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Origins, Founders, Principles and Teachings, and Diffusion
Islam - Origins
 IMPORTANT! – Islam is a:
1. Religion
2. Civilization
 Originated among the nomadic traders who
inhabited and traveled through the deserts of
the Arabian Peninsula
 Early 7th century A.D.
Islam - Origins
 The Islamic Civilization is based on the
principles of the RELIGION of Islam.
Islam - Founder
 The RELIGION of Islam was founded by the
prophet Mohammed.
Islam – Principles and Teachings
Muslims=believers of Islam
Holy book = Quran or Koran
Islam sees itself as a fulfillment of God’s
(Allah’s) revelation to man.
Islam – Principles and Teachings
 Allah speaks through prophets of whom
Mohammed is the final and greatest.
 Islam also recognizes:
 Abraham
 Moses
 and Jesus
as prophets.
Islam – Principles and Teachings
 Mohammad is considered to be Allah’s
greatest prophet
he is NOT a god, and is NOT worshipped.
 Allah is just (fair) and rewards man according
to his deeds.
Islam – Principles and Teachings
 The foundation of this religion is the
 The Shahada – Faith
 The Salat – Prayer
 The Hajj – Pilgrimage
 The Sawm – Fasting
 The Zakat – Offering (alms)
In this section, explain why the 5 pillars are important to Muslims..
At the top of each pillar,
write the Arabic AND
English title
Write the
about each
pillar here.
Leave this
area blank
for now.
The Shahada - Faith
 This is a testimony and a declaration
of faith.
There is no god worthy of
worship except God, and
Muhammad is His
Messenger [or Prophet].
The Salat - Prayer
 Mandatory prayers are performed 5 times a day:
 Dawn
 Noon
 Late afternoon
 Sunset
 Before bed
 Wash before praying
 Face Mecca and use a prayer rug
 Pray in the mosque on Friday
The Hajj - Pilgrimage
 Pilgrimage to Mecca
 Must be done at least once in a Muslim’s
 2-3 million Muslims take the pilgrimage
every year.
The Sawm - Fasting
 Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.
 Considered a method of self-purification
 No eating or drinking from sunrise to sunset
during Ramadan.
The Zakat – Offering (Alms)
 Charitable donations
 Muslims believe that all things belong to God
 Zakat means “purification” and “growth”
 About 2.5% of income
 At the base of each pillar, draw an illustration
of that pillar.
Islam – Principles and Teachings
 Muslims accept the teachings of the Quran in
every aspect of their lives. There is NO
 Two major
of Islam:
 Shiite
 Sunni
Islam – Principles and Teachings
 Other Islamic Practices:
 Up to four wives allowed at once
 No alcohol or pork is allowed
 No gambling
 The three holiest cities in Islam:
 Mecca
 Medina
 Jerusalem
Islam - Diffusion
 Within 100 years of Mohammed’s death,
Muslims conquered:
 the Middle East,
 Persia,
 the Arabian Peninsula,
 and northern Africa.
 Islam was installed as the religion of this
conquered region
Islam - Diffusion
 Because Islam was:
 Easy to learn and
 Had no priesthood,
 And teaches
equality –
It was easily spread.
Islam - Diffusion
 It spread two ways:
1. Through normal trade activities and peaceful
Across Indian Ocean
Central Asia
West Africa
2. Armed Conquest
Part of Europe
Iberian Peninsula