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Oracle 11g DBA
Practice 3: Managing an Oracle Instance
1 Identify the database name, instance name, and size of the database blocks.
2 List the name and size of the data files, online redo log files, and the name of the control files.
3 List the installed options.
4 Display the version numbers.
5 Display the maximum number of operating system user processes that can simultaneously
connect to the instance.
6 Try to change the database block size. What happens?
7 List the default initialization parameter.
8 Open the database in read only mode. Connect as user SCOTT and add 10 percent to all salaries
in the table EMP. What happens?
Put the database back in read write mode.
9 Enable and verify timing in trace files dynamically.
10 Connect as user SCOTT and insert rows in the table EMP. Open second session and try to shut
down the database transactional. What happens?
11 Ensure that there are at least two sessions open, one session as user SCOTT and one as user
SYS. Enable the restricted session, verify this and ensure that only the database administrator SYS
is connected.
12 Examine the following sample of an alert file to identify if internal errors or exceptions have
1 Identify the database name, instance name, and size of the database blocks.
Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$DATABASE,
V$THREAD, and V$PARAMETER to display the database and instance
name and the size of the database blocks.
2 List the name and size of the data files, online redo log files, and the name of the
control files.
Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$DATAFILE,
V$LOGFILE, and V$CONTROLFILE to display the data files, online
redo log files, and the name of the control files.
3 Which options are installed?
Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$OPTION to display the
installed options.
4 Display the version number.
Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$VERSION to display
the version number.
5 Display the maximum number of operating system user processes that can
simultaneously connect to the instance.
Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$PARAMETER or use
the SHOW PARAMETER command to display the maximum number of
operating system user processes that can simultaneously connect to the
6 Try to change the database block size. What happened?
Hint: There is no hint for this question.
7 List the default initialization parameter.
Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$PARAMETER to
display the default initialization parameter.
8 Open the database in read only mode. Connect as user SCOTT and add 10 percent to
all salaries in the table EMP. What happens? Put the database back in read write
Hint: There is no hint for this question.
9 Enable timing in trace files dynamically and verify it.
Hint: Use the ALTER SYSTEM command to enable timing in trace files
dynamically and use the dynamic performance view V$PARAMETER
to verify the result.
10 Connect as user SCOTT and insert rows in the table EMP. Open second session and
try to shut down the database transactional. What happens?
Hint: There is no hint for this question.
11 Ensure that there are at least two sessions open, one session as user SCOTT and one
as user SYS. Enable the restricted session, verify this and ensure that only the
database administrator SYS is connected.
– Use the ALTER SYSTEM command to enable the restricted session and query
the dynamic performance views V$INSTANCE to verify the result.
– Use the dynamic performance view V$SESSION to see the values of the SID
and SERIAL# column.
– Execute the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command to terminate sessions.
1 Identify the database name, instance name, and size of the database blocks.
Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$DATABASE, V$THREAD, and
SQL> CONNECT system/manager@db01
SQL> SELECT name FROM v$database;
SQL> SELECT instance FROM v$thread;
2 FROM v$parameter
3 WHERE name = ’db_block_size’;
2 List the name and size of the data files, online redo log files, and the name of the
control files.
Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$DATAFILE, V$LOGFILE, and
SQL> SELECT name FROM v$datafile;
SQL> SELECT member FROM v$logfile;
SQL> SELECT name FROM v$controlfile;
3 List the installed options.
Hint: Query the dynamic performance view V$OPTION.
SQL> COL paramter FORMAT a40
SQL> COL status FORMAT a10
SQL> SELECT * from v$option;
---------------------------------------- ---------Partitioning TRUE
Objects TRUE
Parallel Server FALSE
Advanced replication TRUE
Bit-mapped indexes TRUE
Connection multiplexing TRUE
Connection pooling TRUE
Database queuing TRUE
Incremental backup and recovery TRUE
Instead-of triggers TRUE
Parallel backup and recovery TRUE
Parallel execution TRUE
Parallel load TRUE
Point-in-time tablespace recovery TRUE
Fine-grained access control TRUE
N-Tier authentication/authorization TRUE
Function-based indexes TRUE
Plan Stability TRUE
Online Index Build TRUE
Coalesce Index TRUE
Managed Standby TRUE
Materialized view rewrite TRUE
Materialized view warehouse refresh TRUE
Database resource manager TRUE
Spatial TRUE
Visual Information Retrieval TRUE
Export transportable tablespaces TRUE
Transparent Application Failover TRUE
Fast-Start Fault Recovery TRUE
Sample Scan TRUE
Duplexed backups TRUE
4 Display the version numbers.
Hint: Query the dynamic performance view V$VERSION.
