species and could increase 105 in abundance and maintain function if dominant species were to decline or disappear. TEST 2: A COMPARISON OF THE HEAVILY GRAZED AND LIGHTLY GRAZED COMMUNITIES Our hypothesis goes beyond predictions of the distribution of ecological distances within a community. In particular, we would predict that the loss or decline of a dominant species would lead to a compensatory increase in abundance of a functionally similar minor species. Thus, we examine differences in abundances and species composition between the lightly grazed (relatively unperturbed site above) and a previously similar community that has experienced intensive grazing, and determine whether a species decline under heavy grazing is accompanied by an abundance increase in a functionally similar species. Due to inherent site differences, the two communities are unlikely to have been identical prior to grazing by livestock, so we cannot expect a perfect fit with the hypothesis; nonetheless, we seek evidence that minor species are contributing to a compensatory functional response in the system under grazing stresses. Analyzing this dynamic first requires that we are able to identify which species have undergone a ‘‘significant’’ decline in abundance and which have exhibited a ‘‘significant’’ increase. If we fit an exponential to the scaled (that is, sum to 100%) rank– abundance data in Table 1 (lightly grazed community), we find that, for the nth-ranked species, the abundance is approximated by A(n) 5 A(dominant) Exp [20.19(n 2 1)] where A(dominant) is the scaled relative abundance of the dominant species, Aristida contorta. A shift in rank of 5, therefore, would correspond approximately to an increase or decrease in abundance of a factor e [5 Exp(1)]. Therefore, we (rather arbitrarily) take as our measure of significance a shift in abundance that would increase or decrease rank by five steps (if all other species were to maintain the same relative abundance)—in other words, a significant increase in abundance requires Ln[lightly grazed abundance 4 heavily grazed abundance] .1, and a significant decrease requires Ln[lightly grazed abundance 4 heavily grazed abundance] , 21. There are 10 grass species that disappear in the heavily grazed community relative to the lightly grazed community (Table 1) and thus are considered to show significant decreases in abundance (though, as previously mentioned, some of them 106 B. Walker and others Table 6. Significant Shifts in Species Abundances Between the Lightly Grazed and Heavily Grazed Sites Species Showing Significant Decrease in Abundance Due to Heavy Grazing Species Showing Significant Increase in Abundance Due to Heavy Grazing Aristida latifolia Themeda triandra Panicum effusum Sporobolus actinocladus Digitaria ammophila Dichanthium sericeum Austrochloris dicanthioides Eragrostis basedownii Monachather paradoxa Amphipogon caricinus Eriachne pulchella Eragrostis dielsii Eragrostis xerophila Table 7. Functional Similarities Between Decreasing and Increasing Species Species with Increased Abundance Under Heavy Grazing Functionally Similar Species Showing Decline in Abundance Under Heavy Grazing Ecological Distance Between Species Eriachne pulchella Eragrostis basedownii 2 Eragrostis dielsii Panicum effusum Sporobolus actinocladus Eragrostis basedownii 5 5 6 Eragrostis xerophila Aristida latifolia Themeda triandra Amphipogon caricinus 0 5 3 may not have been present in the original lightly grazed community). No other species meet the aforementioned requirements for significant decrease. Three grass species that show a significant increase in abundance are listed in Table 6. Our hypothesis would suggest that the species undergoing an increase in abundance under heavy grazing should be functionally similar to at least one species undergoing a decrease. Are those functional similarities evident? Table 7 shows that each of the three species that increase in abundance is functionally similar (ED # 6) to at least one species that disappears under heavy grazing. Moreover, the sum of the minimum ecological distances for each of the three species—as measured from those species that decline in abundance—is only 7. Perhaps, however, this appearance of functional similarity is only coincidental. If we were to ran- domly select 13 species from the full complement of 22 grass/sedge species and designate 10 as decreasing in abundance (high to low, or H–L) and the remaining 3 as increasing in abundance (low to high, or L–H), would we find equally low ecological distances (Table 4)? We randomly generated 1000 such species collections and calculated the ecological distance between each L–H species and the most functionally similar H–L species. Of the 1000 communities so generated, 27% had all three minimum EDs fall in the ‘‘functionally similar’’ category (that is, ED # 6). Only 5% of the communities, however, had a sum of the three minimum EDs that was less than 7 (the sum given in Table 4 for the actual community). Note again that this result holds even if we change our definition of ‘‘functionally similar’’ to include all species pairs with ED # 14. We would still find that the functional similarities among species that shift in abundance in the heavily grazed and lightly grazed communities are closer than would be expected—given the existing distribution of EDs in the community—if such abundance shifts were random, or appeared random because they were being driven by mechanisms other than functional similarity and competitive exclusion. Taken together, the foregoing results provide supporting evidence that functionally similar minor species in our rangeland site were able to increase in abundance and thus maintain some function in the ecosystem under changing conditions, when their dominant counterparts declined in abundance. But can we provide a further test? Given that we know which 10 species disappeared from the system under heavy grazing, can we predict which species should increase in abundance? TEST 3: PREDICTING WHICH SPECIES SHOULD INCREASE IN RESPONSE TO DISTURBANCE The species we select should be (a) functionally similar to a disappearing species and (b) significantly less abundant in the lightly grazed system than the disappearing species (so that it qualifies as being a ‘‘minor’’ species relative to a ‘‘dominant’’ species). Thus, for each species that disappears under heavy grazing, we identify the species that have ED # 6, and A(UG)minor , A(UG)dominant/Exp(1); we hypothesize that the species meeting these criteria are likely to increase in abundance under heavy grazing after the demise of their functionally similar dominant counterparts. Table 8 identifies each of these species. Three species emerge as likely to increase in abundance Ecosystem Function and Plant Attribute Diversity 107 Table 8. Method for Predicting Which Species Should Increase in Abundance Under Heavy Grazing when ‘‘Functionally Similar’’ Is Defined as Ecological Distance I6 Species that Disappear Under Heavy Grazing All Functionally Similar Species (Ecological Distance in Parentheses) Are Functionally Similar Species Significantly Lower in Abundance? Species that Should Increase in Abundance Under Heavy Grazing Aristida latifolia E. xerophila (0) T. triandra (5) A. caricinus (3) Yes No Yes E. xerophila A. latifolia (5) A. caricinus (6) E. xerophila (5) No Yes Yes S. actinocladus (0) E. dielsii (5) E. microcarpa (5) No Yes No P. effusum (0) E. microcarpa (5) E. dielsii (5) No No Yes Digitaria ammophila D. brownii (1) A. dicanthioides (5) No No Dichanthium sericeum A. dicanthioides (4) No Austrochloris dicanthioides D. sericeum (4) D. brownii (4) D. ammophila (5) M. paradoxa (4) A. caricinus (5) No No No No No Eragrostis basedownii E. pulchella (2) E. dielsii (6) No No Monachather paradoxa A. dicanthioides (4) No Amphipogon caricinus A. dicanthioides (5) T. triandra (6) A. latifolia (3) E. xerophila (3) No No No Yes Themeda triandra Panicum effusum Sporobolus actinocladus A. caricinus A. caricinus E. xerophila E. dielsii E. dielsii E. xerophila See Table 1 for genus names. under heavy grazing: Amphipogon caricinus, Eragrostis xerophila, and Eragrostis dielsii. The latter two actually do increase in abundance; the first disappears under heavy grazing. Two other species— Thyridolepis mitchelliana and Tragus australiensis— increase in relative abundance, but not significantly by our arbitrary definition. If we regarded a shift in abundance rank of 4 as significant, then T. mitchelliana would be just on ‘‘significance.’’ Tragus australiensis changes only three rank positions. (Note that the use of the changes in rank to indicate significance of relative abundance requires use of scaled, relative values). In addition, Eriachne pulchella does increase in abundance under heavy grazing, though we fail to predict its increase in Table 8. Eriachne pulchella is functionally similar to Eragrostis basedownii, but the abundance differences in the lightly grazed system are not such that one would expect a significant increase in E. pulchella after the disappearance of E. basedownii. If E. basedownii were the functionally similar and functionally superior species resulting in a competitive suppression (and thus low abundance) for E. pulchella in the lightly grazed system, then one would expect higher abundances for E. basedownii than for E. pulchella in the lightly grazed system; the opposite pattern is observed. Note that, for a number of reasons, we would not expect this approach to provide perfect predictions for abundance shifts under heavy grazing. We pre- 108 B. Walker and others dict, for instance, that Amphipogon caricinus should increase in abundance because its functionally similar dominants—Aristida latifolia and Themeda triandra—decrease in abundance under heavy grazing. We do not, however, consider potential competitive suppression by other remaining dominant species. In particular, Amphipogon caricinus is similar to Aristida contorta (ED 5 7); A. contorta may be functionally suppressing A. caricinus and preventing its competitive release even after the loss of A. latifolia and T. triandra. Greater