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Chapter 7 Review
“The Origins and Spread of Islam”
7th Grade World History
1. Why is Mecca important to
• Because it is the birthplace of Muhammad
2. Characteristics that made Makkah a
wealthy city
• Located in a dry, rocky land in Arabia
• Merchants traveled and purchased goods
• Center for trade
3. How were people in Arabia united
before Muhammad?
• Language
4. What did Muhammad do for a
living? How did this take him to places
outside the Arabian Peninsula?
• Merchant
• He went on trading journeys
5. What did the angel Gabriel tell
Muhammad to do?
• To teach compassion, honesty, and justice
• To teach monotheism
6. What is a Muslim?
• A person who surrenders to God
7. The Qur’an is the _____ of ______.
• Holy book
• Islam
8. Why is the Qur’an significant to
• It’s the book of Muhammad’s teachings
• The words of God spoken by the angel gabriel
9. Why did leaders of Makkah become
upset at Muhammad and were agaisnt
the Islamic faith?
• They did not want to share their wealth
10. What is polytheism and why did
leaders of Makkah prefer this?
• The belief in more than one God
• It was a business to Makkah leaders because
people would go to worship Gods
11. What is a boycott and how did
some clans boycott against
Muhammad’s followers?
• Refusal to do business with a group or an
• Some clans refused to do business with
12. Explain the Night Journey
• A winged horse took Muhammad from Mecca
to Jerusalem
• Muhammad spoke to other prophets and met
13. Why did the city of Medinah
become so important to Muhammad’s
• Muhammad brought peace
• Muhammad lived there and converted more
Arabs to Islam
14. What happened to Jews and
• They had to pay extra taxes
15. What happened to the Islamic
faith after the four caliphs?
• Split into two groups
• Shi’ah and the Sunnis
16. What is the difference between
the Sunnis and the Shi’ah?
• Shi’ah wanted Muhammad relatives to rule
the empire
17. How did the Umayyad dynasty
expand Islam?
• They conquered lands
18. What was the capital of the
Muslim empire during the Umayyad
• Damascus
19. What major bodies of water are
located to the east, west, and
northwest of the Arabian Peninsula
• The Persian Gulf (east)
• The Red Sea (west)
• The Mediterranean Sean (northwest)
20. In which battle did Charles Martel
defeat the Muslims and kept them
from moving into Europe?
• The Battle of Tours (732)
21. What is the name of the country
that kept Muslims out from Europe?
• France
22. List 3 facts about the origins of Islam, 3 facts
about the spread of Islam during Muhammad
and 3 fact about the spread of Islam after
Origins of Islam
During Muhammad
After Muhammad
1. Muhammad is born in
570 AD
1. Muhammad’s teachings
are rejected by leaders of
1. The first four caliph the
the Muslim empire
2. Starts in the Arabian
2. Muhammad preaches
2. The Umayyad dynasty
takes over the Muslim
3. Angel Gabriel speaks to
Muhammad in a cave
3. Muhammad moves to
Medinah and converts
Arabs to Islam
3. Islam splits into Sunnis
and Shi’ah