SQL> SELECT * FROM v$version;
---------------------------------------------------------Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Version - Production
TNS for Solaris: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version – Production
5 Display the maximum number of operating system user processes that can
simultaneously connect to the instance.
Hint: Query the dynamic performance view V$PARAMETER or use the SHOW
2 FROM v$parameter
3 WHERE name = ’processes’;
6 Try to change the database block size. What happens?
SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdba
SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> exit
a Edit initdb01.ora, and add the following line.
b Then startup the database as follows:
SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdba
SQL> startup pfile=$HOME/initdb01.ora
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 6315408 bytes
Fixed Size 64912 bytes
Variable Size 5308416 bytes
Database Buffers 409600 bytes
Redo Buffers 532480 bytes
ORA-00209: control file blocksize mismatch, check alert log for
more info
SQL> shutdown immediate;
SQL> exit
c Edit init<SID>.ora file to undo the db_block_size change made above.
SQL> connect sys/oracle as sysdba
SQL> startup pfile=$HOME/initDB01.ora
7 List the default initialization parameter.
Hint: Query the dynamic performance view V$PARAMETER.
2 FROM v$parameter
3 WHERE isdefault=’TRUE’;
174 rows selected.
8 Open the database in read-only mode. Connect as user SCOTT and add
all salaries in the table EMP. What happens?
a Put the database back in read-write mode.
SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdba
SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> exit
b Then Startup the database as follows:
SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdba
SQL> startup pfile=$HOME/initDB01.ora mount;
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 6315408 bytes
Fixed Size 64912 bytes
Variable Size 5308416 bytes
Database Buffers 409600 bytes
10 percent to
Redo Buffers 532480 bytes
Database mounted.
SQL> alter database open read only;
SQL> Database altered.
SQL> connect scott/tiger@db01
SQL> update emp set sal=sal*1.1;
0 rows updated.
SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdba
SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> exit
c Then start up the database as follows:
SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdba
SQL> startup pfile=$HOME/initDB01.ora;
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 6315408 bytes
Fixed Size 64912 bytes
Variable Size 5308416 bytes
Database Buffers 409600 bytes
Redo Buffers 532480 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened.
9 Enable and verify timing in trace files dynamically.
Hint: Use the ALTER SYSTEM command. Use the dynamic performance view
V$PARAMETER to verify the result.
SQL> SELECT value, isdefault, ismodified
2 FROM v$parameter
3 WHERE name = ’timed_statistics’;
------------------------------ --------- ---------FALSE TRUE FALSE
1 row selected.
SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET timed_statistics=true;
System altered.
SQL> SELECT value, isdefault, ismodified
2 FROM v$parameter
3 WHERE name =’timed_statistics’;
------------------------------ --------- ---------TRUE TRUE SYSTEM_MOD
10 Connect as user SCOTT and insert rows in the table EMP. Open
and try to shut down the database transactional. What happens?
Hint: There is no hint for this question.
SQL> connect scott/tiger@db01
SQL> INSERT INTO emp (empno, ename, deptno)
2 VALUES (1,’Vijay’,10);
1 row created.
a In the second session,
SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdba
SQL> shutdown transactional
a second session
The Oracle server waits for SCOTT’s transaction to end before shutting down.
Wait for the instance to shut down at the second session. Then bring it back up.
SQL> startup pfile=$HOME/initDB01.ora
11 Ensure that there are at least two sessions open; one session as user SCOTT and one
as user SYS. Enable the restricted session, verify this, and ensure that only the
database administrator SYS is connected.
– Use the ALTER SYSTEM command to enable the restricted session and query
the dynamic performance views V$INSTANCE to verify the result.
– Use the dynamic performance view V$SESSION to see the values of the SID
and SERIAL# column.
– Execute the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command to terminate
SQL> connect scott/tiger@db01
a In the first session,
SQL> INSERT INTO emp (empno, ename, deptno)
2 VALUES (1,’Vijay’,10);
1 row inserted.
b In the second session,
SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdba
System altered.
SQL> SELECT logins FROM v$instance;
SQL> SELECT sid, serial#,username
2 FROM v$session
3 WHERE username!= ’SYS’;
---------- ---------- -----------------------------7 3 SCOTT
System altered.
SQL> SELECT username, status
2 FROM v$session
3 WHERE type=’USER’;
------------------------------ -------SCOTT KILLED
c In the first session,
2 FROM dual;
Your session has been killed.
12 Examine the following sample of an alert file to identify if internal errors or
exceptions have occurred.
There is a block corruption message as shown above. Also note other useful
messages, such as:
• Startup time
• Nondefault initialization parameters and background processes
• Tablespace creation and log switches