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Pure Java Databases for Deployed Applications
Nat Wyatt
Informix Corporation
[email protected]
Most database systems are designed to be centralized
– the database is installed once in a central location
and the various applications connect to it. But there
are many situations in which a database must be
deployed – installed in remote locations, probably
without the benefit of a trained database
A deployable database system must be easy to install,
require zero management while it’s running, and be
capable of running on diverse platforms. It must also
satisfy the traditional database requirements of
standards, performance, and reliability
These requirements can be met when the application
and database are implemented in Java. Applications
that use this architecture can be deployed and yet still
retain many of the benefits that centralized database
systems were designed to provide.
This paper describes the situations in which deploying
database applications is desirable, outlines the
requirements for a database to be deployable, and
describes the aspects of the Cloudscape pure-Java
DBMS architecture which make it deployable. It
concludes with an example of an application which
uses a deployable Java DBMS.
1. Why deploy database applications
Despite the current popularity of centralized database
architecture, there are still situations in which it is
necessary or desirable to deploy a database application.
The reasons can be divided into three broad categories:
performance and scalability, local autonomy, and
situations in which the application is intrinsically
For the purpose of this paper, the word deployment
means the installation of software on a remote
machine. Deployed database applications install a
DBMS engine as part of the software, and keep data on
the remote machine. A deployed database application
may or may not be part of a distributed system. The
simplest systems are simply standalone programs, and
the most complex synchronize data over a network. In
between, there are applications where the data is
independent, but the systems communicate with each
other with an application protocol.
1.1. Performance, availability, and scalability
In any application involving a network and more than
one computer, performance of the application depends
on the relationship of three factors: the speed and
capacity of the server computer, the speed and capacity
of the network with respect to the amount of
communication that is necessary, and the speed and
capacity of the client computer.
When the network is relatively slow and the client
computer is relatively fast, the application benefits
from placing more processing at the client.
Applications which use slow networks such as dial-up
modems or radio fall into this category. Even when the
network is relatively fast, remote processing is
desirable if the amount of network traffic would
otherwise be excessively high.
Similarly, if the network is unreliable or occasionally
unavailable, remote users will have a better experience
if more processing is performed locally. The system is
more available when requests can be returned from a
local store even if the network is unavailable. Most
mobile and “occasionally connected” applications fall
into this category.
By moving more processing to the client, the server
may be able to support more clients. The application
as a whole can scale better if some processing can be
moved from the single server machines to the
numerous client machines.
1.2. Local autonomy
Another reason for deploying data is to allow clients to
have some control over the data they are using. There
are areas in which clients may want autonomy: control
over the data itself, and control over resource
allocation for access to the data.
For some applications, the client thinks of the data as
“theirs.” They may want to add to or modify “their”
data in ways that are specific to the client. These
additions and modifications may not be compatible
with the needs of other clients, nor be acceptable to the
administrators of the central system.
For example, in a loosely coupled business such as a
franchise, agency, or distributor, the central core
business may provide information to and collect
information from its affiliates. The affiliates typically
focus on a specific segment of the business but are all
nominally in competition with one another. Since each
affiliate is focused on a specific market, it may want to
enhance the information it gets with its own marketspecific enhancements, but it does not want to provide
those additions to the other affiliates.
Another area where clients may want autonomy has to
do with control of the performance of the deployed
application. When a client is sharing a server machine
with a possibly unknown (and probably growing)
number of other clients, the response time of the
central system cannot be guaranteed. Rather than rely
on the administrators of the central system to increase
capacity accordingly, clients can guarantee response
time and availability by providing the computing
resources themselves.
An example of resource autonomy might be in a
supply chain application.
Suppose Company A
provides product information and Company B uses it
to make purchasing decisions. If the information is
provided over a network, then Company B has to trust
that Company A will scale up their site as its business
expands. But if A provides B with a copy of the data
(by deploying a database application), Company B can
guarantee response to queries because it administers
the machine on which that application runs.
1.3. Intrinsic distribution
There are also intrinsically distributed applications –
applications that are impossible to centralize no matter
how fast a network there is.
An example of this is in network management. An IP
router that maintains statistics on packet traffic cannot
send information about each packet to a central system.
More network traffic would be generated by the
management information than the network traffic
being monitored! A deployed database application
running on the router would enable it to collect
information locally and aggregate it into summaries.
