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Digestive System
4th Hour
Team Becca
Include the following on your slide:
Name of organ
Description of structure
Function of organ
Identify if there is mechanical &/or chemical digestion
Picture of the organ
Identify any secretions produced
Function of secretions
Use only 1 slide. Make sure it is neat & easy to read.
- Function: first stage of breaking down food
- Teeth are used for mechanical breakdown
- Secretion of Saliva has the enzyme amylase which is key for chemical
- The mouth is lined with teeth and has a tongue which are important
components for both mechanical and chemical decomposition
The Pharynx is approximately 12.5 cm long and is divided into three parts
Has a Respiratory function and a Digestive function
The Pharynx filters, warms, and moistens air and conducts it to the lungs
Its muscular walls function in the process of swallowing and it serves as a
pathway for the movement of food from the mouth to the esophagus
Structure: The Esophagus Is a muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the
Function: The esophagus seems to have only one important function in the body
to carry food, liquids, and saliva from the mouth to the stomach.
The Esophagus secretes mucus to help lubricate the pathway
Structure - lined with epithelium tissue
Function - breaks down and digests food
Type of Digestion - both chemical and mechanical
Secretions Produced - Gastric Juices (HCl, Pepsin)
Functions of Secretion - breaks down proteins & helps digestion
Small Intestine
The small intestine is a muscular tube extending from the pyloric sphincter to
the large intestine.
It is the body's major digestive organ, nearly all food absorption occurs here
Chemical digestion of foods begins in earnest in the small intestine. It is able to
process only a small amount of food at one time.
enzymes that are produced by the pancreas and then ducted into the
duodenum through the pancreatic ducts, where they complete the chemical
breakdown of foods in the small intestine.
Large Intestine
Structure: 1.5 m long and made up of the colon and the rectum extending from
the ileocecal valve to the Anya
Function: Dries out the digestible food residue by absorbing water and
eliminates these residues from the body as feces
Digestion: Unlike the small intestine, the large intestine produces no digestive
enzymes. Chemical digestion is completed in the small intestine before the
chyme reaches the large intestine
Secretions: Bicarbonate ions and mucus
Secretion Functions: Mucus lubricates and holds together forming stool,
protects the intestinal mucosa, and prevents overgrowth of fecal bacteria
Salivary Gland
Structure: these glands can be found
throughout the mouth
Function of organ: secrete saliva for digestion
Chemical: the salivary gland in primarily
chemical because the enzymes in saliva,
amylase, are used to change the chemical
composition of the food into glucose.
Secretion: Saliva
Function of secretion: Breakdown the food
chemically, the mouth breaks it down
Description of structure
a. Glandular tissue makes up most of the
pancreas (loose, lumpy)
b. Green/yellow color due to bial
a. Produces important enzymes and hormones
(like insulin) that help break down food
b. Releases juices into the bloodstream
c. Regulates body glucose and sugar level
mechanical &/or chemical digestion occurring
Secretions produced???
Function of secretions???
The liver is the largest gland in the body
It has four lobes
It has metabolic and regulatory roles
Digestive function is to produce bile
Bile: yellow-green, watery solution containing salts, pigments, cholesterol,
phospholipids, and electrolytes
Structure: A thin green sac that snuggles
on the inferior surface of the liver
Function: stores bile that is created by the
liver and drain waste products from the
Chemical: The bile that is created causes
chemical digestion because it breaks
down food
Function of secretion: Nothing is secreted
by the gallbladder, but bile helps with