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Digestive System
By: Ashley Alaniz
The body opening, the mouth, which a
person takes in food
Anatomaticlly and functionally, the
esophagus is the least complex section of
the digestive tube.
The enlarged saclike portion, the stomach,
is one of the principal organs of the
digestion system.
Small intestine
The small intestine is the part of the
gastrointestinal tract following the stomach
Large intestine
The large intestine breaks down food that
can’t be digested in the small intestine
A large reddish brown organ located in the
upper right of the stomach
A tube like shape attached to the large
The pancreas is a organ in the digestive
system and a digestive organ
Gall Bladder
The small sac-shaped organ beneath the
liver, by the liver and before release into
the intestine.
An enzyme is a protein formed by the
body that acts as a catalyst
Bile/ Bile duct
Bile is required for the digestion of food,
carrying bile to and from the gallbladder,
which opens into the intestine.
The viscous, slippery substance that
occurs in the nose
Chemical Digestion
Digestion is the mechanical and chemical
breaking down of food into smaller pieces
The act or process of absorbing or the
condition of being absorbed.
Mechanical Digestion
The breaking of food into digestible
chunks, using the teeth
Salivary Amylase
Amylase is an enzymes Amylase is in
human saliva, where it begins the
chemical process of digestion.
After food passes from the stomach into
the small intestine nutrients in the food are
absorbed through the villi
Gastric Juices
A thin, clear, virtually colorless acid fluid
by the stomach glands and active in
promoting digestion
The first part of the small intestine
immediately beyond the stomach.
The pulpy acidic fluid that passes from
the stomach to the small intestine,and
partly digested food
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