2. Deployed application requirements
Despite the cases in which deploying an application
would be desirable or necessary, many applications
that could be deployed, are not. This is because of the
difficulties in distributing, installing, managing, and
evolving the remote application.
Centralized applications do not have these difficulties.
A server-centric application runs on computers that are
physically located at the organization supporting the
application. Proximity makes it easy for the
administrators to manage it, since they can physically
operate the computers, if necessary. Furthermore, if
the application needs to be changed, the changes can
be applied once at the central site. Clients immediately
see the changes and there is no need to distribute the
changes to all the client sites. Lastly, the ubiquity of
web browsers means that clients can access the
application from anywhere as long as they have a
network connection.
Ideally, a deployed application would be just as easy to
manage and deploy, and would provide the same
ubiquitous client access.
2.1. Simplified administration
Applications that use databases are notoriously hard to
manage. Much of the trouble is that database systems
have not been designed to be easy to use. But there are
two intrinsic problems.
One problem is that the DBMS runs as a separate
process or processes, which must be managed
separately from the application server. Typically the
way to manage the database server is different from the
way that the application server is managed. The
administrator has a numerous “moving parts” to
understand and manage.
The other intrinsic problem is that database systems
are very general, and the usual goal is to get every last
bit of performance.
It’s difficult to configure the
system to match the application architecture, and it’s
difficult to tune the system for maximum performance.
2.2. Easy to modify the application
The current trend towards web-based application
deployment is in part a reaction to the difficulty of
managing client software in client/server deployment.
This is daunting when the application is simply a
database client, but is even more difficult if the
deployed application contains a database.
The problems that are general to client/server apply:
difficulty of installing new versions of the application,
and issues having to do with the version of the client
not matching the version of the server.
But deployed databases have a particular problem as
Each client retains data over application
upgrades, but the database schema or even the version
of the DBMS may have changed as part of the new
version. This means that the schema changes must be
applied remotely, and perhaps even the database
schema must be upgraded remotely.
2.3. Ubiquitous client access
Perhaps the biggest benefit of web-based deployment
is that the web browser that runs it on the client can be
expected to be there, and most applications can be
developed to take into account the minor differences
between browsers. Generally speaking, it does not
matter what hardware or operating system is running
the browser. This makes the application immediately
available to almost every computer.
This is in contrast to the situation of deploying most
software, where the application developer has to
provide a complete software configuration for each
hardware platform and operating system configuration.
The configurations may have to be different even
across operating system versions.
When the application is assembled from components
(such as an application server and a database), the
configuration problem applies to all of the
components. So the problem for the application
developer becomes combinatorial: assemble the
application from mutually compatible software
components that run on the combination of software
3. Deployable database requirements
A database that is to be included with a deployed
application has a set of requirements that derive from
being a database and needing to be deployed. Since
it’s a database, it has to be
Standards compliant
Since it is to be deployable, it must be
Easy to integrate into the application
The purpose of portability is to provide ubiquitous
client access. Portability applies not only to the
DBMS engine itself, but also to the initial data which
may be shipped with the application.
Since it is desirable that the receiver of the deployed
application not have to be a database expert, the
database must be easy to manage. Easy to manage
includes all aspects of database operation including
installation as well as day-to-day maintenance.
A database which is deployed as part of an application
should be well-integrated with it. This means that the
database should not impose its own installation
mechanism, user interface, management interface, or
other artifact on the application. Ideally, the database
should be invisible, with all database-related
operations (if any) appearing to be part of the
Supporting the application lifecycle means that it must
be possible to make changes to deployed applications
as well as install them. If the application includes a
database then it must be possible to upgrade the
database remotely, in place. Upgrading the database
may involve moving to a newer database version,
updating the schema, and possibly synchronizing the
A DBMS must meet these requirements in order
enable the application it is a part of to be deployable.
4. Java and deployment
By implementing a database in Java, two of the
requirements of deployability can be satisfied.
Java is well known to be a way of developing portable
programs. Since Java programs are stored in a format
which is the same on all platforms, and they are run by
a virtual machine which is defined to work the same on
all platforms.
These characteristics enable Java
programs to be distributed to and run on any machine
with a Java virtual machine. Since Java virtual
machines are available for almost all platforms, Java
programs are quite portable.
