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Background Information
What is the approximate population of the earth?
Is population increasing or decreasing?
- Improved medical/health knowledge
- medicines
- treatments
- diet & exercise
1. Overpopulation
2. Disease
3. Housing, food, water shortages
Population density - # of people in an area, usually based on per square mile
Demography – The study of society using numbers – literacy rate, income,
languages, race
Culture – The customs and habits that define a group’s way of life
Political beliefs
- Pertains to government and
Economic beliefs
- Pertains to money and how
(where) to spend it
The World
Approximately 200 countries exist
4 Characteristics of a country:
- 1. Territory
- 2. Population
- 3. Government
- 4. Sovereignty
Nearly all countries are broken down into smaller political units. This is a
Confederation – a union, to join
Types of Leadership
Authoritarian – A person or small group holds all political power
- Dictatorship – Usually gains power by military overthrow, by force
- Totalitarian – An attempt to control all aspects of society
- Monarchy – Power is gained by birthright
- Constitutional Monarchy – King or queen is symbolic. They have no real
- Democracy – The people govern (through representation)
Fascism – A radical, authoritarian
ideology. Single party state. No
tolerance for different thought.
Will use violence/war to keep the
nation strong.
Nationalism – a very “pro-state”
ideology. The state is superior to
all other states.
Militarism – Glorification of the military. Belief that the state must maintain a
strong military that can be aggressively used to promote state interests.
Imperialism – The taking over of weaker nations for personal gain (natural
Isolationism – The desire to stay out of world affairs, focus on the homefront.
Economic systems
We will do an economic systems comparison on the board
Renewable resources – Resources that once used, continue to exist
- trees, soil, water, wind
Non-renewable resources – resources that are gone once they are used
- fossil fuels
Natural resources- Materials found in the natural environment that people use
to satisfy their needs
Energy Sources
1. fossil fuels
2. water
3. wind
4. solar
5. nuclear
6. geothermal
Economic Activity
1. Agriculture – Most common
occupation in the world
- Subsistence farming – farming to
feed one’s family
- Commercial farming – farming as
a business. Growing crops to sell
2. Manufacturing
- turning raw materials into
finished products
Service industry – 3rd source of
- police, tourism, retail, banking,
A developed nation has all three
A developing nation usually relies
on subsistence farming.
Gross National Product/Gross
Domestic Product (GNP/GDP) –
Total amount of goods and services
produced by a nation in a year.
Per Capita GNP/GDP – Same as GNP
but on a per person basis.
- Tells us the average yearly