predictive power for shifts in abundance would require a more sophisticated understanding of the relationship between functional similarity and competitive exclusion than we have been able to develop here. In addition, factors other than interspecific competition can result in low abundance or compensatory increases under perturbations. Here we seek only to test the hypothesis that both functional similarities and functional differences will play important roles in community response to perturbation; future improvements in methodology would serve to increase predictive power. Finally, note that not all species that disappear under heavy grazing have functionally similar minor species that can take over their role (Table 8). Thus, although there will be some maintenance of system function, this functional substitutability will not be perfect; we would therefore expect some decline in function in the system under heavy grazing. To test the robustness of these results, we can again repeat the preceding analysis by using the more generous definition of functionally similar; that is, by defining as functionally similar those species with ED # 14. In this case, a slight modification to the approach is required. Note that in Table 8 there were never more than two species that emerged as being ‘‘likely to increase’’ under the decline of a single species (for example, Eragrostis xerophila and Amphipogon caricinus were both predicted to increase in response to the decline in Aristida latifolia, but there was never a case where three or more species were affected by the decline of a single species). If, however, we adopt the more generous definition of functionally similar (ED # 14), seven species emerge as being both functionally similar to, and significantly less abundant than, A. latifolia (Table 9). Although the competitive release of two species given a decline in one seems plausible, the competitive release of seven species given the loss of one seems less plausible. Thus, for each species that declined in abundance (as given in Table 6), we first identified those species that were both functionally similar and significantly less abundant. We then hypothesized that the most similar species from this list was likely to increase in abundance to fill the functional niche abandoned by its dominant counterpart. The remaining species were only assumed to increase in abundance if they were functionally dissimilar to this ‘‘new’’ dominant; otherwise, they were assumed to be competitively suppressed—due to functional similarity— by this new dominant. The details are listed in Table 9. We predict that Amphipogon caricinus, Eragrostis xerophila, Eragrostis dielsii, and Thyridolepis mitchelliana should increase in abundance, similar to the results when using the more restrictive definition of functional similarity, but with the addition of T. mitchelliana (which would have been included in the more restrictive set had we used a change in rank of 4 rather than 5 to indicate a significant change). Thus, at least in this case, the results are fairly insensitive to the exact threshold used to define functional similarity. Note, however, that the predictions for which species should increase in abundance upon the loss of a single species vary between the two approaches. For instance, using Table 8, we would predict that the loss of Aristida latifolia would lead to increases in abundance for both E. xerophila and A. caricinus; using Table 9, we would predict increases for only E. xerophila. More extensive datasets with different patterns of species losses among sites would aid us in further testing this hypothesis and determining the ‘‘appropriate’’ threshold for functional similarity. Overall, both tests we used support the proposition that the minor species contain functional analogues of the dominants, able to increase when the dominants declined in abundance. Depending on the test, two of three or three of the four species predicted to increase in abundance in the heavily grazed site did in fact do so. Our analysis therefore provides some evidence that minor species in ecosystems do provide a ‘‘reservoir of resilience’’ through their functional similarity to dominant species and their ability to increase in abundance and thus maintain function under ecosystem perturbation or stress. COMMUNITY-BASED MEASURES OF DIVERSITY AND PERFORMANCE Most studies on diversity–function relationships have attempted to examine the effects of increasing diversity on function. Our hypothesis supports the contention that, under a constant set of biogeoclimatic conditions, an increase in functional diversity among the dominant species will correlate with Ecosystem Function and Plant Attribute Diversity 109 Table 9. Method for Predicting Which Species Should Increase in Abundance Under Heavy Grazing when ‘‘Functionally Similar’’ Is Defined as Ecological Distance (ED) I14 All Functionally Similar and Significantly Less Abundant Species (Ecological Distance in Parentheses) Functionally Similar to Species with Lowest ED from Column 2 (Shown with *)? Species Predicted to Increase Under Heavy Grazing Aristida latifolia E. xerophila (0) A. caricinus (3) P. effusum (14) S. actinocladus (14) D. sericeum (14) A. dicanthioides (10) M. paradoxa (10) * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes E. xerophila Themeda triandra E. xerophila (5) A. caricinus (6) P. effusum (9) S. actinocladus (9) A. dicanthioides (9) M. paradoxa (9) D. sericeum (13) E. microcarpa (14) * Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes E. xerophila Panicum effusum E. dielsii (5) T. mitchelliana (13) E. xerophila (14) * Yes No E. dielsii E. dielsii (5) T. mitchelliana (13) E. xerophila (14) * Yes No E. dielsii Digitaria ammophila T. mitchelliana (10) A. caricinus (12) * No T. mitchelliana A. caricinus Dichanthium sericeum E. dielsii (9) T. mitchelliana (9) A. caricinus (9) * * * E. dielsii T. mitchelliana A. caricinus Austrochloris dicanthioides E. xerophila (10) * E. xerophila Monachather paradoxa E. xerophila (10) * E. xerophila Amphipogon caricinus E. xerophila (3) * E. xerophila Species that Disappear Under Heavy Grazing Sporobolus actinocladus E. xerophila E. xerophila Eragrostis basedownii See Table 1 for genus names. increased provision of certain functions in ecosystems (such as primary production). If, however, the set of ‘‘functions of interest’’ is expanded to include resilience—or the ability of a system to maintain function under changing conditions—then it is not functional diversity but rather functional redundancy or substitutability that maintains the function of resilience. These dual requirements—for diversity to maintain current function and redundancy to maintain future function—suggest that one measure of diver- sity is unlikely to capture the important functional features of an ecosystem. We simultaneously require measures for functional diversity among dominant guilds or species, functional redundancy between dominant and minor species, and functional redundancy among minor species. Note that increasing both functional diversity and functional redundancy in ecosystems requires adding additional species, but species number as a measure of functional contribution is inadequate to capture the dual requirements of diversity and redundancy. Even the 110 B. Walker and others Table 10. Comparison of Phylogenetic and Functional Diversity Along the Grazing Gradient from Heavy (1, near a Water Point) to Very Light (5) Site Site Phylogenetic Index 1 2 3 4 5 Functional Index Species richness (no. of species) a Diversity Simpsons index 12 13 16 15 21 No. of unique com12 12 15 15 19 binations (FAD1) S distances apart in functional attribute space (FAD2) Total a 36.0 40.8 47.2 45.9 65.3 0.54 0.52 0.39 0.44 0.31 Standardized by no. of interspecies comparisons b s C5 0.14 0.20 0.14 0.13 0.10 2.16 1.84 2.19 2.26 2.53 ni(ni 2 1) o N(N 2 1) i51 Shannon-Weaver index 1 2 3 4 5 s H8 5 2 o r ln r i i i51 FAD, functional attribute diversity. aEquation 1a has been used. bThe maximum possible sum of distances has been roughly approximated. functional attribute diversity measures we have suggested (FAD1 and FAD2) fail to capture the distributions of ecological distances in ecosystems in ways that would elucidate the presence of both functional diversity and functional redundancy. Table 10 presents a summary analysis of community diversity along the grazing gradient, according to conventional species indices and analogous FAD measures. The trends are similar, but the interpretation is very limited. The decline in the standardized FAD2 from site 1 to site 5 reflects decreased average distances apart in attribute space and therefore increased similarity in attributes between species. This is in line with the expected increase in redundancy at site 5 but, as Figure 2 clearly illustrates, the average distance has very little significance. Therefore, although we are able to develop single indices of functional diversity, they suffer from the same drawbacks of all such indices. The histogram in Figure 3 may provide a measure of both functional diversity and redundancy. But note that there is no a priori definition of ‘‘ideal’’ levels of diversity and/or redundancy in ecosystems. We may find that ecosystems that have been subjected to relatively low biogeoclimatic variability over evolutionary time scales show greater functional diversity and less functional redundancy, whereas ecosystems subjected to greater biogeoclimatic variability might exhibit more functional redundancy than diversity. Therefore, there is no one pattern for the distribution of functional diversity or redundancy that we should expect or desire in ecosystems, and no preexisting expectation of how a histogram like that in Figure 3 ‘‘should’’ look. This also suggests that no one general pattern will emerge for diversity–function relationships in ecosystems, particularly as many of the published relationships tend to examine the system under a particular set of conditions and thus miss the potentially important role of functional redundancy and resilience. The diversity–function debate needs to be