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Resume: A.Raskin
Anna Jokiel Raskin
[email protected]
(858) 692-4100
(858) 964-2284
I have worked as a research engineering PhD intern for the R&D team at Abbott Vascular involved in the
development of regional drug delivery devices for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. I also have
experience working in the manufacturing department at ISIS, optimizing the synthesis of oligonucleotides.
As a PhD student I have applied a few engineering concepts to answer questions pertaining to the
development of hypertrophy and heart failure.
2003 – Present
University of California San Diego
PhD Student of Bioengineering: Cardiac Mechanics Research Group
San Diego, CA
GPA 4.0
Designed (Auto-CAD), developed, optimized, and validated mouse cardiac tissue culture chamber
(6-12 hour culture) that facilitates uni-axial straining while simultaneously measuring muscle force and
System is capable of inducing hypertrophy at the level of molecular biology in intact isolated cardiac
tissue specimens obtained from genetically engineered mice used as models for human heart
Developed experimental techniques which study how systolic and diastolic stress and strain patterns
influence load induced hypertrophic gene and protein expression, cardiac remodeling, and
development of heart failure.
Real time PCR techniques as well as two photon absorption techniques (confocal microscopy)
used to quantify changes in gene expression, cellular signaling, and to analyze load induced cytoarchitectural structural changes.
Fast Fourier analysis and cross correlation techniques implemented (Matlab) to analyze
periodicity and deformation of structural proteins within cardiac tissue.
Managed two undergraduate students, who assisted with immunostaining and CAD design.
FDA regulatory class: Class 1,2,3 medical devices, IDE, 510(k), PMA, post market controls
Skills: Q-PCR, western blot, high resolution gel electrophoresis, silver staining of gels, Matlab, Visual
Basic (VB), AutoCAD, immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy, student of national center of
microscopy and imaging resources, small animal microsurgery, mouse tissue culture, fluent in Polish,
have studied Spanish
Graduate Student Instructor:
 Graduate Biomedical Imaging Course: signal processing, image processing, sampling theory,
linear systems theory, windowing, modulation, convolution, and FFT theory etc.
 Mass and Heat Transfer Course: Diffusion and Convection driven processes
 Bioengineering lab course: stress/strain analysis of living tissue, second order system analysis,
skeletal muscle mechanics and physiology, cardiac muscle mechanics and physiology, etc.
 Biomaterials Science Course: Properties of materials, polymers, hydrogels, bioresorbable and
bioerodible materials, composite mechanics, fabrication, material fatigue, friction, wear, and failure
2000 – 2003
University of California San Diego
B.S. in Bioengineering (ABET)
GPA 3.82
Graduated Magna Cum Laude
Senior Project: Development of red blood cell velocity program (Matlab) based on the theory of times
series cross correlation (hemodynamics research group, UCSD)
Summer 2007
San Diego, CA
Abbot Vascular (CV Medical Device)
Santa Clara, California
With minimal direction I executed research which studied the effect of drug solubility on the drug
release mechanisms from drug delivery vehicles used for the treatment of cardiovascular disease
Experience with making biodegradable nanoparticle drug delivery systems
Came up with relevant questions
Designed in vivo and in vitro experiments to answer these questions
Summarized, analyzed, and came up with conclusions from experiments. Results and future
direction of project presented to executive V.P. Abbott Vascular team.
Resume: A.Raskin
Utilized SEM (electron microscopy), DSC, GPC, DLS analysis to characterize drug delivery vehicles
2001 – 2003
Isis Pharmaceuticals (Antisense Technology)
Carlsbad, California
Under the direction of a manager I optimized oligonucleotide synthesis and analyzed drug purity
Analytical model derivations for the analysis of drug purity
Assisted liaison (Lilly/ Isis) with data analysis and company presentations
Developed VB program capable of attaining from Access micro-array gene expression data in order
to present data in heat map form
Worked on BIRD knowledge base
Sheikh F., Raskin A., Omens J., McCulloch A., Chen J.: A novel stretch effector within sarcomeric I
band is critical for the transition to the pathological cardiac hypertrophy, JCI (In review)
Wang J, Hoshijima M, Lam J, Zhou Z, Jokiel A, Dalton ND, Hultenby K, Ruiz-Lozano P, Ross J Jr,
Tryggvason K, Chien KR: Cardiomyopathy associated with microcirculation dysfunction in laminin
alpha4 chain-deficient mice, J Biological Chem 2006 Jan 6;281(1):213-20
Raskin A., Sheikh F., Lee L., Scott B., Belke D., A McCulloch, Chen J., Omens J.: Mechanical Role
of FHL1 in Modulating Titin Based Passive Myocardial Tension, (In Progress to Publication)
Raskin A., Swanson E., Hoshijima M., Graves A., Omens J., McCulloch A.: Hypertrophic Gene
Expression Induced by Chronic Stretch of Excised Mouse Heart Muscle, (MCB, In Press)
Effectively communicated research results and conclusions at national and international conferences
Established collaborations with labs from the US, Canada, and Germany. Collaborations aided in
experimental design and scientific discovery.
 Invited lecturer at the University of Arizona, April 2008
 Abstracts:
 Jokiel A., Omens J., McCulloch A.: Chronic Function in excised Heart Muscle : Role of
Laminin-α4 in Cardiac Hypertrophy, Engineering Research Expo, University of California,
San Diego, March 2004
 Raskin A., Hoshijima M., McCulloch A., Omens J.: The cardiac tissue system: a novel
technique capable of inducing hypertrophy in excised heart muscle, Biophysics, Salt Lake
City, Utah, March 2006
 Raskin A., Sheikh F., Omens J., McCulloch A., Chen J.: Mechanisms of
mechanotransduction in FHL1 deficient cardiac muscle, Biophysics, Baltimore, Maryland,
March 2007
 Raskin A., Sheikh F, Hoshijima M., McCulloch A., Omens J.: Mechanical role of FHL1 in
modulating titin based passive tension, Biophysics, Long Beach, California, February
 Raskin A., Sheikh F., Omens J., McCulloch A.: Changes in diastolic stress, not systolic
stress, attenuate load induced hypertrophy in FHL1 null myocardium, FASEB, San Diego,
California, April 2008
Leadership and Volunteer Activities:
 Active member of Graduate Bioengineering (BE) Women’s organization at UCSD
 Organized, found sponsors for, invited lecturers, and lead Graduate BE Women’s
breakfast (October 2007)
o Invited lecturer: Dr. Rina Schul
 Volunteer of ‘Help to Poland’
 Collected and accounted donations for poor children in Russia and Poland
Other activities:
 Long distance runner: San Diego Track Club, West Coast Runners Club