Java also addresses the requirement for embeddability.
Embeddability means the capability of embedding one
program as a software component in another program.
It’s necessary in a deployed database application in
order to make the application easier to manage.
Embedding may be possible for relatively simple or
well-integrated components using native code
compilers, although the configuration issues still arise.
The problem is, unless the systems use the same
mechanisms for managing system resources, they will
conflict with each other. For example, on Unix
systems programs use signal masks and handlers for
exception handling. Unless all the components in the
system use the same conventions (and different
signals), they will not be able to work together.
Another problem with embedding and C-based
software is that systems built in C or C++ are not
“pointer safe.” Bugs in either system can cause
corruption in the other.
These issues are among the reasons for the popularity
of network-based servers, where integration takes
place over a well-defined socket protocol. Each server
runs in its own resource space, with memory protected
by memory mapping hardware. Database systems are
extremely wary of having their memory corrupted
(since one of their roles is to protect against the
corruption of data), and often have special resource
management techniques to improve performance.
Java provides solutions to these problems. In addition
to being pointer safe, it provides a standard way of
managing memory, threads, and exceptions. It has a
built-in internationalization support, as well as a many
standard libraries for handling configuration. Its object
model allows for pure interfaces as well as private
classes, methods, and fields. Its class loading
mechanism allows components to prevent clients from
ever having references to internal objects.
There are some other benefits of a pure-Java DBMS
architecture that are not necessarily associated with
deployment. Briefly, these include:
The developer can choose which Java Virtual
Machine to use for the application. This can
provide consistency across clients and servers, and
allows the developer to use the JVM which works
best for the application.
Java Virtual Machine performance is still
improving rapidly, much more rapidly than the
performance of compiled C code is improving. As
the JVM performance improves, the performance
of the DBMS improves as well.
Since Java provides many low-level services such
as memory management, threads, and exceptions,
the DBMS implementer doesn’t have to.
Java is a fast, and safe programming environment.
This allows the DBMS developer build the engine
and make improvements to it faster and with fewer
bugs than in a C-based system.
Finally, because the engine is Java, it is extremely
easy to extend the SQL language with Java
extensions. There is no penalty for crossing the
“boundary” between SQL and Java.
5. Java database architecture
The architecture of a Java DBMS derives from the
requirements of databases in general and the
requirements of deployment. It must be fast, reliable,
and standards based. It must be portable to any
hardware/OS platform, be embeddable into the client
application or server, and be easy to install and
manage. Ideally it would be easy to extend the
capabilities of the DBMS with Java.
Being implemented in pure Java satisfies the
requirement for portability, and with a little care also
the requirement for embeddability.
performance, reliability, and simplicity of management
must be provided by the design of the database.
The following sections illustrate how some of these
requirements are met by describing some elements of
the architecture of the Cloudscape ORDBMS, an
example of a pure Java database system. An overview
of the Cloudscape system is given in [1], and the
complete documentation is online at [2].
5.1. Application architecture
Cloudscape is an object-relational database
management engine implemented as an embeddable,
pure Java class library.
It supports the SQL92
database language standard, with extensions for storing
and retrieving Java objects in tables and accessing Java
objects in queries. Its stored procedure language is
Applications access data managed by the Cloudscape
engine via the JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API
[3]. This is the only API that clients use to access the
database; there is no need for the application to depend
on any Cloudscape-specific API. This means that
applications that run against Cloudscape can run
against other databases simply by switching the JDBC
driver. Conversely, any JDBC-compliant application
can run against Cloudscape.
Since the client and server are in the same JVM, the
Cloudscape JDBC driver transfers data between client
and server without the need for network
communication. When the application requests a
connection from the JDBC driver manager, the
Cloudscape JDBC driver checks to see if the requested
database has been started within that JVM. If not, the
database is booted. Either way the driver manager
returns a connection object which is simply a reference
to an object within the database.
This server framework defines a network protocol for
transmitting JDBC requests and results. It listens on a
network port, “forwards” JDBC requests to the
embedded JDBC driver, and returns the results. The
client piece operates as a standard JDBC driver. In this
configuration, the Cloudscape database engine looks
much like any other client/server database system.
However, in most Cloudscape applications, the server
framework is provided by the application developer,
not by Cloudscape.
