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Chapter 2 Worksheet
Match the terms to the descriptions.
a. Affonso I
b. Qing
c. Mombasa
d. Osei Tutu
e. Moluccas
Dutch East India Company
Prince Henry
Ferdinand Magellan
1. a Portuguese trading post in Ming China
2. formed by a group of wealthy merchants, it had full sovereign powers
3. led an expedition that became the first to circumnavigate Earth
4. united his people by claiming that they shared spiritual bonds
5. led the way in sponsoring exploration for Portugal
6. a ruler of Kongo who tried to halt the slave trade in his lands
7. an island off the coast of India seized by the Portuguese in 1510
8. an island chain once called the Spice Islands
9. the new dynasty that ruled China after the decline of the Ming dynasty
____ 10. a coastal city of East Africa that was an important trade center
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 11. The southern tip of Africa became known as the Cape of Good Hope because
a. rounding it gave sailors hope they would return home safely.
b. rounding it gave sailors a direct sea route to Asia.
c. it was the sailors’ first sight of land since they left home.
d. its calm seas provided shelter from the stormy Atlantic.
____ 12. The Line of Demarcation divided world trade and exploration rights between the
a. Portuguese and Dutch.
c. Spanish and English.
b. Spanish and Portuguese.
d. English and Dutch.
____ 13. How did European expansion of the slave trade affect African states in the 1600s and 1700s?
a. African states competed to dominate the slave trade.
b. African states began to trade in European slaves.
c. African states united to oppose the slave trade.
d. African states became too weak to resist the slave trade.
____ 14. Who were the Boers?
a. Africans who followed traditional beliefs rather than Christianity
b. Indian soldiers who served the British East India Company
c. Dutch farmers who settled around Cape Town
d. Muslim traders who brought goods to Mediterranean ports
____ 15. Large quantities of American silver flowed into the economies of East Asia through what important Spanish
trading center?
a. Malacca
c. Macao
b. the Philippines
d. Futa Toro
____ 16. In the early 1400s, the first African port occupied by the Portuguese was
a. Sofala.
c. Ceuta.
b. Porto-Novo.
d. Zanzibar.
____ 17. In Ming China, why did European traders pay for Chinese silks and porcelains in gold or silver instead of
exchanging trade goods?
a. The Chinese did not want inferior European trade goods.
b. The Europeans had more gold and silver than trade goods.
c. The Chinese offered lower prices when paid in gold or silver.
d. Gold and silver was easier for the Europeans to transport.
____ 18. After the Japanese, and later the Manchus, invaded Korea, the Koreans responded by
a. greatly expanding their military.
b. forming an alliance with Japan.
c. building a great wall around Korea.
d. excluding foreigners from their nation.
____ 19. When the first European traders arrived in the 1500s, the Japanese responded by
a. refusing all trade with the West.
b. welcoming trade with the West.
c. allowing foreign trade in only one city.
d. imprisoning foreign traders and sailors.
____ 20. The first Europeans to challenge Portuguese domination of Asian trade were the
a. French.
c. Dutch.
b. Spanish.
d. English.
____ 21. In the 1400s, Europeans searched for new trade routes to obtain valuable spices that came mainly from
a. Macao.
c. Mozambique.
b. the Moluccas.
d. Mombasa.
____ 22. The voyage to Calicut by Vasco da Gama soon led to the creation of a vast trading empire for
a. Spain.
c. Portugal.
b. Italy.
d. the Netherlands.
____ 23. How did Portuguese explorer Bartholomeu Dias seek a sea route to Asia in 1460?
a. He explored the coast of North America.
b. He explored the coast of Central America.
c. He rounded the southern tip of Africa.
d. He rounded the southern tip of South America.
____ 24. The islands that Christopher Columbus explored in his voyage in 1492 later became known as
a. the West Indies.
c. the Philippines.
b. the East Indies.
d. the Aleutians.
____ 25. In 1513, Spanish adventurer Vasco Núñez de Balboa reached the Pacific Ocean by
a. traveling overland through Panama.
b. traveling overland through Mexico.
c. sailing around the tip of South America.
d. sailing through the Philippine Islands.
____ 26. How did Europeans usually acquire African captives for the slave trade?
a. They relied on Dutch traders to bring captives to African ports.
b. They relied on African traders to bring captives to African ports.
c. They most often enslaved only people they defeated in battle.
d. They seized captives through expeditions into Africa’s interior.
____ 27. Osei Tutu traded in gold and slaves to help build the powerful
a. Asante kingdom.
c. Oyo empire.
b. Songhai kingdom.
d. Mali empire.
____ 28. What statement best describes the significance of the settlement of Cape Town?
a. It was an area rich in the spices that Europeans wanted.
b. It was the first place Europeans traded slaves in Africa.
c. It was the first Portuguese settlement built in Africa.
d. It was the first permanent European settlement in Africa.
____ 29. In the early 1500s, what method did Afonso de Albuquerque use to establish Portuguese outposts in India?
a. He drove Dutch traders from key coastal towns.
b. He burned coastal towns and destroyed Arab fleets.
c. He pitted Indian princes against one another.
d. He allied himself with the Dutch East India Company.
____ 30. To rule China effectively after seizing Beijing in 1644, the Manchus
a. ended feudalism to gain the support of peasants.
b. subdued the people through a campaign of terror.
c. accepted the Confucian system of government.
d. gave large grants of land to the Chinese nobility.
____ 31. In the mid-1600s, which nation captured Malacca from the Portuguese and developed a monopoly on trade in
the Spice Islands?
a. England.
c. France.
b. the Netherlands.
d. Spain.
____ 32. When the Mughal empire weakened, British and French armies fought for power in India with the help of
Indian troops known as
a. Boers.
c. sepoys.
b. rajahs.
d. Gurkhas.
____ 33. How did the Chinese economy fare under the Qing dynasty?
a. Internal markets declined due to widespread civil war.
b. Internal markets declined due to widespread famine.
c. The economy boomed due to expanding trade with Europe.
d. Farm output increased and Chinese industry expanded.
____ 34. Why did Japanese shoguns turn against foreign traders in the mid-1500s?
a. The pope declared his plans to make Japan a Christian nation.
b. A British diplomatic mission insulted the Tokugawa shoguns.
c. Japan saw foreigners as a threat after Spain seized the Philippines.
d. Japan saw foreigners as a threat after the Dutch seized Malacca.
____ 35. The Ming rulers allowed limited trade with Europeans under the condition that the Europeans would
a. improve the quality of their trade goods.
b. leave at the end of the trading season.
c. share their technology with the Chinese.
d. remove their missionaries from China.