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Name: ____________________________
WHist—Unit 2 Exam 1
1. Loyalty, bravery and discipline are values that would have been most highly prized by citizens of which citystate?
A. Athens
B. Corinth
C. Macedonia
D. Sparta
2. Spartan society revolved around training for war because
A. warfare was their favorite activity.
B. Spartans feared helot rebellions.
C. Spartans wanted to dominate the entire Mediterranean world.
D. Spartans believed they could not achieve immortality without proving their bravery in battle.
3. Which of the following gods or goddesses was the deity of wisdom?
A. Athena
B. Apollo
C. Hera
D. Ares
4. Which of the following is the correct sequence of influential men in the development of democracy in Athens,
from first to last?
A. Draco, Solon, Peisistratus, Cleisthenes
B. Cleisthenes, Pericles, Draco, Solon
C. Solon, Peisistratus, Cleisthenes, Alexander
D. Solon, Draco, Cleisthenes, Peisistratus
5. Why did the Persian emperor Darius attack the Greek mainland?
A. to gain control of Greece’s vast natural resources
B. to exact revenge for the Athenians’ victory at Marathon
C. to kidnap Helen, the beautiful queen of Athens
D. to punish Athens for aiding the Ionians in their revolt against Persian rule
6. Macedonia was able to take control of all of Greece in the 340s BC because
A. the Persian Empire had soundly defeated Athens and Sparta.
B. a terrible plague had weakened Athens and Sparta.
C. a long cycle of warfare left all of Greece vulnerable to attack.
D. Xerxes was a brilliant commander of the Macedonian army.
7. Some of the earliest examples of Greek epic poetry were
A. written by Aristophanes.
B. the Iliad and the Odyssey.
C. written by women.
D. written for the festival of Dionysus.
8. Much of Minoan civilization remains unknown to historians because
A. the Minoans left no images or art.
B. they cannot read Minoan writing.
C. most Minoan cities were burned and destroyed in war.
D. the Minoan culture was absorbed by invaders.
9. The Mycenaeans were
A. destroyed in a volcanic eruption.
C. the first speakers of Linear A.
B. in the city of Knossos.
D. the first Greeks.
10. Mycenaean society was dominated by
A. sailing, fishing, and trade.
C. competition, war, and powerful kings.
B. gods, goddesses, and myths.
D. temples, literature, and the marketplace.
11. By the 800s BC, the basic political unit in Greece was the
A. army.
B. polis.
C. acropolis.
D. archon.
12. Sparta’s emphasis on war was the result of their desire to
A. keep order in society.
B. conquer neighboring towns.
C. please the Olympian gods.
D. increase their mental toughness.
13. The twelve Olympian gods were the
A. only Greek gods.
C. first judges of the Olympics.
14. The world’s first democracy developed in
A. Athens.
B. Ionia.
C. Persia.
B. most influential of the Greek gods.
D. direct descendants of Hercules.
D. Sparta.
15. The Athenian democracy consisted of three main bodies: the assembly, the Council of 500, and
A. a tyrant.
B. a general.
C. an alliance of city-states.
D. a complex series of courts.
16. Which of the following was a cause of the Persian Wars?
A. Athens wanted control of Sparta.
B. Sparta wanted Persian wealth.
C. The Greeks of Ionia wanted independence.
D. Sparta felt threatened by Athens’ power.
17. Pericles commissioned the building of
A. the Parthenon.
B. Thermopylae.
C. the bridge to Marathon.
18. The Peloponnesian War resulted in the
A. Spartan-Athenian alliance.
C. a strong and lasting peace.
D. the Library of Alexandria.
B. loss of the Spartan fleet.
D. near destruction of Athens.
19. The golden age of Greek philosophy was inspired by Socrates, Plato, and
A. Xerxes.
B. Pericles.
C. Darius.
D. Aristotle.
20. The Socratic Method emphasizes
A. learning through questions.
C. hubris.
B. study of the natural world.
D. philosophers as rulers.
21. Later Greek writers were inspired by
A. Argos and Corinth.
C. the Works and the Days.
B. Sophocles and Prometheus.
D. the Iliad and the Odyssey.
22. The Greeks were one of the first people to write about & analyze their own past in a field of study known as
A. anatomy.
B. medicine.
C. history.
D. architecture.
23. Why did the Macedonians face so little opposition when Philip set out to conquer Greece?
A. Most Greeks supported a change.
B. Few city-states realized the danger.
C. They used fast-moving ships.
D. Philip promised Greece prosperity.
24. Through a series of conquests, Alexander built
A. an all-volunteer army.
C. a road from Macedonia to India.
B. the largest empire the world had ever seen.
D. an empire that would last more than a century.
25. In the Hellenistic world, which of the following replaced city-states as the main political unit?
A. senates
B. Pharaohs
C. assemblies
D. kingdoms
26. A key factor in the growth of Rome as a powerful civilization was
A. mineral resources. B. location and physical features.
C. social equality.
D. political alliances.
27. Etruscan rule in Rome was replaced in 509 BC by a
A. republic.
B. democracy.
C. monarchy.
28. The plebeians first won rights in Rome by
A. declaring a civil war.
C. refusing to fight for Rome.
D. military dictatorship.
B. boycotting Roman markets.
D. joining the patrician society.
29. The significance of the Law of the Twelve Tables was
A. it was the first set of laws in Rome.
B. the laws were written by plebeians.
C. the laws were written and publicly displayed.
D. all of the laws improved plebeian life.
30. The Romans required the people of conquered lands to
A. forfeit their economic system.
B. use Roman farming methods.
C. adopt Roman customs and religion.
D. provide troops to the Roman army.
31. As a result of the Punic Wars
A. Rome became the leading power in the Mediterranean.
C. Carthage became the leading power in the Mediterranean.
B. Rome allied with Greek city-states.
D. Rome did not build a navy.
32. The primary reason for political and social revolutions in the mid-100s BC was
A. pressure from surrounding cities.
B. Roman intolerance of the religions of conquered lands.
C. famine caused by a long drought.
D. growing tension between the social classes.
33. The Gracchi tried to help ex-soldiers
A. by extending the soldier’s terms of service.
C. by appealing to the Senate for job placements.
B. by increasing the soldiers’ monthly wages.
D. by redistributing public land to small farmers.
34. Which group of three became known as the First Triumvirate?
A. Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus
B. Sulla, Marius, and Gracchus
C. Augustus, Constantine, and Nero
D. Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus
35. The Augustan Age in Rome is known for its
A. decades of civil unrest.
B. vast building program.
C. brutal conquests of neighbors.
D. mandatory educational standards.
36. Which is a characteristic of the Pax Romana?
A. law and order
B. stable government
C. widespread trade
D. all of the above
Free Response Questions
1. Describe the one similarity and one differences between the forms of government of the United States and each of
the following
a. Ancient Athens
b. Ancient Rome
2. Describe the lasting effects of two of the following wars:
a. Persian Wars
b. Peloponnesian War
c. Punic Wars