The server framework
communicates with its clients using a network protocol
that is most appropriate for the application. The most
common framework/protocol pair is Servlets/HTTP,
but others include CORBA/IIOP, and other application
server frameworks and their protocols.
A typical Servlet/HTTP architecture looks like this:
Web Server
When the application uses the connection object,
parameters and results are simply passed across the
method-call boundary. There is no marshalling,
unmarshalling, or network overhead. Results can be
returned as direct pointers to data within the database
engine when the result objects are immutable values
(as most of the basic Java objects are).
The database (usually) stores data on disk. Even
though it is embedded, the database engine supports
multiple simultaneous connections from multiple client
5.2. Server frameworks
The architecture is client server; a single database
engine provides all access to the database file. In
contrast to most client/server database systems, for
which the main API is via a transport protocol over a
network socket, the Cloudscape database provides no
intrinsic networking support. In order for it to
communicate with other processes, it must run “inside”
a server framework. A server framework is simply a
kind of application which calls Cloudscape over its
embedded JDBC driver and communicates with other
processes via some network protocol.
Cloudscape provides a JDBC server framework and
corresponding client library as a separate product.
In this architecture, the web server, the application
logic (embodied in Servlets), and the data persistence
capability are all combined into a single process.
There is no general way for a client to issue SQL
queries against the database. All access to the data is
mediated by the application logic.
5.3. Pure Java implementation
Since the Cloudscape DBMS is designed to be portable
to any Java environment, it naturally contains no nonJava code. The engine is packaged as a class library in
a standard Java archive (jar file).
It supports all versions of Java from JDK 1.1 on, and
automatically adjusts so that the same jar file will work
with JDK 1.1 or 1.2. Compatibility is confirmed by
extensive testing on a wide variety of Java Virtual
Machines from various vendors on multiple platforms.
The pure Java implementation and extensive testing for
compatibility makes the database run on almost any
platform, makes it possible to add Java database
capability to almost any existing Java application or
framework, and allows the application developer to
select the JVM which best suits the needs of the
5.4. Resource management
Since the Cloudscape DBMS is designed to run in the
same process as the application, it must share resources
with the enclosing application.
5.4.1. Threads. The Cloudscape DBMS does not have
threads of its own for processing database requests.
Instead, it “borrows” the thread of the calling
application. All Java execution is inside threads.
When a thread makes a method call into the DBMS
engine, the caller’s thread is used to perform the
database activity. If the database needs to block for a
lock or I/O, it’s the caller’s thread that ends up
This approach to thread management has a number of
advantages. First, use of native Java threads means
that threads performing database work happily coexist
with other threads in the JVM, and doing database
work does not add extra threads to the application.
Second, the database can handle a large number of
connections because the connection overhead is simply
a few objects. Third, the application can use a
connection from any thread; this makes connection
pooling easy. Finally, use of the native threads enables
the engine to take advantage of multiple processors on
JVMs that support multiprocessing.
5.4.2. Memory. The Cloudscape DBMS allocates
memory from the standard Java heap. Since the heap
is being shared with the enclosing application, as much
memory as possible is managed so that the JVM’s
garbage collector can return it for reuse by the
application. There are places where large or frequently
reused objects (such as data page buffers) are retained
by the DBMS even when it is idle.
5.4.3. Network sockets. The Cloudscape DBMS does
not use any network sockets, partly because they’re not
needed in an embedded architecture, but also to avoid
the configuration issue of having to decide on port
5.4.4. System functions. The DBMS is very careful
not to use system functions in a way that would
conflict with the enclosing application. For example,
calling System.exit() would not give the enclosing
application a chance to do a graceful shutdown.
5.5. Performance
A database must be fast, and special attention must be
paid to performance in a Java architecture. JVM
performance is improving rapidly, but there is still
room for improvement. Java performance does not yet
match that of C or C++. As with all programming
environments, care must be taken to understand the
performance implications inherent in the environment.
The Cloudscape system uses the following techniques
among others to get good performance.