expanded to include assessment of these complementary and, in some cases, competing roles for functional types in ecosystems, and assessments of the positive influences of increased diversity need to be accompanied by assessments of the positive influences of redundancy in maintaining ‘‘latent functionality,’’ or resilience, in systems. Observations of the importance of functional redundancy in maintaining ecosystem function have, of course, been made elsewhere, but these observations have yet to manifest themselves in the diversity–function debate in any systematic way. DISCUSSION The tests of the various hypotheses relating to ecological distances among species all lend support to the proposition that minor species in ecological communities confer resilience in terms of ecosystem function. [It should be noted that we take resilience to mean the persistence of function, or the capacity for function to be restored after major change, rather than just the rate of return following a minor perturbation (cf. Ludwig and others 1997)]. The Ecosystem Function and Plant Attribute Diversity ability of these minor species to increase in abundance in response to a decrease in their functionally equivalent, dominant counterparts enables the maintenance of ecosystem function under stress or disturbance. Of course, this is but a single test of the overall proposition, and further investigations of this kind are needed. They would greatly add to our understanding of the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem function, and would provide the basis for the theoretical framework needed to apply the insights gained from such studies to the understanding and management of other ecosystems. The approach adopted in this study, and our attempts at defining, measuring, and analyzing functional attributes, raise a number of conceptual and methodological issues. A few of these are discussed next. We have used a set of available data for the purpose of setting out and exploring the proposition, and it has served the purpose. Before developing the approach further, however, the choice of variables and the measures we have used must be addressed in more detail. In particular, the choice of an abundance measurement for the species (the combined relative abundance measure we have used is not without problems), the choice of functional attributes, their definition, and how best to estimate them in a standardized way are all subject to debate. There is a need for ease of measurement and repeatability [the same arguments as in Westoby’s (1998) criteria for the PESS attributes] if functional diversity analysis is to become widely used. One particular aspect of the choice of ecological separation concerns the use of ecological distance (as used in this study) versus the use of minimum distance along one axis. It is possible that resilience is maintained in ecosystems not by each dominant species having one or two functionally similar minor counterparts, but by having several, with each minor counterpart similar with respect to only one or two attributes or functions. Again, understanding the patterns of functional compensation and abundance shifts under changing conditions will require more data and a greater range of conditions than we have here. Assuming the measurement issues can be resolved (and we are confident they can be), a number of theoretical issues arise. One of these concerns the argument that diversity measures based on a phylogenetic classification capture all of the important, heritable differences in plant attributes [for example, see Williams and others (1997)]. Such a proposition is initially appealing, given the present lack of data on functional attributes. However, while the phylogeny may well capture different traits in a species, unless the traits can be individu- 111 ally identified it is not possible to get a mechanistic understanding of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function. The sort of predictive understanding that emerges from our analysis of functional distances cannot be derived from a phylogenetic classification. The similarity in patterns of overall trends in the phylogenetic and FAD indices in Table 10 lends support to the argument of Williams and colleagues (1997), but we contend that neither kind of index provides much insight. Only through the use of a functional analysis of the sort outlined in this report can we develop a predictive understanding of the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem function. A second, interesting consideration arises out of the similarity in the pattern of occurrences of ecological distances in Figure 2, and the pattern obtained by Holling (1992) for his data on the body-mass difference index for various groups of animals. Holling’s interpretation centered on the influence of a few structuring processes interacting across scales, resulting in this ‘‘lumpy’’ distribution. The significance of scale effects on ecological resilience is further developed by Peterson and others (1998), who propose that resilience is generated by having diverse, but overlapping, function within a scale and by ‘‘apparently redundant species that operate at different scales, thereby reinforcing function across scales.’’ Our interpretation of the Australian rangeland data is that the resilience is generated by having, within each functional type, a number of species with a diversity of environmental response capabilities. It may be that one dimension of this response capacity relates to differences in space and time scales of response (for example, dispersal distances and rates of regeneration), but the most significant component of diversity in our case (related to the dominance of grazing as an environmental pressure) involves the diversity of responses to being defoliated. In a general sense, it seems most likely that resilience in communities is generated by a diversity of response capabilities, and that these response capabilities can involve both responses to different scales of disturbance, as well as different responses to an environmental disturbance at a particular scale. A final theoretical issue arises out of the predictability of the functional attributes portrayed in this analysis. It raises the question of how such a complementary functional composition arises. Is it selected? If each species is selected (in an evolutionary sense) for its survival attributes, how does a functionally complementary set eventuate? A fortuitous juxtapositioning of such species seems unlikely, given the results of our tests. A possible 112 B. Walker and others explanation for the pattern lies in an iterative process—a reciprocal feedback between individual selection and persistence of ecosystem function, something like as follows: A particular environmental pattern favors a particular suite of species, and the dominants among these are sorted out through performance, resulting in a complementary (rather than a strongly overlapping, intensely competing) set. Those that lose out in the competition (and they would be species that do strongly overlap in performance with dominants) are either eliminated or relegated to minor species status. If an environmental change leads to a decline in a dominant, the minor species that emerges to replace it is one that can both thrive under the new environmental conditions and also complement the performance of the remaining dominants. A complementary pattern of functional attributes is therefore favored, leading to persistence of the existing levels of function. The continuous interplay between ecosystem form and function, between the players and the performance, ensures that the nature of the species composition of a community tends to a combination of functional diversity and redundancy, as outlined in this report. In conclusion, we mentioned in the preceding section that community-based measures of functional diversity/redundancy raise the question of how much of each (redundancy and diversity) might or should be expected. Norms of this kind will only emerge from comparisons of many sites across a wide range of environmental and management conditions. Questions such as how many and what kinds of attributes are needed, how ‘‘full’’ the attribute space is or should be, and overall patterns in the tables of species by attributes, can (for example) be addressed through the techniques of ordination and will be worth pursuing in further development of this approach, within and between sites. The next step is to assemble a set of comparative datasets from different ecosystem types. ACKNOWLE D G M E N T S We thank NASA and NERC UK for supporting our participation in the workshop that gave rise to this report (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Processes: Theory and Modelling, cosponsored by Diversitas, GCTE, NASA, & TERI, Imperial College, Silwood Park, United Kingdom, in June 1997), and Prof. H. H. Shugart and the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia, who hosted Brian Walker for the period during which the first draft of this report was written. We are indebted to Jill Landsberg and Craig James for use of data from their rangeland study. We also thank Tom Smith and Steve Pacala for useful discussion on the topic of functional attributes, Mike Austin for comments on the measurement of ecological distance, and C. S. Holling and an anonymous referee for valuable suggestions. REFERENCES Bazzaz FA. 1975. Plant species diversity in old-field successional ecosystems in southern Illinois. Ecology 56:485–8. Box EO. 1981. Macroclimate and plant forms. The Hague: Dr W Junk. Faith DP. 1992. Conservation evaluation and phylogenetic diversity. Biol Conserv 60:1–10. Grime JP. 1979. Plant strategies and vegetation processes. Chichester (UK): John Wiley. Hobbs RJ. 1997. Can we use plant functional types to describe and predict responses to environmental change? In: Smith TM, Shugart HH, Woodward FI, editors. Plant functional types: their relevance to ecosystem properties and global change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p 66–90. 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