5.5.1. Reuse of immutable objects. Java provides
automatic memory management, and the Cloudscape
DBMS takes advantage of it where appropriate. One
area where automatic garbage collection helps is in
enabling the reuse of immutable objects. Immutable
objects can be shared easily, and the garbage collector
guarantees that they will be reclaimed when no longer
used. The application program does not have to track
them which saves complexity and overhead, and
clients do not have to obey any particular protocol to
release them. One area in particular where the
Cloudscape system uses this technique is in returning
column values to the client. Objects are converted
from their on-disk stored format once, qualified by the
query execution system, and returned directly to the
This avoids marshalling/unmarshalling
overhead, and saves memory because the result objects
are shared between the client and the DBMS.
5.5.2. Careful memory management.
automatic memory management does not mean that the
system can be profligate with memory. Allocating
memory takes time, and the more memory that is
allocated the more often the garbage collector has to
run to reclaim it. When appropriate, the Cloudscape
system caches and reuses objects to avoid creating new
objects. Getting an object out of a cache is not
necessarily faster (the overhead of cycling objects
through a cache is typically higher than the overhead
of creating new ones). However, avoiding allocations
reduces the number of times the garbage collector has
to run, and makes its job easier when it does run.
Maintaining an object in a cache effectively reserves
that memory for the DBMS. This conflicts with the
resource management principle of allowing memory to
be recycled from the DBMS to the application.
Therefore caches are used only in those cases where
memory reservation is appropriate, such as caches of
locks, disk page buffers, and the like.
interfaces, each subsystem, or service, has a welldefined interface that it implements. The component
framework registers and finds services and coordinates
the startup and shutdown of the system.
5.5.3. Awareness of library method performance.
When making calls to standard Java library methods, it
is important to understand the performance
implications. For example, operations on strings can
have many hidden object allocations, and date
processing can be excessively slow. Similarly, it’s
important to understand whether them method uses
synchronization. For example most methods on
Hashtable are synchronized, so Hashtables are note
used on performance critical code paths.
The component architecture enables the same software
code base to be used to create multiple configurations
of the DBMS. This capability is used to build
specialized engines, add access methods, and provide
special-purpose support for
5.5.4. Traditional techniques. Since the execution
speed of Java is generally slower than that of C or
C++, relatively more performance gain is achieved by
traditional performance optimization techniques.
These include query optimization techniques and plain
old optimization of hot code paths.
5.6. Component architecture
The component architecture of the Cloudscape DBMS
engine is similar to many other database engines. It
consists of a (very thin) JDBC API layer that interacts
with a SQL language processing system, which uses a
storage manager for accessing data. The storage
system has no dependencies on the SQL system, and
the SQL system has no dependencies on the network.
All three major subsystems make use of a set of lowlevel basic services. All of the subsystems are
implemented as modular components, which are
supported by a component framework.
Component Framework
5.7. Component framework
In contrast to some architectures, the Cloudscape
DBMS engine is not monolithic.
Using Java
5.8. Basic services
The basic services consist of a set of small, common
services, which all the database components can use.
They include things like generic cache management,
daemons, cryptography, license management, error
message repository, and diagnostic output.
The JDBC API is the only entry point into the
Cloudscape DBMS. When a caller calls a JDBC API
method, the caller’s thread is associated with the
connection being used for the operation,
synchronization is obtained to prevent simultaneous
use of the connection, and an error handler is set up to
deal with any exceptions that might occur in the
5.10. SQL language
The SQL language subsystem is relatively complex,
consisting of three high-level modules that in turn
contain multiple smaller sub-modules. The three toplevel modules correspond to its three main
responsibilities: maintaining schema information,
compiling SQL queries, and executing queries. The
SQL subsystem does cost based optimization, and
supports multiple join strategies (nested loop and
While much of the SQL subsystem performs tasks
which are common to many database systems, the
following aspects derive from its mission to be part of
an embeddable Java database.
5.10.1. SQL queries are compiled into Java classes.
Executing a query is simply a matter of creating an
instance of the class, substituting the parameters, and
calling its run method. This makes query execution
very fast.
5.10.2. Data statistics derived from indexes. To
avoid the configuration problem of when to collect
data distribution statistics, the query optimizer collects
distribution information directly from database
5.10.3. Automatic recompilation. Query plans are
automatically recompiled when tables grow or shrink
significantly. This allows the optimizer to choose new
query plans if necessary.
5.11. Storage
The storage subsystem provides data storage, access
management, crash recovery, and backup and restore
5.11.1. Portable database format. The format for data
in the database is as defined by Java. Since this format
is the same on all platforms, databases themselves are
portable. This means that a database can be created on
one machine and sent to another, which is an important
aspect of deployabilty.
5.11.2. Format versioning. In order to allow the
database layout to evolve without requiring databases
to be unloaded and reloaded, every format has a format
id. If a format changes, it is assigned new format id.
Formats which are no longer current are converted into
the new format as they are encountered.
5.11.3. Data in files. A Cloudscape database is a
collection of operating system files, rather than being
based on hard-to-manage raw partitions. This avoids a
source of difficulty in administration.
5.11.4. I/O parallelism. There is a hard-to-avoid
tradeoff between easy management and high
performance in providing I/O parallelism.
parallelism is important for good performance, but
inherently hard to manage. Rather than provide a
complex mechanism for spreading data across disk
spindles, with the associated problems of data
partitioning, Cloudscape assumes that I/O parallelism
will be provided by the filesystem (as by a RAID disk
array). This won’t provide optimal performance, but
will provide better performance and it is much easier to
It is, however, possible to move the transaction log to a
separate device from the data. The storage system
does not write data pages at transaction commit, but it
does have to flush the transaction log. Putting the log
on a separate device is such an advantage that it is
worth the extra management overhead.
5.11.5. Multiple filesystems. In order to support a
diverse set of target platforms, the storage system
accesses storage through an abstract filesystem API.
This allows the database to work in environments
where there are no disks, or the behavior of the
filesystem is not disk-like.
The filesystem implementation of a given database
system is configured via the component module
5.11.6. Default checkpoint and backup model. By
default, checkpoints which sync data buffers to disk,
automatically truncate the transaction log. This avoids
the problem of having to manually truncate the log to
avoid filling up the disk. However, it also means that
backups must be made by making complete copies of
the database. By default, a Cloudscape database
assumes that the application will use operating system
tools to make the copy, and provides an API to
coordinate database operations with the copy.
6. Application example
An example of the usage of an embeddable Java
database in a production application is the use of a
Java DBMS within a distributed e-commerce network
management framework. This management system
makes it easy to monitor the performance of an ecommerce site not only based on information from the
e-commerce site itself, but also based on information
collected at the site’s suppliers and service providers.
The product in which the Java DBMS is embedded is a
management server. The server monitors the various
elements that make up an e-commerce operation,
consolidates the information, and presents views of it
to web-based clients. The elements being management
are higher-level network components such as web
servers, application servers, and databases. Clients get
consolidated management information that reports on
the speed, availability, and responsiveness of the ecommerce site as a whole.
The management server is implemented in Java. A
Java web server provides access to Servlets that
customize the reports for the web clients. The Servlets
query the database for the latest management
Meanwhile, other threads in the
management server collect management information
and store it in the database.
Management Server
Servlet Monitoring
Management servers can monitor other management
servers. By deploying management servers to supplier
and service provider sites, the management system can
provide information about the e-commerce operation
as a whole.
By using a Java based application architecture and a
pure Java database, the users of this management
system gain the following advantages:
7. Conclusion
There are many situations in which deploying a
database would be useful, but DBMS architectures
based on native code make such deployment difficult.
A management architecture based on a platformspecific, separate-server database architecture would
not be able to obtain these benefits.
An application architecture where a pure-Java database
is embedded in a Java application makes deployment
easy: it reduces the number of “moving parts” in the
application, and it makes the resulting application
portable to almost any computing platform. Such a
Java DBMS must provide the usual database virtues of
standards, performance, and reliability, but must also
be easy to install and manage.
A DBMS system which meets these requirements can
provide the benefits of database systems in situations
where databases would otherwise be unusable.
8. References
[1] N. Wyatt, “Cloudscape 3.0: A Technical
Overview”, Cloudscape, Inc.,
[2] Cloudscape Product Documentation,
[3] Sun Microsystems, “JDBC Data Access API”,
[4] Sun Microsystems, “Java Servlet API”,
Easy installation and management. The database,
web server, and management logic are all installed
and managed as a single product, and all run
within a single process.
Fast access to customized management views.
Since the management system uses a database to
log and query management information, users can
get fast access to customized views of the
Ubiquitous clients. Since the management system
is implemented in Java, it can be deployed to
almost any platform. The management system can
be deployed to suppliers, enabling it to monitor
the distributed e-business as a whole.